chapter thirtyone ♡

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   Once after Luo Mei and Yang Lian have joined Tong Yao and Chen JinYang, Luo Mei looks at her phone and sees that there's a message from Lu Yue that was sent after Yang Lian hung up on. She reads it and it says, "How dare you hang up on me?! You're so going go get it when you get back and not just for changing out of the outfit I picked out for you. For this."
   And one was sent just now that says, "How dare you not respond?! Luo Mei, answer me!" She shows them to Yang Lian and she reads them over as well. Yang Lian tells Luo Mei to go with it because she knows that Luo Mei loves to tease him and this is a good opportunity to do just that. So they mess with him and Luo Mei goes to message him back.
Luo Mei- What? I don't know what you're talking about. I didn't hang up on you. That must of been someone else. Not me.
She let's Yang Lian see the conversation they have.
Lu Yue- 什么? How dare you? Take that back right now! (What? <chinese translation to english)
Luo Mei- No.
Lu Yue- Take it back or you're going to get it.
Luo Mei- Oooh, I'm so scared. I dare you to get me.
Lu Yue- I take that dare. I'm so going to get you!
Luo Mei- Um... I don't know if you can. My Yue Yue can. Not you.
Lu Yue- Hey! You're talking to him. That's me.
Luo Mei- Are you sure? And anyways how can he get me if he's not with me?
Lu Yue- You know I will when you get back.
Luo Mei- No. I would like to see you try.
   After Lu Yue messages her, "I will get you and you'll see." She isn't able to message him back because Chen JinYang starts to talk to her.
Chen JinYang- Luo Mei?
Luo Mei- (she looks up at her) Huh? Yes.
Chen JinYang- Tong Yao told me about you an Lu Yue.
Luo Mei- Oh. He just wants to be friends.
Chen JinYang- Yeah. I got that. You don't want that, do you?
Luo Mei- Please, can we not talk about this. It feels embarrassing.
Tong Yao- You didn't seem embarrassed before. Something's wrong?
Luo Mei- No. I just think we should talk about something else.
Tong Yao- Okay.
   They talk about something else and when it's about almost one o'clock they part ways. Luo Mei and Tong Yao take a cab back to the base.   They go inside when they get there. Tong Yao has already changed out of her shoes and walked off.
   Lu Yue walks up to Luo Mei to her help take off her boots while she stands with her crutches. He gets aggressive when he takes off her shoes.
Luo Mei- Lu Yue, what are you doing?
Lu Yue- Taking off your boots.
Luo Mei- No. You're being aggressive. If it's about hanging up on you? It really wasn't me.
Lu Yue- Are you sure? (he just slipped her slippers on)
Luo Mei- Yes. You know I wouldn't lie to you. And don't you know I was teasing you? Yang Lian knows how much I love teasing you so she thought it was a good opportunity to. You're not mad at me, are you? Lu Yue?
She drops her crutches and goes to fall on him.
Lu Yue- Why did you do that?
Luo Mei- I didn't do anything. You pulled me down.
Lu Yue- Oh, really? You want to go there?
Luo Mei- Huh? Go where? (she tries not to laugh)
Lu Yue- You know Tong Yao could of saw us.
Luo Mei- She didn't, did she?
God Ming- (he's there now) I see you two.
They both look up at him.
God Ming- You're lucky it's just me. Given the story you both been telling everyone.
   Luo Mei tries to get up. Lu Yue gets up after and he instantly wraps his left arm around her legs, his other arm around her waist, and lifts her up.
Luo Mei- (she wraps her arms around his neck & whispers in his ear) Is handsome going to get me? I fell on him. He has to now.
Lu Yue- I'm going to take her up to her room.
God Ming- Okay.
   Lu Yue walks off and carries Luo Mei up to her room. He sits her down on her bed and walks out. Luo Mei messages him after he does and it makes him stop.
Luo Mei- LU YUE?! Where are you going?! Don't you dare leave! Get back here now!
He reads it and walks back to her room. He knees down to her.
Luo Mei- Why did you leave? Do you want me to think you're pulling away?
Lu Yue- I'm right here. I'm not pulling away.
Luo Mei- We can be alone right now. Do you not want that?
Lu Yue- I do.
Luo Mei- Since you brought me in here. There's no reason for you to leave.
Lu Yue- But do you want me to be in here while you change?
Luo Mei- (she pats on the bed next to her) Sit here but look away.
Lu Yue- 好的. (Okay. <chinese translation to english)
   He gets up, sits down next to her, and looks away from her. Once she got her blouse and skirt off, she gets the urge to say his name because she doesn't like that he's being quiet.
Luo Mei- Lu Yue.
Lu Yue- (looks to her & doesn't take his eyes off hers) Something wrong?
Luo Mei- (she reaches out her hand to touch his cheek & moves his head away from looking at her) Why are you being so quiet?
Lu Yue- I was waiting for you.
Luo Mei- You don't have to be quiet when you do. I prefer it when you're talking.
Lu Yue- I missed you.
   She's now back in the outfit he picked out for her. She's laying on the bed, buttoning and zipping the zipper on her pink jean skirt. He turns to look at her when she says something back to him.
Luo Mei- I missed you more.
Lu Yue- I love the way you love and treat me.
Luo Mei- Please, do that. You've been quiet too much.
Lu Yue- I love that.
Luo Mei- (she sits up & pulls her shirt out a little) You love what?
Lu Yue- That you like it better when I'm talking. Is that why before, you woke me up because you were awake.
Luo Mei- Yes. If I'm not sleeping you can't be.
Lu Yue- Don't I look cute when I'm sleeping?
She stands up and it makes him stand up. He gets really close to her.
Lu Yue- Do I?
Luo Mei- I don't know. I've never seen when you're sleeping.
Lu Yue- (he moves them closer to the bed) Yes, you have.
Luo Mei- Nah. I've seen my Yue Yue sleep and he looks so adorable when he does.
Lu Yue- That's me. I'm your Yue Yue.
Luo Mei- If so. I would like to see of you can get me.
   He pushes her, they fall on the bed, and he pins her down. They gaze into each other's eyes, and he slides his hands in hers.
Lu Yue- You're being so cute.
Luo Mei- Because of the cutie on me---
   He goes straight to kiss her on the lips before she can say anything else. After he showers her with lots of kisses, he pulls away.
Luo Mei- (she smiles) That was handsome.
Lu Yue- I should of done this before.
Luo Mei- What?
Lu Yue- (they look at each other) Since you still refuse to use your crutches and everyone's help. I don't want you walking on your leg anymore. That means I can't push you up against the wall anymore. It's not good for your leg.
Luo Mei- What?! No! I don't want you to stop doing that.
Lu Yue- And I'll carry you everywhere since you refuse to use them, and call me if you need me to carry you anywhere.
Luo Mei- No! Are you listening to me?! I don't want that.
Lu Yue- I heard you. Just listen to me?
Luo Mei- If this means you're afraid to put pressure on my leg then why are you still on me?
Lu Yue- Does it feel like I'm putting pressure on you?
Luo Mei- I felt it when you first fell on me but not anymore.
Lu Yue- I'm not afraid. I'm not moving. And besides I'm comfortable.
He let's go of her hands and she puts them on his cheeks.
Luo Mei- I couldn't take it if you stopped this.
Lu Yue- I won't. I love how you tell me things when I'm on you.
Luo Mei- I love it too. Baby boy.
Lu Yue- What more could you possibly want now?
Luo Mei- I want to call my brother.
Lu Yue- Okay.
Luo Mei- But I don't want you to be on me when I do. You'll tempt me too much.
Lu Yue- Okay.
Luo Mei- One more thing. Don't move yet.
Lu Yue- What is it?
Luo Mei- I want to know. Has your brother found anything?
Lu Yue- I don't know. Probably not. He hasn't come to me about it.
Luo Mei- Oh. Okay.
Lu Yue- Yeah. You know I'll tell you if he does.
Luo Mei- I know you're be safe if God Ming is there.
   She lightly pushes him off her, and sits up. Lu Yue sits next to her. She reaches for her bag to take out her phone.
Lu Yue- I love that.
Luo Mei- (she looks at him & he's really close to her) What does handsome love?
Lu Yue- The way you always want to protect me.
Luo Mei- I'll never stop.
Lu Yue- Even though my brother probably wouldn't of hit me. You had to protect me. I loved it so much.
Luo Mei- He's never seen me do that. I shocked him.
Lu Yue- I know it terrifies you when someone hurts me. You've always been like that. It's one of the reason I fell in love with you.
Luo Mei- (looks into his eyes) You're tempting me. But I don't want you to leave.
Lu Yue- I'm still here. I'm not going anywhere.
Luo Mei- I'm going to call my brother now.
Lu Yue- Okay. I'll be here.
   Luo Mei goes to dial her brother's number. It rings for a little while and then he answers. She puts it on speaker so Lu Yue can listen in.
Luo Mei- Hello, brother. I miss you.
Luo Shen- I miss you too, little sister.
Luo Mei- How's my niece and nephew, and Luo Liena?
Luo Shen- They're doing good. How's my little sister doing?
Luo Mei- I want to come home. I want Lu Yue back.
Luo Shen- Luo Mei, I can't do much about that.
Luo Mei- I never wanted to marry Yanis Lebeau.
   Her brother knows that she never showed up on her wedding day to marry Yanis Lebeau. Their father told him to go and tell him everything because he wasn't able to but Luo Shen never told their father Luo Mei didn't go through with marrying Yanis Lebeau.
   Luo Shen honestly doesn't want his sister to marry someone she doesn't love or barely even knows. So he was happy she didn't go through with it. He secretly wants her to marry Lu Yue because for one she loves him and he makes her happy. Luo Mei didn't know he was going to be there so that is why she said this, and he just goes along with it.
Luo Shen- You know I can't do anything to change that.
Luo Mei- Brother, I wanted to marry Lu Yue.
God Ming just walked in.
Luo Shen- Luo Mei, you know you two couldn't marry.
Luo Mei- Why not!
God Ming- (talks to Lu Yue) Is she talking to her brother?
Lu Yue- (gets up & walks to him) Yeah. She wanted to talk to him.
Luo Shen- You know you two are forbidden to be together.
God Ming- I didn't know that.
Lu Yue- Yeah. It's true.
Luo Mei- I don't care! I still want him.
   She reaches her hand out towards Lu Yue. He doesn't see it so God Ming tells him to turn around. Lu Yue goes to take her hand and sits down next to her.
Luo Shen- Wait.
Luo Mei- What's wrong?
Luo Shen- I heard someone else talking.
Luo Mei- Oh, my roommate and her friends just walked in.
Luo Shen- No. I heard someone speaking Mandarin. That wasn't French or English. I don't know if it was a guy or a girl but I definitely heard someone speaking in Mandarin.
Luo Mei- That was just Yang Lian, Xue Lina, and Niu Chen. They came to visit.
Luo Shen- That better have been them. You better not be back.
Luo Mei- And if I was?
Luo Shen- You know you can't. You need to stay in France.
Luo Mei- Why do you always have to be on Father's side? Be on mine for once. I take it back. I don't miss you. (she holds on tight to Lu Yue's hand) I miss Lu Yue more. I guess you don't care about my feelings or want me to come back. Fine, then. I won't miss you again. I'm hanging up.
   She hangs up on him, throws her phone on the bed, and starts to cry. She goes to put her legs on Lu Yue, and he gently pulls her on his lap. She wraps her arms around his neck, sets her head on him, and he wraps his arms around her.
Lu Yue- Baby, I'm sure he'll come around.
Luo Mei- Lu Yue, what if he doesn't. I do miss him and want him at our wedding.
Lu Yue- I know.
God Ming- If he doesn't, I could walk you down the aisle.
Luo Mei- No. It has to be my brother. He has to at least accept Lu Yue. Accept Lu Yue and I.
God Ming- I understand that.
Luo Mei- If he doesn't. I'll just walk to Lu Yue by myself. Nothing will stop me from marrying handsome.
Lu Yue- (he says low to her) You're being cute.
Luo Mei- (she lifts her head & looks at Lu Yue) Besides God Ming can't walk me down the aisle. There's two reasons. Lu Yue, have you asked him?
Lu Yue- Baby, you know we're not engaged yet.
God Ming- Ask me what?
Luo Mei- I know.
Lu Yue- I'll ask him when we are.
God Ming- Okay. What ever it is ask me then.
Luo Mei- (looks to God Ming) God Ming, why did you come in here?
God Ming- I wanted to check on you both. Sorry, about almost exposing you to your brother.
Luo Mei- No. Its okay. You didn't do anything wrong.
God Ming- (talks to Lu Yue) Why is she like this?
Lu Yue- (looks at Luo Mei & she's smiling at him) It's one of the things I love about her.
Luo Mei- (she strokes his hair to (his) right side) I love you.
Lu Yue- I love you more. (he kisses her on the side of the forehead. it makes her smile & close her eyes)
God Ming- Okay. I'll leave you two now.
When he said that Luo Mei stood up.
Lu Yue- Okay. (he stands up) Luo Mei, what are you doing?
God Ming soon leaves.
Lu Yue- (he goes close to her) I don't want you standing on your leg.
She grabs onto his shirt, pulls him to her, and they fall on the bed.
Lu Yue- Why do you do that? If you want me on top of you just ask me and I will.
Luo Mei- I like doing this.
Lu Yue- I'll never stop you for going for what you want.
Luo Mei- I want us to reminisce about when I first told you I love you.
Lu Yue- Okay. That was also when you kissed me back for the first time.
Luo Mei- I couldn't help it. You were playing with Chocolate Chip and it made you so irresistible.
Lu Yue- It was also my first time spending the night.
Luo Mei- Yes

𝐈 𝐍𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫 𝐒𝐭𝐨𝐩𝐩𝐞𝐝 𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐘𝐨𝐮 ♡Where stories live. Discover now