chapter thirtythree ♡

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Hours later, Luo Mei is now up in her room. Lu Yue brought her up there. It's nearly time for everyone to head off to bed so Luo Mei messages Lu Yue.
Luo Mei- Handsome, come to me.
Lu Yue- Okay. I'll be there. I just need to go to my room first.
Luo Mei- Okay. I'm waiting.
Soon after Lu Yue comes in her room. He closes the door behind him.
Luo Mei- Handsome. Are you going to pick out my pajamas?
Lu Yue- Yeah.
He goes to pick out of pear of pajamas, and he goes to set them on the bed next to her. He goes to her, and undones her skirt. Then he starts to lift her shirt to take it off her but he stops when he hears God Ming.
God Ming- Oh, I didn't know you two were... I'm so sorry. I'll walk out.
Luo Mei- (looks at Lu Yue) Don't you dare make him think---
Lu Yue- I'll go tell him now. (he tries to walk off but she stops him)
Luo Mei- No. Finish taking off my outfit and then go tell him.
Lu Yue- Okay.
He finishes taking off her outfit. While he does that he's hands touch her skin. That's why she wanted him to take off her outfit. Then she tells him to go talk to God Ming so Lu Yue walks out to find him.
God Ming- I'm so sorry about that.
Lu Yue- No. It's okay. I was changing her into her pajamas. We weren't going to do what maybe you thought.
God Ming- Oh, okay.
Lu Yue- Did you come to talk to me? Or us both?
God Ming- You. I just wanted to let you know that the ring is safe. I took care of it.
Lu Yue- Okay. Thank you.
Meanwhile, in Luo Mei's room. She already has on the pajamas Lu Yue picked out for her.
these are the pajamas Lu Yue picked out for Luo Mei:

 -these are the pajamas Lu Yue picked out for Luo Mei:

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Luo Mei- (she talkes to Chocolate Chip while petting him) Your pa is so cute. He picked out my princess pajamas. He better not take long.
She tries to get up and walks to the door.
Luo Mei- Gorgeous?
Lu Yue- (he turns to look at her) Luo Mei, what are you doing? (he walks towards her) I told you I don't want you walking on your leg.
Luo Mei- (she looks up at him) Handsome's being mean.
Lu Yue- No, I'm not. Why won't you listen to me?
Luo Mei- (she starts to walk back in the room) You'll have to get me to stop me from walking on my leg.
God Ming- Good night. I'm leaving. (he walks off)
Lu Yue- You're so going to get it. (he walks closer to her & she walks back)
Luo Mei- Ooooh. I would like to see you try to get me.
Lu Yue- I will.
He walks more to her and she walks back.
Luo Mei- Lu Yue, by doing this I'm walking on my leg.
After she says that he wraps his right arm around her legs, wraps his other arm around her waist, and lifts her up.
Luo Mei- Lu Yue?! Why can't you do what I want? I take the lead. You have to listen to me. (she wraps her arms around his neck)
Lu Yue- But you have a broken leg.
He sits her down on the bed. She says low but he can hear her.
Luo Mei- You're not even being cute right now. Being mean isn't cute on you.
He's now on top of her, looking down at her.
Lu Yue- Say that again.
Luo Mei- I didn't say anything. You must have been hearing things.
Lu Yue- Luo Mei?! Yes, you did.
Luo Mei- Don't Luo Mei me. I really didn't. But if you're talking about what I said before you got on top of me---
Lu Yue- Yes, I am. Say it again.
Luo Mei- Oh, that. You're not even being cute right now. Being mean isn't cute on you.
Lu Yue- Take it back.
Luo Mei- No. I want handsome. I don't know where he is. Where's hot lips?
Lu Yue- I'm right here. I'll show you hot lips.
He lowers himself down more on her and their lips touch. She holds his face while he kisses her. He puts his forehead to hers after he's showered her with lots of kisses.
Luo Mei- (she smiles & touches her lips) Handsome put his hot lips on mine.
Lu Yue- Why must you be so cute?
Luo Mei- It's your fault.
She pushes him off her, sets up, puts her right leg up, holds onto it, and looks at him. He goes up to her.
Lu Yue- 怎么了? (What's wrong? <chinese translation to english)
Luo Mei- Does handsome still want to be held? I really wanted to hold handsome.
Lu Yue- I'm here. We're alone. You can hold me now.
Luo Mei- Yay.
Lu Yue- You're being so cute.
Luo Mei- It's your fault. You bring the cuteness out of me.
Lu Yue- Please, hold me already.
He goes close to her, and she holds him tight in her arms.
They end up teasing each other all night and fall asleep in each other's arms. But the next day Lu Yue gives less of his attention to Luo Mei, and kisses her less, because of this Luo Mei starts to worry about him, and it makes her feel he really is pulling away.
So that night Luo Mei tries to get out of the bed with Lu Yue still sleeping. She tries to make it downstairs because she wants to talk to God Ming about Lu Yue. She tries to walk to find him but he catches her before she falls and she holds onto his arms.
God Ming- Luo Mei, what are you doing up?
Luo Mei- I can't sleep.
God Ming- What's wrong?
Luo Mei- I'm worried about Lu Yue. He... He hasn't really been keeping his distance from me because he's around me but he's been giving me less attention. He would always try to give me his full attention. He... He even kisses me less.
God Ming- Where is he?
Luo Mei- He's sleeping in my bed. But it feels like a ghost is sleeping in my bed. God Ming, I don't know what to do.
God Ming- Lu Yue told me you go for what you want. ---
Luo Mei- Yes. But, God Ming, it gets hard to when it comes to him. When I wanted him for the first time I tried to hold it off.
God Ming- Don't think like that. Try to do something to get his attention. You can do it. I know it.
Luo Mei- He said he didn't want me to make it seem hard.
God Ming- Don't. Just go for it. I believe you can.
Luo Mei- I am the one who pursued him.
God Ming- Well, if you did that. You can definitely get his attention. He loves you. I know he does. Don't let him pull away.
Luo Mei- That's what I feel like he's doing. He says he's not and I know he's not lying to me but it just feels like he is. I mean, today. He was there with me but at the same time it felt like he wasn't.
God Ming- Then do what ever it takes to make sure he doesn't pull away.
Luo Mei- I needed to talk to someone.
God Ming- You thought of me to go to?
Luo Mei- Yes. I mean, I have Yang Lian and she knows about us but you know Lu Yue better then Yang Lian does. You've been around him more then she has. But I do know I know him better than anyone.
God Ming- Well, I'm always here. You make sure he doesn't pull away. I want you both to be okay.
Luo Mei- You've grown to like us together.
God Ming- Yes. I have been calling you YueMei, have I not?
Luo Mei- You made that up for us. (tears start to fall down her cheeks)
God Ming- I did. Hey, what are those tears for? You said he's sleeping in your bed. Go to him.
Luo Mei- (she goes to hug him) Thank you so much. I don't what I would do without you.
God Ming- (he hugs her back) I'll always be there for you and Lu Yue. Do you want me to carry you back upstairs?
Luo Mei- (she pulls away still holding onto his arms) No, no. I can do it.
God Ming- Okay.
Luo Mei- But I'll get his attention in the morning. I want to let him sleep. (she says low) Even though I prefer it when he's awake.
God Ming- Okay. Are you sure you can make it back upstairs?
Luo Mei- Yes. I can do it.
She tries to go back upstairs. She makes it to her room and gets back into bed. Lu Yue is still sound asleep on the right side of her bed, he's sleeping on his left side. She puts Chocolate Chip in her arms and lays close to Lu Yue.
Luo Mei- (she talks to him) Lu Yue, I miss you so much.
Then she curls up on him and falls asleep with the cat in her arms. In the morning Luo Mei wakes up and Lu Yue is gone. It's just Chocolate Chip laying on her bed next to her. She tries to get out her bed.
Luo Mei- (she's holding onto her vanity & she talkes to herself) Fine. If he's pulling away I'll just pull him back.
She tries to walk out her room. She sees Lu Yue downstairs playing a game at Tong Yao's computer. She slips to Lu Yue's room before she goes downstairs because she wants to get something in there to get his attention.
She walks in his room. She goes to his closet to hurry up and look for one of his shirts to wear. She tries to do it fast because it's hard for her to stand up too long. She goes to sit on his bed to take off her pajamas. She slips on his shirt and stands up to pull it down. She ends up falling on the bed after.
this is the shirt Luo Mei picked to wear of Lu Yue's:

 -this is the shirt Luo Mei picked to wear of Lu Yue's:

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i couldn't get a better picture of it so i used this. -
She gets up and tries to make it to the door. She walks out and hurries up to the railing. She watches Lu Yue for a bit because she needs to rest. She knows it's not good to walk on her leg. She then starts to walk down the stairs holding onto the railing. She makes it down but stops at the bottom step.
She sees that Lu Yue just finished his game. She watches him take off the headphones and puts them down. She doesn't say anything because she wants him to see her. He then turns the chair around and he has his leg up. He puts it down when he sees her.
Lu Yue- Luo Mei?! (he gets up & walks to her) What are you doing?
He walks up close to her.
Lu Yue- Why did you walk down here? You were supposed to call me.
Luo Mei- Why?
Lu Yue- Because you know. I don't want you walking on your leg.
Luo Mei- I take the lead. I'm not listening to you. Hmm.
Lu Yue- Why not?!
He notices what she's wearing. She has a smirk on her face when he looks up and down at her. He goes to grab onto it with his right hand while his hand rubs up against her leg and she's loving it.
Lu Yue- And what's this?! Did you go in my room and steal one of my shirts?
Luo Mei- No. This is mine.
Lu Yue- No. This is my shirt.
Luo Mei- How would you know?
Lu Yue- I do know. I've seen all your clothes. And this was not in there.
Luo Mei- Well, do you want me to take it off?
She tries to take it off but he stops her.
Lu Yue- Uh, don't you dare. I'm taking you back upstairs.
Luo Mei- No.
Lu Yue- Why won't you listen to me?
Luo Mei- Why won't you listen to 𝘮𝘦? Why can't you go for what you want?
Lu Yue- Luo Mei, I can't. It's not good on your leg.
Luo Mei- Oh, just bite me. Don't you dare make me think you don't want me?
Lu Yue- I do.
Luo Mei- Then why won't you do it?! I'm making you lose control. I can tell.
Lu Yue- Ughhhhhhhh.
He goes to wrap his right arm around her legs, wraps his other arm around her waist, and lifts her up. He carries her where no can see them. He gently let's her down, pushes her up against the wall, and kisses her on the lips.

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