chapter thirtyseven ♡

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   Once God Ming has left and closed the door behind when he walked out, Lu Yue looks back to Luo Mei.
Luo Mei- Please, want something.
Lu Yue- Baby girl.
Luo Mei- What does handsome want?
   He goes in her face and starts to kiss her on the lips. She holds his face to kiss him back and they fall on the bed. He puts away and puts his forehead to hers.
Luo Mei- I want you like this all the time.
Lu Yue- There's nothing you can do to get me to stop me from being like this.
Luo Mei- I surely have been in heaven since I got your attention.
Lu Yue- Good. I think I may have fallen more. (he looks back at her) You've been more irresistible and adorable since we first started dating. And I don't know if it's possible but you got more beautiful since you have been gone.
Luo Mei- (she strokes his left side-burn) You got more beautiful too.
Lu Yue- Ughh. I know.
Luo Mei- Cutie, can you say it?
Lu Yue- I love you.
Luo Mei- I love you more.
Lu Yue- No. I do.
Luo Mei- I may have fallen for you more too.
Lu Yue- I remember when it wasn't hard for us to go for what we wanted when it came to each other.
Luo Mei- It took almost a year because it was nearly the end of the year when I pursued you.
Lu Yue- You did do that.
Luo Mei- At the rate we're going right now it might not take that long.
Lu Yue- I don't want it to take that long.
Luo Mei- Then, we're do what we pinky promised and it won't. Lu Yue?
Lu Yue- What's wrong?
Luo Mei- I still feel hot in your shirt.
Lu Yue- Luo Mei?!
   She tries to take off the shirt she's wearing of his but he stops her, and his hand rubs up against her skin.
Lu Yue- Don't you dare?! I told you, I want it on you.
Luo Mei- I so dare.
Lu Yue- Luo Mei?!
Luo Mei- Luo Mei me all you want. I dare so much and I won't stop. I don't care if I'm exposed in front of you.
Lu Yue- Ughhhhhhh. Why must you do this?
Luo Mei- Because, I told you.
Lu Yue- You made me lose it. (he left his hand where is it) I should bite you.
Luo Mei- Do it. I want you to. When you do it, it feels like a love bite.
Lu Yue- Ahh, I've so missed this.
Luo Mei- It's what you get if you give me your full attention and affection. I'll give mine back to you.
Lu Yue- Then, I'm never going back.
Luo Mei- (she holds his face) That's my Yue Yue.
Lu Yue- I love you so much.
Luo Mei- I love you, handsome.
   He goes straight to kiss her after she says that. While he's kissing her, he can feel her touch where he left his hand, and feels her hold onto it so it will rub up against her skin when she pulls up the shirt she's wearing more up. He bites her when she does and stops her. He pulls away and looks at her.
Luo Mei- What? Lu Yue?!
Lu Yue- What's wrong?
Luo Mei- You didn't kiss me more after you--- (he goes straight to kiss her) Hmm.
He gives her a few kisses, then pulls away, and looks at her.
Luo Mei- You're not mad at me?
Lu Yue- What? No. Why would I be mad at you?
Luo Mei- You got aggressive when stopped me from---
Lu Yue- No, I'm not. Was I supposed to be? Baby, you didn't do anything to make me mad.
Luo Mei- (she goes to run her right hand through his hair & scratches his head) Really?
Lu Yue- (he's loving what he's doing) Uh-huh.
Luo Mei- Hubby, you know I can't stay in your shirt forever.
Lu Yue- You're adorable. I know.
Luo Mei- You're adorable. I'll wear it to bed tonight and you can woo over me in it.
Lu Yue- I will.
Luo Mei- Can handsome help me in the bathroom?
Lu Yue- I don't know. I don't think I want to move.
Luo Mei- Lu Yue, you're supposed to be listening to me. Be a good boy and help me in the bathroom.
Lu Yue- Yes, ma'am.
   Soon they get up and he helps her in the bathroom. She gets fustrated because she can't step on her toes to reach Lu Yue.
Luo Mei- Ughhh.
Lu Yue- (he's eyes are closed & she's holding onto him) Baby, what's wrong?
Luo Mei- Open your eyes. I don't have anything off yet.
He does that and looks at her.
Lu Yue- What's wrong?
Luo Mei- I hate having a broken leg. I can't reach you! (tears start to fall down her cheeks) I can't... even step on my toes... just so I can say something in your ear.
He goes to lean down to her and lifts her up a bit.
Lu Yue- Hey, what are those tears for? It's nothing to get upset over. I'm right here.
Luo Mei- (she holds his face) Handsome.
Lu Yue- That's right. I am handsome.
Luo Mei- My handsome Yue Yue.
Lu Yue- Yes.
   She let's go of his face, holds onto his arms, and buries her head on him because he's making her blush.
Luo Mei- Lu Yue, you're making me blush.
Lu Yue- Good. It's my intention to.
Luo Mei- Ahh, I'm truly in heaven.
Lu Yue- Me too. Now, I could tell you wanted something.
Luo Mei- (she lifts her head & goes to whisper in his ear) Baby boy... I want you to take your shirt off me.
Lu Yue- 什么? (What? <chinese translation to english)
Luo Mei- (she looks back at him) You heard me.
Lu Yue- I did. You'll have to stand.
Luo Mei- It's okay. I know you'll catch me if I fall.
Lu Yue- You are so adorable.
Luo Mei- You are too.
Lu Yue- I know.
   He let's go of her with her still holding onto him. He then goes to take the shirt off her. After that she covers his eyes with her hand.
Lu Yue- What are you doing? I thought you said you don't care if you're exposed in front of me.
Luo Mei- I'm not. But... Ughh, Lu Yue, you know why. Don't be a pervert. Your eyes better be closed when I move my hand.
She moves her hand and she sees his eyes are closed.
Luo Mei- Good boy.
   Then, she finishes getting ready to get in the shower and gets in. After that she stops Lu Yue from walking out. She holds the shower curtain on her.
Luo Mei- Lu Yue?
Lu Yue- What is it?
Luo Mei- Turn around and come here. I want something before you walk out.
He tries to make it to her with his hand over his eyes.
Luo Mei- (she grabs his hand) Aww, you're being so cute.
Lu Yue- I'm cute.
Luo Mei- Yes.
   She let's go of his hand and then grabs onto his shirt. She pulls him to her and kisses him on the lips. Then she pulls away and looks at him. His eyes are still closed.
Lu Yue- Wow, your kisses get better and better.
Luo Mei- Well, I'm not giving you anymore right now. Be a good boy and go out to wait for me.
Lu Yue- Yes, ma'am.
   He walks out to wait for her and she takes her shower. After she's done in the bathroom she tries to make it out. She sees Lu Yue sitting on her bed on his phone. She falls once she tries to sit on the bed.
   She noticed that when she fell on her bottom on the bed it made Lu Yue flich and he kind of grabbed onto her. She grabs onto his hand.
Luo Mei- Lu Yue, I'm okay. Let me get dressed?
Lu Yue- Okay.
   He let's go of her, turns his back to her so she can get dressed, and just looks at his phone. Luo Mei sees that Lu Yue layed out a outfit for her and she goes to start putting it on.
this is the outfit Lu Yue picked out for for Luo Mei:

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