chapter twentythree ♡

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ZGDX won all three rounds of the match. They're all heading out to the bus now. Lu Yue told Luo Mei to wait for him on the bus because he had to use the restroom. So God Ming helped her on the bus.
this is Luo Mei's outfit for the day:

 -this is Luo Mei's outfit for the day:

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Luo Mei sits in Lu Yue's seat and waits for him. She looks up thinking it's Lu Yue but it's Kun. He goes to sit in Tong Yao's seat facing Luo Mei.
Kun- Hi, pretty girl. I'm coming to dinner with you guys.
Luo Mei- Oh.
Soon Lu Yue gets on. He stops close to Lu SiCheng and Xiao Rui seats because he sees Kun. It makes him mad but he gets stop before he can go back there.
Lu Yue- Uhh.
Lu SiCheng- Lu Yue.
Lu Yue- (looks to his brother) Huh?
Lu SiCheng- Are you going to do something about Kun?
Lu Yue- I told him to leave Luo Mei alone but he can't seem to do that.
Lu SiCheng- Be more straight forward with him. Tell him to back off. She's your girl. Keep on telling him it until he gets the hit and if he asks for proof. Give it to him.
Lu Yue- 好的 (Okay. < chinese translation to english)
Lu SiCheng- Go on. Don't let anyone steal your girl from you.
Lu Yue- Like Hao Ling almost did.
Lu SiCheng- Go.
Lu Yue- You liked when we were together.
Lu SiCheng- Don't let anyone steal your girl or I'll get ma to set you up on a blind date.
Lu Yue- I'm going.
He walks to the back. Luo Mei's happy to see him.
Luo Mei- (she's looking up at him) Lu Yue.
Lu Yue- Pang?
Xiao Pang- (his eyes kind of go wide) Huh?
Lu Yue- Switch seats with Luo Mei.
Xiao Pang- 好的 (Okay. <chinese translation to english)
Lu Yue- (looks at Kun) Kun, get up. I'm sitting there. Get up.
Kun- (he gets up) Let me help you sit Luo Mei down.
Lu Yue- No. Pang and I got it. Get out of the way.
Kun gets out of the way. Luo Mei holds on tight to Lu Yue and Xiao Pang and they help her to sit down. Lu Yue sits in Tong Yao's seat. Luo Mei puts her legs on him so she can elevate her broken leg on him.
Kun- Where am I going to sit?
God Ming- Pang, switch seats with me. I'll share Lu Yue's seat with Kun. You can take mine.
Xiao Pang- Okay.
They switch seats. Kun sits on the outside. They also figure out where Tong Yao will sit.
Lu Yue looks at God Ming and mouths "sorry" to him. Then looks to Luo Mei.
Lu Yue- Mei Mei, are you okay?
Luo Mei- Not really. Kun won't leave me alone. You have to see what he messaged me. (she holds her phone out to him & he takes it)
He reads the message and it says, "Pretty girl, I really want you to be my girlfriend. I like you. Will you?"
Lu Yue- This boy won't quit.
He does a voice recording to send to Kun. Luo Mei hears it and Lu Yue says in the voice recording, "Back off! She's my girl!" Kun looks to them and makes a face like that's not true. Kun stops them when they walk in the restaurant.
Kun- There's no way you two are together.
Luo Mei- (looks to Lu Yue) Where's God Ming.
Lu Yue- 怎么了? (What's wrong? <chinese translation to english)
God Ming- I'm right here.
Kun- You and Lu Yue are not together.
Luo Mei- Can you both lifted me up?
She wraps her arms around both of their shoulders.
Lu Yue- (talks to Kun) I told you to back off. Why do you need to know if Luo Mei and I are together?
Kun- Because I want her to be my girlfriend.
Lu Yue- Uhh. (he let's go of Luo Mei & walks off. Kun is really pissing him off)
Luo Mei- Lu Yue.
Kun- Why is Lu Yue being so mean to me?
Luo Mei- (looks to him) Because your pissing him off. He's pursuing me and he hates it when someone tries to step in.
Kun- Well, I want proof. If you give it to me. I'll back off.
Luo Mei- No. Please, back off now. I'm not like Tong Yao. She was nice to you when Brother Cheng was mean to you. I mean I don't want to be mean either but you're pissing Lu Yue off. I've known him my whole life. I don't like when someone pisses him off. And besides I want to be with him. No one else. So technically I am his girl.
God Ming walks her to where everyone is. Kun follows them. When they get there Luo Mei almost falls. God Ming doesn't let Kun catch her so he does.
Luo Mei- Thank you. If you let Kun catch me it would really piss Lu Yue off.
God Ming- And if that happens?
Luo Mei- He would ignore me until he's calmed down. He just came back to me. I don't want that.
God Ming walks her over and helps her sit next to Lu Yue. She puts her legs up on him so she can elevate her broken leg.
Luo Mei- (she reaches out her hand to touch his left pant leg) Lu Yue? Are you okay?
Lu Yue- No.
Luo Mei- He's pissing you off. I know. Would it make you feel better if you knew that I kind of told him off?
Lu Yue- (looks to her) You did that? (he touchs her hand)
Luo Mei- Yes. He's pissing me off too.
Lu Yue- What did you say to him?
Luo Mei- (she goes to whisper everything in his ear) He asked me why you're being so mean to him. And I told him. Because you're pissing him off. He's pursuing me and he hates it when someone tries to step in. He then said well, I want proof. If you give it to me. I'll back off. I told him no. Please, back off now. I'm not like Tong Yao. She was nice to you when Brother Cheng was mean to you. I mean I don't want to be mean either but you're pissing Lu Yue off. I've known him my whole life. I hate it when someone pisses him off. And besides I want to be with him. No one else. So technically I am his girl.
Lu Yue- That's all?
Luo Mei- (she backs away from his ear & looks at him) Yeah.
Lu Yue- You did that for me?
Luo Mei- You know I can stand up for myself.
After they've eaten Luo Mei tries to stand up. She holds onto the table.
Xiao Rui- Luo Mei, something wrong?
Luo Mei- I want to take a cab home. It will be too crowded on the bus.
Xiao Rui- You should take someone with you.
Lu Yue- (he stands up) I'm going with her.
Xiao Rui- Okay.
Luo Mei starts to walk off but Lu Yue goes to wrap his right arm around her legs, his other arm around her waist, and lifts her up.
Luo Mei- (she wraps her hands around the side of his neck) I love when you do this.
Lu Yue- You shouldn't be walking in your leg. I got you.
He carries her out.
Luo Mei- Lu Yue?
Lu Yue- What is it?
Luo Mei- We need to call for a cab.
Lu Yue- Okay.
She gets out her phone, still holding onto him, and calls for a cab. They wait for it and soon everyone comes out to get on the bus.
Luo Mei- Lu Yue, can you put me down while we wait.
Lu Yue- I can't now. It's here.
Luo Mei- (she says low) I want handsome to tease me.
Lu Yue- What was that?
He helps her in the cab and he gets in as well. They head off to the base. Lu Yue goes to kiss Luo Mei but backs away.
Lu Yue- I don't remember what you wanted.
Luo Mei- Ahhh. More. (she grabs onto his shirt tight)
Lu Yue- Are you sure? I don't think I can. You didn't want me to tease you, right?
He goes to kiss her again but backs away. She pushes him.
Luo Mei- Handsome heard me.
Lu Yue- What? I didn't hear you say anything.
Luo Mei- Handsome really did come back to me. Put your hands on me?
Lu Yue- There's no way. Are you mine?
Luo Mei- Hmm. Yes, hot lips.
She grabs onto his shirt, pulls him to her, and kisses him. He puts his hand on her waist.
When they get there the driver has to tell them because they couldn't keep their hands off each other for two seconds.
Luo Mei- Lu Yue?
Lu Yue- Mmm. (he's kissing the back of her ear)
Luo Mei- We're here.
Lu Yue- Huh? (he goes to kiss her lips)
Luo Mei- You can stop kissing me now. We're here.
He goes to kiss under her right eye. He kisses more around her face while she talks.
Luo Mei- Come back to me when everyone's asleep and you can do this. Let's go.
Lu Yue- It's not even phasing you. You usually giggle when I kiss your face. Or? (he winks at her)
Luo Mei- It wasn't cute. Or that wink.
Lu Yue- Oh, you're going to get it.
Luo Mei- Oooh.
He helps her out of the cab.
Luo Mei- I can't wait for what handsome's going to do to me.
They walk in and everyone's looking at them. Lu SiCheng goes up to them.
Lu SiCheng- Did you do what I said?
Luo Mei- Brother, I told Kun off so he may back off.
Lu Yue- You think I wouldn't tell her about what you told me? I've told you we tell each other everything.
Luo Mei- Auntie isn't setting Lu Yue up on a blind date.
Lu SiCheng- What are you saying? You're his blind date?
Luo Mei- I didn't say that. What's the use for him to go on one? Did he do something wrong?
Lu SiCheng- No. I just didn't want him to let anyone to take you away from him.
Luo Mei- Who says someone's going to take me away? (looks to Lu Yue) Lu Yue, can you take me up to my room now?
Lu Yue- 是的我可以 (Yeah, I can. <chinese translation to english)
Luo Mei- Thank you.
Lu Yue- Uh-huh.
He walks her up to her room and helps her on the bed.
Luo Mei- Yue Yue?
Lu Yue- (he turns to look at her) I'll be back when everyone have gone to sleep.
Luo Mei- Not hot lips. (she says under her breath)
Lu Yue- What was that?
Luo Mei- Nothing. I didn't say anything.
Lu Yue- Bad girl. Say what you said again.
Luo Mei- Should I? Oh, yeah. Not hot lips.
Lu Yue- Take it back.
Luo Mei- Umm... Ah-huh.
Lu Yue- You'll regret you ever said that to me.
Luo Mei- Oh, yeah. Handsome come and get me.
He goes to her and they fall down on the bed.
Luo Mei- That's what I wanted.
Lu Yue- 我. Why didn't you just tell me you wanted me. (Me. <chinese translation to english)
Luo Mei- Because I wanted handsome on me like this.
   She pulls him down to her lips and their lips touch. After she kisses him a few times Lu Yue backs away. He sits up and she goes closes to him and grabs onto him.
Lu Yue- I'll come back after everyone has gone to sleep.
Luo Mei- Let me call you to. I want handsome to be rattled up when he comes in.
Lu Yue- You love it when I get rattled up.
Luo Mei- You get aggressive. I love when you do.
He goes to kiss her on the lips. She puts her hands on his cheeks.
Luo Mei- (she tries to pull him away from her lips & he starts to kiss her face. it makes her blush & giggle a little) You weren't afraid if you be put pressure on my leg.
Lu Yue- Did I? (he goes to kiss behind her ear)
Luo Mei- I felt you on me but I didn't feel pressure on my leg. I want to do that to you.
Lu Yue- Huh? (he looks at her) Do what?
Luo Mei- I want to kiss handsome's face.
Lu Yue- You can when I come back.
Luo Mei- Baby boy, I want you now. (she strokes his hair to right side)
Lu Yue- Hey, I'll be coming back. You can have as much as me as you want when I do.
Luo Mei- My Yue Yue. (Lu Yue starts to get up) Wait.
Lu Yue- What's wrong?
Luo Mei- Will handsome help me change?
Lu Yue- I'll get out some pajamas for you. You can do it.
Luo Mei- You know when it comes to you I can't resist your help.
Lu Yue- I know.
Luo Mei- I want to give handsome a reward.
Lu Yue- Later. (gives her some pajamas) I'll be back.
Luo Mei- Okay.
He leaves the room after that.

𝐈 𝐍𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫 𝐒𝐭𝐨𝐩𝐩𝐞𝐝 𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐘𝐨𝐮 ♡Where stories live. Discover now