chapter thirtyeight ♡

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Luo Mei has been waiting for Lu Yue for a little while. Then she feels him behind her, and something soft hold onto her hands.
Lu Yue- (whispers in her ear) You waited for me, didn't you?
Luo Mei- I love when you do this. But you know...
Lu Yue- I do. I brought your boots.
Luo Mei- Really? Where are they? You can't be holding them.
Lu Yue- (they're talking low to each other) I dropped them because I want to do this. (he moves closer to her)
Luo Mei- We should probably part. They'll see us.
Lu Yue- Maybe if you didn't get my attention I would definitely forget how irresistible you've been.
Luo Mei- Don't you dare forget that and—
Lu Yue- (he whispers in her ear) You know God Ming's going to scold you for not watching how you say things.
Luo Mei- Lu Yue?! You want him to scold me?
Lu Yue- No. That's not what I meant.
Luo Mei- I want you. (she said this so he wouldn't think she got mad at him)
Then before he could say anything back, she tries to move his hands away, slips away from him, and tries to make it down the stairs.
When she's almost at the bottom of the stairs God Ming walks up to her, and she holds onto the railing of the stairs. Everyone is else where.
God Ming- Luo Mei.
The way he says her name it makes her cheeks go kind of red.
Luo Mei- What is it? (she can feel Lu Yue behind her)
God Ming- You didn't--- (he notices something on her right arm) Luo Mei?
Luo Mei- Yes.
God Ming- What's that on your arm?
Luo Mei- (she sees what arm he's looking at) Huh? I don't have anything on my arm.
God Ming- (he doesn't mean to but he gets kind of aggressive when he grabs Luo Mei's arm to look at it) Then, what's this?
Lu Yue- God Ming be careful with Luo Mei. I saw that.
God Ming- Sorry. I didn't mean to get aggressive. (he sees there's a bite mark on Luo Mei's arm) YueMei... what... what have you two been doing up there? Biting each other?
Luo Mei- (she backs away & it makes God Ming let go of her arm. she bumps into Lu Yue & he holds onto her) WHAT. But... how in the world did you see that? He didn't even--- (she cuts herself off)
God Ming- Lu Yue didn't what?
Lu Yue- Baby, what's wrong? You're kind of shaking.
Luo Mei- It feels like God Ming's acting like my father when I last saw him. It's kind of scaring me. That was when my father was scolding me about you, Lu Yue.
God Ming- Luo Mei, I'm so sorry.
Lu Yue- (whispers in Luo Mei's ear to calm her down) Princess, it's okay. I'm here. You feel safe when you're with me. Don't let God Ming scare you. Remember your endless protection for me? I love it so much when you protect me. And there's something I need to tell you... handsome wants you more.
After he says all that in Luo Mei's ear it calms her down.
Luo Mei- God Ming, it's okay. I forgive you.
God Ming- Really? What made you not scared anymore.
Luo Mei- Lu Yue. (she smiles) He whispered sweet somethings in my ear to calm me down.
Lu Yue- That's what you're calling it? You just get more adorable and... (he whispers the next part in her ear) irresistible.
Luo Mei- God Ming, do you really want to know why Lu Yue bit me or why we were biting each other?
God Ming- I think it's best I don't know. You can keep it to yourselves. Honestly, there's no need for me to know.
Luo Mei- Okay.
God Ming- You both really act like two children in love.
Luo Mei- Why does that feel like a compliment?
Lu Yue- Maybe because you like that he says that about us.
Luo Mei- I do.
Lu Yue- Me too.
God Ming- Oh, yeah. Luo Mei, you didn't watch how you said things. You're lucky no one heard you.
Luo Mei- I thought I wasn't that loud. If you only heard me? Why does it matter?
Lu Yue- She has a point. What's there to scold her for?
Luo Mei- Handsome.
Lu Yue- (talks in her ear & it makes her giggle what he says) I know. I'm handsome.
God Ming- Well, I know you both aren't ready to tell anyone yet. You two are adorable.
They say at the same time and say with a smile.
Luo Mei- We know.
Lu Yue- We know.
Luo Mei- Sorry, God Ming. I just got carried away. I've been in heaven all morning. We... we both have.
God Ming- It's okay. Just try to tone it down.
Lu Yue- It's all her. I didn't do a thing.
Luo Mei- (looks to him) Lu Yue?! I wasn't the only one being bad. I mean you weren't loud. But you were being bad too.
God Ming- 什么? (What? <chinese translation to english)
Lu Yue- So you admit it. You admit you were being a bad girl.
Luo Mei- I didn't admit anything to handsome. He heard princess wrong.
God Ming- What are you two talking about?
They both look at Yu Ming.
Luo Mei- Huh?
God Ming- You're doing it again. You're lost in talking to each other as if I'm not here.
Luo Mei- Sorry.
God Ming- It's okay.
Luo Mei- God Ming, you can make up something to tell everyone.
God Ming- Okay. I know you both are going out. Lu Yue messaged me about it.
Luo Mei- I know. Lu Yue knew I wanted something and he couldn't quite do that if he was bringing my crutches down.
Lu Yue- (he talks in her ear) You're talking about what happened before you walked down the stairs first.
Luo Mei- Who said what happened then is what I wanted. (she pulls away from him & tries to walk off)
Lu Yue- Luo Mei.
He walks after her and stops her before she can walk any further.
God Ming- (looks to them) Oh, I called you both a cab.
Luo Mei- Really? Thanks. Wait, God Ming don't go yet.
God Ming- What is it?
Luo Mei- Just this one time I'll accept your help.
Lu Yue- What?
Luo Mei- Can you lift me up while handsome puts his shoes on first?
God Ming- I can.
Lu Yue- You want me to put on my shoes first?
Luo Mei- Yes. You know it hurts to stand on my leg.
Lu Yue- God Ming. Do what do she says.
God Ming- I'm on it.
He goes to them. Lu Yue let's go of Luo Mei for a second, she holds on tight to him when he does. Then God Ming puts Luo Mei's arm over his shoulders and lifts her up. Lu Yue goes to put his shoes on.
God Ming- Luo Mei, I can feel you're kind of shaking.
Lu Yue- (he's kneeling down tying his shoe laces) She's getting anxious.
God Ming- How...? You're not even looking at her. Or can feel that she is.
Luo Mei- He doesn't have to. He knew even before you mentioned it.
Lu Yue- Don't worry, Mei Mei. I'm almost done.
Luo Mei- Okay, Yue Yue.
After that Lu Yue finished tying his shoes, and stands up.
God Ming- How in the world could you sense that?
Lu Yue goes to knee down at Luo Mei, she watches him. He slips off her slippers, puts on her shoes, and starts to tie them.
Luo Mei- Because... we were close growing up. We grown to know each other that well. Lu Yue.
God Ming- Oh. I see.
Lu Yue- It's okay. I'm doing your left boot now.
He finishes trying her shoes, goes to put her slippers next to his, and comes back to her.
Lu Yue- God Ming, I'll take her now.
Luo Mei- (she reaches her hand out to him & giggles) Take me, baby boy.
Lu Yue- (he takes her hand) Don't call me that unless you want something.
Luo Mei- Lu Yue?!
God Ming- (he gives Luo Mei to Lu Yue) I'm lost. What's going on? You two are doing it again.
Yu Ming steps back so Lu Yue can do his thing. He goes to wrap his right arm around Luo Mei's legs, wraps his other arm around her waist, and lifts her up.
Luo Mei- (wraps her arms around his neck & whispers in his ear) Handsome was starting to tease me. Where did it go? Baby boy?!
Lu Yue- (talks to God Ming) We're be waiting outside.
God Ming- Okay. I'll go get Luo Mei's crutches and bring them out.
Lu Yue- Thanks.
God Ming- You're welcome.
Before Yu Ming goes to get Luo Mei's crutches, he opens the door for them. They walk out and he walks back in.
Lu Yue- Who said I was starting to tease you?
Luo Mei- Lu Yue, put me down.
Lu Yue- No.
Luo Mei- Lu Yue?! Put me down.
Lu Yue- I said no.
Luo Mei- Lu Yue?! Put me down now.
Lu Yue- No.
Luo Mei- Lu Yue?!
Lu Yue- Who said I have to?
Luo Mei- Ughhhh, Lu Yue?! I did. Put me down right now.
Lu Yue- You can Lu Yue me all you want. But I'm not letting you down.
Luo Mei- Ughhh, Lu Yue?! Are you trying to make me lose it?
Lu Yue- Maybe. Is it working?
Luo Mei- Ughh, Lu Yue, you know it is.
Lu Yue- Say my name again. I dare you. You've said it seven times already.
Luo Mei- Lu Yue?!?!
Lu Yue- Say it.
Luo Mei- Ughhh. Baby boy... I want you. (she kind of touches his lips) I want them now. Go sit down and put me on your lap. Now.
Lu Yue- Yes, ma'am.
He goes to do just that. He holds onto her and she goes to start kissing him on the lips. She holds his face. He goes to kiss her back and she holds onto his hair.
Meanwhile inside, God Ming has just walked downstairs with Luo Mei's crutches. He gets stopped before he can make it outside. Everyone comes up to him.
Xiao Rui- What's going on with Lu Yue and Luo Mei?
Xiao Pang- Are they going on a date? (puts food in his mouth)
Xiao Rui- (looks at him) Huh?
Old Cat- Are they back together?
God Ming- Oh. No. Luo Mei's just treating Lu Yue to thank him for being there for her.
Xiao Rui- Why does Lu Yue get special treatment?
Old Cat- Yeah.
God Ming- I don't know. She knows him. Um, I'm going to bring Luo Mei's crutches out to them now.
God Ming goes outside and everyone just goes back to what they were doing. It kind of startles God Ming when he sees Lu Yue and Luo Mei.
God Ming- Uhmm, are you two done yet?
Luo Mei lightly pulls Lu Yue's hair to get him to stop kissing her.
Lu Yue- (he touches where she pulled his hair) Ow! Luo Mei?!
Luo Mei- You big baby. I didn't pull your hair that hard.
Lu Yue- You're not being like when you bit my hand. Why are you being mean?
Luo Mei- (she buries her head on him) Ahh, it felt like I got mad at you. I don't like it. I'm sorry---
Lu Yue- Baby, don't say sorry for anything. I know you didn't pull my hair that hard.
Luo Mei- I can't stand to hurt my weakness. (she holds on tight to him)
Lu Yue- You didn't hurt me.
Luo Mei- I can't take it if I hurt you again.
Lu Yue- Princess, stop this nonsense. I know you won't hurt me again. You remember the vow you made to yourself about never letting me go?
Luo Mei- (she lifts her head & looks at him) I do. I can never break that vow. You know I've been adding to it.
Lu Yue- Yes. (he sees that her eyes start to go red & watery. he puts his hand on her cheek) Hey, don't cry. Where are you? Is my princess with me?
Luo Mei- I'm with handsome. I'm his princess.
She touches his hand and he goes to kiss her on the forehead. After that Luo Mei moves his hand and sets her head on him.
Luo Mei- My kitty forever.
Lu Yue- That's right.
God Ming- Are you two okay?
They both look at him.
Luo Mei- Don't worry, God Ming. We're okay.
God Ming- Good.
Lu Yue- Did you get stopped by everyone? It doesn't take that long to get Luo Mei's crutches.
God Ming- How do you know if I took long? You two were kissing. But I did get stopped by everyone. They wanted to know what was going on with you two.
Luo Mei- (she lifts her head) What did you tell them?
God Ming- Well, I came downstairs and I got questions being asked. Brother Rui asked me, "what is going on with Lu Yue and Luo Mei?" Xiao Pang asked me, "Are they going on a date?" And Old Cat asked me, "Are they back together?" I told them that, "Oh. No. Luo Mei's just treating Lu Yue to thank him for being there for her."
Lu Yue- Well, it's kind of true. Luo Mei has the money. She never really let's me pay when we go out on dates. She always insist on spoiling me.
Luo Mei- (looks at him) I like spoiling handsome.
Lu Yue- You don't like spoiling me.
Luo Mei- Huh?
Lu Yue- Baby, you 𝘭𝘰𝘷𝘦 spoiling me.
Luo Mei- Oh, yeah. I don't like to. I love to. (looks to God Ming) Did they say anything to what you told them?
God Ming- Xiao Pang just asked, "why does Lu Yue get special treatment?" And Old Cat kind of agreed with him. I said, "I don't know. She knows him." And then I said I was going out.
Luo Mei- As long as I'm here... Lu Yue will be getting special treatment.
Lu Yue- I love when you do.
Luo Mei- (she looks at him) Baby boy.
Lu Yue- What is it you want, princess?
God Ming- So if Luo Mei wants something she calls you "baby boy"?
Lu Yue- Yeah.
Luo Mei- (looks to Yu Ming) And if handsome wants something he calls me "baby girl". It's something we like to do.
God Ming- Oh. I see.
Luo Mei- (looks to Lu Yue) Baby boy??!
Lu Yue- Aw, baby, what is it?
Luo Mei- I know the name you have me on your phone is... 公主. Also with the cherry blossom emoji at the end. But you don't call me it enough. (... princess. <chinese translation to english)
Lu Yue- But what it does to you.
Luo Mei- I don't care. I love when you call me that.
Lu Yue- Okay. I know what you have me as on your phone.
Luo Mei- What is it?
Lu Yue- It's... 帅气 with the red heart emoji at the end. (...handsome <chinese translation to english)
Luo Mei- Ahh, we're adorable.
Lu Yue- Yes, we are. I know there's something else you want me to call you.
Luo Mei- Tell me.
Lu Yue- I know you want me to call you wifey.
Luo Mei- Yes, yes, yes, hubby! I know you want me to call you that.
Lu Yue- Yes, I do. It's so adorable when you do.
Luo Mei- You look really handsome today. (she says with heart eyes)
Lu Yue- Yes, I know. But why did you say "today"? Aren't I always handsome?
Luo Mei- (she buries her head on him) Ahhhh, Lu Yue?! Yes, yes, yes!
God Ming- She does love that your cocky.
Lu Yue- Yeah.
Luo Mei- It's the most cutest thing ever!
Lu Yue- You're the most 𝘢𝘥𝘰𝘳𝘢𝘣𝘭𝘦 thing ever.
Luo Mei- (she lifts her head & looks at him) No, you are.
Lu Yue- You are too.
God Ming- You two can be adorable in the cab. It's here.
He goes to put Luo Mei's crutches in the back. Then Lu Yue helps Luo Mei in the cab and gets in as well. Soon the cab drives off.

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