chapter twentyeight ♡

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When Luo Mei is at the bottom of the stairs they all look at her.
Old K- What took so long?
Her cheeks go kind of red, and she touches her lips.
Old Cat- Did he realize he doesn't want to be just friends?
Xiao Rui and Xiao Pang look up at her. Pang is putting food in his mouth; watching.
Luo Mei- What?
Xiao Rui- Luo Mei, did you and Lu Yue get back together?
Luo Mei- What?
Lu Yue- (he's behind Luo Mei now. once he talks she looks up at him) We were just talking. We can't do that? What's this getting back together talk? I just want to be friends, right now. Come on, Mei Mei, let us have our dual. (she holds on tight to him & they walk over to their chairs)
Old Cat- What?
Xiao Rui- What? You both are going to dual? I'd like to see this.
Luo Mei takes out her phone from her pocket, puts her right leg up, and messages Lu Yue.
Luo Mei- Baby, why did you say that?
Lu Yue- Because... I let you lead. It's up to you if you want them to know if we gotten back together. I'm not going to out us if you're not ready.
Luo Mei- Ughhhh, I want you.
Lu Yue- I want you more.
Luo Mei- Just kiss me already.
They're all behind them now. It startles Luo Mei when Xiao Rui talks.
Xiao Rui- When are you going to start?
Xiao Pang- (he notices that Lu Yue & Luo Mei are mirroring each other) Luo Mei, you do the same thing Lu Yue does? (he puts some food in his mouth)
Luo Mei- What? (she figures out what he's talking about & Lu Yue just looks at her with heart eyes while she talks) Oh, yeah I do. Since we were inseparable growing up somethings he did would rub off on me and I would do it too. But I haven't been putting my leg up like ha... Lu Yue does because I have been wearing skirts. They're easier to wear because of my broken leg.
Xiao Pang- Oh. Do you not like skirts?
Luo Mei- I'm not a big fan of them but I still like them.
Lu Yue- Mei Mei, let's start.
Luo Mei- Okay.
They get the game ready and then start playing the dual. Even Lu SiCheng, Tong Yao, and God Ming come over and watch. Towards the end Luo Mei starts to have trouble which involves in Lu Yue winning. He gets really excited and it upsets her.
God Ming- Luo Mei, are you okay?
Lu Yue's mood changes, he looks at Luo Mei, and she puts her leg down and pulls her chair out to face him.
Luo Mei- So, you were just letting me win those other times?
Xiao Pang- Huh?
Xiao Rui- They've done this before?
Luo Mei- How could you not tell me?!
She gets up, refuses everyone's help and makes it to the stairs. Lu Yue turns his chair around and everyone's looking at him. Lu SiCheng has his arms crossed.
Lu Yue- 什么? (What? <chinese translation to english)
They kind of shake their heads no at him.
Tong Yao- Why did you make her think she's better at gaming than you?
Lu Yue- I didn't. She just... (he goans) I'll go talk to her.
Tong Yao- Good.
Upstairs, Luo Mei has just layed down on her bed. Chocolate Chip comes to her, rubs up against her, and purrs. She starts to pet him from the head and down.
   Then Lu Yue comes in. He closes the door behind him. He sees Luo Mei sitting up on her bed, petting Chocolate Chip.
Lu Yue goes straight to her, gets really close to her when he sits on the bed, and puts his arm over her. He's looking at her. She won't look at him and just pets the cat.
Lu Yue- I know you wanted to win. Are you mad at me?
Luo Mei- (she still won't look at him) I... How dare you?
Lu Yue- Please, don't be mad at me. I'm sorry.
Luo Mei- You... Why would you just let me win those other times?
Lu Yue- Because... I didn't want to see you lose.
Luo Mei- You did it because you love me?
Lu Yue- Yes.
Luo Mei- Than what was that? Were you just showing off?
Lu Yue- Maybe you could actually beat me.
Luo Mei- (she looks at him) Like I beat you to it to bite you first. (she touches his lip) That didn't really hurt, did it?
He shakes his head no with a smile and she moves her hand to stroke his left side-burn.
this is basically what Lu Yue did when he answered Luo Mei:

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