chapter forty ♡

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   Luo Mei starts to get uncomfortable by the way she's sitting and it really starts to bother her. So she tries to pull Lu Yue away. She even tries to get up but she ends up falling on her bottom and can't make it. She covers her eyes with her hands and tears start to fall down her cheeks. Lu Yue instantly goes to her.
Lu Yue- Luo Mei.
   He knees down behind her and tries to wrap his arms around her. She feels his arms around her and moves her hands. Tears are still falling down her cheeks.
Lu Yue- Baby, don't cry.
Luo Mei- I hate this so much!
Lu Yue- I know. It will heal. You have to give it time.
Luo Mei- Handsome, can we please go back to the base.
Lu Yue- We can. But why did you pull away from me?
Luo Mei- Because I was getting uncomfortable and it was bothering me.
Lu Yue- 什么? (What? <chinese translation to english)
Luo Mei- No, Lu Yue, it wasn't because of you. You can never make me feel like that. It was the way I was sitting when we were kissing. My leg is preventing me from what I want. Can we do this tonight?
Lu Yue- If that's what you want.
Luo Mei- I can watch you game when we get back.
Lu Yue- Okay.
Luo Mei- No one's preventing from it but I can barely go for what I want because of my stupid leg.
Lu Yue- Why are you saying that? I know you walk on your leg and refuse to use your crutches because you hate how it makes you feel and because of it it makes you lose your balance.
Luo Mei- Lu Yue, you know I hate feeling helpless. If I can't go for what I want. I can't take it!
Lu Yue- What do you want?
Luo Mei- 你, 你, 你, 你!我想要你. 你知道我知道, 陆悦. 我想要帅哥. 我想要悦悦. 嗯. 你!(You, you, you, you! I want you. You know I do, Lu Yue. I want handsome. I want Yue Yue. Ughh. You! <chinese translation to english)
Lu Yue- Woah. Luo Mei.
   He let's go of her and goes to sit next to her right side, facing her. He looks at her.
Luo Mei- I don't want this! Because my leg is preventing from what I really want. It makes me want it more!
Lu Yue- (he goes closer to her) You're talking about me.
Luo Mei- Maybe it wasn't a good idea for us to go out. We can't even have a proper date.
Lu Yue- What nonsense is this? Why are you saying that? Nothing ruined it. Don't say that.
Luo Mei- But my leg---
Lu Yue- (he puts his forehead to hers) Luo Mei, don't say such nonsense. Our date has not gone bad at all.
Luo Mei- How do you even put up with me? I complain too much.
Lu Yue- I know you're just expressing your feelings. You're comfortable enough to do that to me. I don't mind it.
Luo Mei- Ughhh, you're so handsome.
Lu Yue- (he looks back at her) I'm handsome when I talk like this?
Luo Mei- Yes. It really hasn't gone bad?
Lu Yue- No. Times with you are always the best.
Luo Mei- (she's blushing) Ahhh, Lu Yue?!
Lu Yue- (he goes in her face) What did I do?
Luo Mei- You know what you did. You're making me blush.
Lu Yue- Good.
Luo Mei- Ughh, I love you.
Lu Yue- I love you more.
   She leans into him and starts kissing him on the lips. He puts her hands on his cheeks while they're kissing. Lu Yue pulls away from her lips and presses his forehead to hers.
Lu Yue- You still want to go back?
Luo Mei- Yes. And I want us to wait to go out again until my leg is healed.
Lu Yue- (he looks back at her) It didn't go great for you, did it?
Luo Mei- (she goes to stroke his left side-burn) Lu Yue, it wasn't because of you. Every minute I spend with you is precious to me.
Lu Yue- (he goes in her face) I want you, princess.
Luo Mei- Tonight you can have me. Let's go.
Lu Yue- Yes, ma'am.
He helps her up and she holds onto him.
Lu Yue- Wait.
Luo Mei- Lu Yue, what's wrong?
Lu Yue- It hurt when you fell on your bottom, didn't it?
Luo Mei- Yeah. But I'm okay.
   He goes to bring her in his arms and lifts her up. She hugs him back.
Lu Yue- I'm sorry I didn't catch you before you fell.
Luo Mei- Lu Yue, it's okay. It did happen kind of fast.
Lu Yue- You may be 𝘮𝘺 weakness.
Luo Mei- I know I am. You hate when I'm in pain. And I know it scared you when I almost didn't wake up after my accident.
Lu Yue- (he holds her tighter) It did. Everyone was telling me you're strong, you'll fight through it, and wake up but I was so scared that it made me think maybe you wouldn't.
Luo Mei- Lu Yue, I'm never leaving you! Ever! The only thing that would pull us apart is my family and they have no idea I'm back in China.
Lu Yue- You can't go back to France.
Luo Mei- No. I have to be with you.
Lu Yue- (he goes to put his forehead to hers) Yes. Handsome needs his princess.
Luo Mei- I refuse to ever leave you. I refuse to let you go. I already did that once. I'm not doing it again! Ughh, I don't want this. Lu Yue?!
Lu Yue- I know. You can have me tonight.
Luo Mei- (she starts to let out her true feelings) Maybe I want you now.
Lu Yue- (he looks back at her) Luo Mei?! Are you just going to keep on talking like this?
Luo Mei- I want to feel your hands on my skin.
Lu Yue- Luo Mei?!
Luo Mei- Touch me and make me feel... give me goosebumps.
Lu Yue- Luo Mei?!
Luo Mei- Why didn't you bite me?
Lu Yue- Luo Mei?! What is this dirty talk for?
Luo Mei- Because... I want you. Handsome doesn't like it.
Lu Yue- I wasn't saying that. Honestly, you're so adorable when you talk like this and it makes you more irresistible.
Luo Mei- I want to make you lose control.
Lu Yue- Luo Mei, you can tonight.
Luo Mei- No. Now. I'll talk dirty to you until it tempts you to lose control.
Lu Yue- Luo Mei?!
Luo Mei- Why are you refusing me?!
Lu Yue- I'm not.
Luo Mei- Then, give me what I want.
Lu Yue- Okay. The movie isn't over yet. We can stay and make out.
Luo Mei- No. I don't want to do it here. And don't pay dumb. You know what I want.
Lu Yue- (he opens her bag & feels for her phone) Then, I'll use your phone to call us a cab.
Luo Mei- Good boy.
   He leans his head to her so she can kiss him on the lips. After she kisses him he starts to call for a cab.
Luo Mei- Do that more. Make it easy for me to go for what I want.
Lu Yue- I will.
Luo Mei- Handsome.
Lu Yue- That's right. I am.
   That makes her giggle and while he calls for a cab she takes his phone out of her bag. Unlocks it and goes to look at his photos gallery. She looks at the selfies they took of each other.
   Once Lu Yue is done calling for a cab he puts her phone back in her bag. Holds her tighter and looks at what she's doing.
Lu Yue- Baby, what are you doing?
Luo Mei- Looking at our selfies we took on your phone.
Lu Yue- Our individual ones or the ones we took together? I know you love to steal my phone and leave selfies of yourself on it.
Luo Mei- I take them for you.
Lu Yue- You know I can easily take pictures of you myself.
Luo Mei- Hehe, you have. But, Lu Yue, you love when I leave selfies of myself on your phone.
Lu Yue- Yes, I do.
Luo Mei- Yue, let's go.
Lu Yue- Why did you say my name like that?
Luo Mei- Because I wanted to. You don't want me to say it like that?
Lu Yue- That's not what I meant. I love anyway you say my name.
Luo Mei- Would you call me just "Mei"?
Lu Yue- Yes. Have I?
Luo Mei- Yes, you have. Do you remember what my name means?
Lu Yue- Yes. It means beautiful. Which you are. Your name doesn't lie.
Luo Mei- Ughh, Lu Yue, tempt me and I really will lose it. Let's go.
Lu Yue- Are you sure?
Luo Mei- Yes. Don't make me get fustrated with you. You know what I want. Be a good boy.
Lu Yue- Yes, ma'am.
   He goes to get her crutches and comes back to her. He puts her right arm around his, lifts her up, and starts to walk them out. Luo Mei is still looking on Lu Yue's phone.
Lu Yue- (he looks at her) Am I ever going to get my phone back?
Luo Mei- I don't know. I may keep it. It's not like you need it. I'm your entertainment. (she giggles)
Lu Yue- Yes, you are.
Luo Mei- (she laughs) And I know how you would take pictures of your brother and Tong Yao. And try to send them to your mother.
Lu Yue- Did I even tell you about that?
Luo Mei- Everyone had to inform me about how you were while I was away. I honestly thought it sounded so adorable. You were adorable while I was gone and didn't even see it.
Lu Yue- I was. You're upset about that?
Luo Mei- Yeah. I missed it.
Lu Yue- You would of loved it.
Luo Mei- Yes, I would.
Lu Yue- Would you have joined in with me about my brother and Tong Yao?
Luo Mei- Yes, I would. You know I would. Lu SiCheng has always been like a brother to me. It would be exciting to see him with someone.
Lu Yue- It was exciting. But it would have been better to share the excitement with you. I honestly wanted to tell you about it. You were the first person I wanted to tell. But then I remembered we don't talk anymore or really friends.
Luo Mei- 𝘐 𝘥𝘪𝘥 break up with a friendship.
Lu Yue- Luo Mei, you took the friendship back. It's not broken up anymore.
Luo Mei- I'm glad. You're my best friend forever.
They're outside the mall now, waiting for their cab.
Lu Yue- You're mine.
Luo Mei- And Tong Yao told me what you said to her. Don't go telling 𝘢𝘯𝘺𝘰𝘯𝘦 they need to please you. I'm here. I'll please you.
   He's now helping her in the cab. He gets in and she puts her legs up on him. Once he's in and everything the driver takes off.
Lu Yue- (he holds onto her & kind of goes in her face) Is that a promise? Will you please me?
Luo Mei- (she's looking at him) Yes. Lu Yue, haven't you been noticing? I have been pleasing you. I already do. I just don't want you to go telling anyone they need to please you. You have me. I will please handsome.
Lu Yue- I only told that to Tong Yao once and she refused to do it.
Luo Mei- Good. It's my job to please you.
Lu Yue- Yes. You please me by spoiling me, protecting me, praising me, leaving selfies of yourself on my phone, kissing me, when you tease me, when you give me your attention and affection, how you love me. And how you care for me.
Luo Mei- Should I stop?
Lu Yue- Uhh, don't you dare?!
Luo Mei- Yeah, you know I can't stop.
Lu Yue- You better not. Please me?
Luo Mei- Lu Yue, I... Ughh, why are you doing this?!
Lu Yue- What did I do? Tempting you?
Luo Mei- Yes. Stop.
Lu Yue- No.
Luo Mei- Lu Yue?!---
   He goes straight to kiss her. She pulls away after he kisses her a few times. She hates how she's sitting to kiss him.
Luo Mei- I'm sorry.
Lu Yue- No, baby, it's okay. How about you just tell me what you and Yang Lian talked about on that day.
Luo Mei- Okay.
She starts to tell him what they talked about.
Luo Mei- ...She asked me, "So why haven't you guys done it yet?"
Lu Yue- 什么? You told her what I told you, right? (What? <chinese translation to english)
Luo Mei- Yes, I did. And I told her I honestly want it to be a special day when I want you in that way.
Lu Yue- I know what day that would be.
Luo Mei- Really? Tell me.
Lu Yue- Our wedding night. I know you want us to be married when it happens.
Luo Mei- Ahhhh, you figured it out... before even the day we'll get married.
Lu Yue- You really think I wouldn't know that? It would be more romantic that way.
Luo Mei- Ahhh, yes it would.
Lu Yue- You wanted me to figure it out, didn't you?
Luo Mei- Yes. Handsome.
Lu Yue- It's true and you know it.
Luo Mei- Ahhh, Lu Yue?!
Lu Yue- I'm tempting you.
Luo Mei- Yes. Stop.
Lu Yue- Maybe I don't want to.
Luo Mei- Lu Yue?! Do this when we get back, okay?
Lu Yue- Yes, ma'am.
Luo Mei- (she goes to put her right hand in his left & they hold hands) Good boy.
Lu Yue- Can you tell me more?
Luo Mei- Oh, yeah. You have to hear about what Yang Lian said to me when I told her I wanted you to figure it out.
Lu Yue- What? Tell me, baby girl.
Luo Mei- She said, "Luo Mei, I know you. You're start craving him before your wedding day. You'll end up calling him and telling him you want him in that way. You're tell him before he can figure it out."
Lu Yue- You didn't do that. I already figured it out. I know you.
Luo Mei- I might though. I might start craving you before our wedding day.
Lu Yue- Maybe it will be a good thing. Then you'll be ready.
Luo Mei- Lu Yue?! I told Yang Lian, "No, I won't."
Lu Yue- You may not be craving me in that way but you are craving me right now.
Luo Mei- Lu Yue, why are talking like this?!
Lu Yue- I'm tempting you with this talk?
Luo Mei- Yes.
Lu Yue- Tell me more please?
   She tells him more. She's now at the part where Yang Lian said, "All I did was give you Chocolate Chip and you were out. You fell asleep once he was in your arms. I really wanted to give you Lu Yue but I felt bad that I couldn't."
Lu Yue- What did you say to that? I want to know, baby girl.
Luo Mei- I said this, "Yang Lian, you didn't have to feel bad. Chocolate Chip was enough. Besides, that was all in the pass, I'm never leaving Lu Yue again. I can't. I won't. It's not even an option. He's stuck with me forever. I don't care if our love is forbidden or that our families are basically enemies. I'll follow my heart no matter what. He's the one. Only one for me. From now on I'll fight for him. Fight for him no matter what it takes. I'm never letting go. Never letting go of him. YueMei is forever and meant to be lovers as much as best friends."
Lu Yue- Ugh, I love you so much.
Luo Mei- (she smiles) You loved what I said?
Lu Yue- Most definitely, princess. (he kisses her hand)
Luo Mei- I love you.
Lu Yue- Tell me more. Pleasee.
   She tells him the rest. Then she tells him all of what her and Tong Yao talked about on that same day. Soon they're back at the base. They haven't gone inside yet because Lu Yue is giving Luo Mei what she wants.
   Luo Mei's laying down on the swing bench with Lu Yue on top of her and they're making out. Luo Mei starts to get fustrated, and they end up falling on the ground and Luo Mei's on top of him.
Lu Yue- Luo Mei, you're getting fustrated again.
Luo Mei- (her hair falls & he catches it) Yes. I don't want this. It started to feel uncomfortable how we were. I can't even have what I really want!
Lu Yue- Luo Mei.
Luo Mei- I want your love and affection but my stupid leg is preventing me from that?!!
   She tries to get up off him. She tries to make inside but she falls before she could. Lu Yue instantly comes over and catches her before she hits the ground. He looks at her and tears are falling down her cheeks.
Luo Mei- (she looks up at him) I want you but... My stupid leg! N-nothing's!
Lu Yue- Luo Mei, it's okay. I know how your leg is making you feel. It hurts me too.
Luo Mei- I just want to go inside and watch you game. What's the point in this anymore?
Lu Yue- Do you really want that?
Luo Mei- No! You know I don't.
Lu Yue- Ugh, it hurts me seeing you like this.
Luo Mei- (she holds on tight to him) Don't you dare leave my side?!
Lu Yue- No. I can't do that. It would hurt to push you away.
   She tries to go and kiss him. He helps her with that and she's able to. After she's showered him with lots of kisses, he brings her inside. After he takes off their shoes and puts on their slippers, he sits her down in the living area.
Luo Mei- Lu Yue?!
Lu Yue- I'm just sitting you down here because I'm going to go get you something.
Luo Mei- Okay. I still want to watch you game.
Lu Yue- You will. I'll be back.
Luo Mei- Okay.
He walks off and Old Cat comes over.
Old Cat- 你好, Luo Mei. (Hello, <chinese translation to english)
Luo Mei- 你好. (Hello. <chinese translation to english)
Old Cat- Are you and Lu Yue okay?
Luo Mei- Yes. He's my best friend.
Xiao Pang- (he is now there) Did you and Lu Yue go on a date?
Luo Mei- Didn't God Ming tell you that we weren't? Lu Yue and I did not go on a date.
Xiao Pang- Oh.
Luo Mei- I was just treating him to thank him for being there for me. Something wrong with that? Why do you have to assume it was a date?
Lu Yue- (he's been there since after Xiao Pang came over) Luo Mei.
Luo Mei- (she looks up at him) You got my kitty blanket for me?
Lu Yue- Yes, I thought you would want it.
Xiao Pang- (his eyes go wide) Huh?
Old Cat- Oooh. (puts his hand on his mouth)
Lu Yue- (he looks to them) Oh, shut up. Can't a friend do something nice for their friend?
Luo Mei- (she gets up & tries to walk to him) My friend.
Lu Yue- Luo Mei, I was going to come and pick you up. Why did you walk to me?
Luo Mei- I can walk. (she takes the blanket from him)
Lu Yue- Luo Mei, no you can't.
   He instantly wraps his right arm around her legs, wraps his other arm around her waist, and lifts her up in his arms.
Lu Yue- I'm not letting you fall. I don't want you walking on your leg. Do you not want it to heal?
    She wraps her arms around his neck and he starts to walk off. Once they're away from earshot from everyone Luo Mei whispers to him.
Luo Mei- You were showing off by pretending to scold me in front of them. I liked it. It was... It was...
Lu Yue- (he just sat her down in her chair) It was what?
Luo Mei- You admit it.
Lu Yue- (he sits down in his chair. he brings hers more to him & puts her legs on him. she puts the blanket on her) Yes. Because you described exactly what I was doing. So tell me? It was what?
Luo Mei- Hot. You're being hot. Are you trying to make me want you more?
Lu Yue- You got feisty when you told them we didn't go on a date.
Luo Mei- I didn't mean to. It just came out like that.
Lu Yue- It's okay. Honestly, I loved it. Would you get like that if someone tries to---
Luo Mei- Yes, I would. They have no right to take you away.
Lu Yue- My girl.
   Soon Luo Mei watches him game. A few hours later after they've eaten again she goes back to watching him game again. Luo Mei has both of their phones with her, Chocolate Chip is sitting on her lap, she's petting him, and she's looking on Lu Yue's phone.

𝐈 𝐍𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫 𝐒𝐭𝐨𝐩𝐩𝐞𝐝 𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐘𝐨𝐮 ♡Where stories live. Discover now