chapter thirtysix ♡

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   God Ming answers the phone call and Luo Mei puts it on speaker so Lu Yue can listen in.
God Ming- Hello. Is there something you want, Luo Mei?
Luo Mei- (she smiles at Lu Yue with him looking at her) Yes. I want to know... was my handsome Yue Yue happy while I was gone.
Lu Yue- Gosh, you are so adobrable.
God Ming- He was. But I would have to say he's much happier now.
Luo Mei- (she giggles) That's my fault. I make him feel like he's in heaven.
God Ming- Yeah. And it seems like he's more of himself.
Luo Mei- I know. That's because of me. I just don't bring out sides of him no one normally sees. I also bring out more of himself.
God Ming- His brother says he behaves when you're around.
Luo Mei- Do you think he's been behaving?
God Ming- Yeah. Do you?
Luo Mei- (she thinks about how Lu Yue has been acting around her) Umm... Er... I... Yes.
God Ming- Luo Mei, why did you hesitate to answer?
Lu Yue- You really want to tell him?
Luo Mei- No. It seems embarrassing.
Lu Yue- I'm embarrassing to you?
Luo Mei- No. That's not what I meant. (she says kind of low) I just feel some things will be embarrassing to talk about to God Ming. You don't embarrass me.
Lu Yue- Oh. That's okay.
God Ming- What are you two talking about?
Luo Mei- It's nothing. Don't worry about it.
God Ming- Okay. Well, if that's all. I'll hang up now.
Luo Mei- You're letting us be alone?
God Ming- There's nothing I can do about it. And besides no one knows expect me. There's no reason for me to tell them. Also if you're not ready for them to know yet try not to be loud.
Luo Mei- 什么? (What? <chinese translation to english)
God Ming- Luo Mei, I'm talking to you. You're lucky I was the only one that heard you.
Luo Mei- 什么? No, no. I thought I wasn't that loud. (What? <chinese translation to english)
God Ming- It's okay. You just got carried away.
   She hands Lu Yue her phone and he takes it. She puts her hands on her face because she's feeling embarrassed, and her cheeks go a little red.
God Ming- Lu Yue, is she okay?
Lu Yue- She's being so adorable. (he says with heart eyes)
God Ming- Lu Yue, is she okay or not?
Lu Yue- Yeah. She's feeling embarrassed. Did you ear exactly what she said?
God Ming- Yeah.
Luo Mei- Ahh. No, no, no.
Lu Yue- Hey, handsome wants to know where his princess went? Is she with me?
Luo Mei- (she's not feeling embarrassed anymore & she moves her hands) I'm here. 𝘐'𝘮 handsome's princess.
Lu Yue- You feel better now?
They start to forget God Ming is on speaker phone.
Luo Mei- No. Baby boy.
Lu Yue- What is it you want, baby?
Luo Mei- I want the cutie on top of me. I want handsome. I want handsome's hot lips on mine.
Lu Yue- I don't know if I can give you all that.
Luo Mei- Lu Yue?! I'll bite you again.
Lu Yue- You're being so adorable. You know I can't resist.
Luo Mei- That's what I wanted to hear.
Lu Yue- (he goes in her face) I'll show you hot lips.
Luo Mei- Please, handso---
   He goes straight to kiss her. Now they have forgotten that God Ming is still on speaker phone and Lu Yue drops her phone on the bed.
God Ming- Hello. You're still on the phone with me, if you forgotten? YueMei?
   Lu Yue bites Luo Mei while he kisses her. He kisses her more and pulls away.
Luo Mei- (she smiles & touches her lips with him looking at her) Handsome really did show me hot lips. (she pulls him down to her to whisper in his ear) Ooh. And handsome bite me. Bad boy. (she bites her lower lip)
God Ming- Hello. YueMei?!
Lu Yue picks up Luo Mei's phone.
Luo Mei- Sorry, God Ming.
God Ming- It's fine. I'll hang up now. You two be alone.
Luo Mei- Okay. Bye-bye.
God Ming- Bye-bye.
He hangs up and Lu Yue drops her phone on the bed.
Luo Mei- Baby boy.
Lu Yue- What do you want?
   She grabs onto him and pulls him to her where their lips touch, and kisses him. She goes on top of him while she showers him with lots of kisses, then she pulls away.
Lu Yue- (he touches his lips with her looking at him) Oooh. Why did you kiss me like that?
Luo Mei- Because... my handsome Yue Yue fully came back to me. He's making me feel like I'm in heaven. He deserves to be showered with kisses. And you're mine. I'll kiss you how ever I want.
Lu Yue- Gosh, I'll never get over how adorable you are.
Luo Mei- You're adorable.
Lu Yue- I know.
Luo Mei- You even bit me more then four times.
Lu Yue- Because I realized something.
Luo Mei- And what's that?
Lu Yue- (he goes to stroke her cheek) I think we should pick up where we left off. As if that day---
Luo Mei- I hated that day so much. I hated myself for how I treated you.
Lu Yue- Hey, that day doesn't matter anymore.
Luo Mei- I hated that I left you in so much tears.
Lu Yue- Luo Mei.
   She tries to get up off him, sits up, puts her right leg up, and holds it.
Lu Yue- (he sits up to & goes to whisper in her ear) You're exposed in front of me.
Luo Mei- I don't care... Just hearing you cry made me want to go back to you and tell you everything. Hold you and never let go.
Lu Yue- Would you have done it?
Luo Mei- Yes. I wanted to do it more than anything. But... (she's starting to have trouble because tears are starting to build up in her eyes) But... I was so afraid of what... my father would do to you.. I don't like having weaknesses, but I can not deny that you're my very weakness so if I hear you cry or someone tries to or hurts you I can't take it. You're my only weakness.... (tears start to fall down her cheeks) I did it because no one hurts you... No one. I'm not having that. I'll hurt them if they do. I will.
Lu Yue- Luo Mei.
Luo Mei- I'm sorry.
Lu Yue- No. There's reason to be sorry for. You're best at protecting me and love it. There's nothing wrong with that. And I know you had no choice to broke up me in the past. What matters is that you came to take back what's yours and never let go.
Luo Mei- I can never let you go. I can't go through that again.
Lu Yue- (he starts to calm her down) Baby, where are you right now?
Luo Mei- I'm at the ZGDX mansion with my best friend.
Lu Yue- Uh-huh. Is that it? (he goes behind her & wraps his arms around her)
Luo Mei- (she puts her hands on his arms) And I'm in his arms. I'm sorry.
Lu Yue- No. It's okay. I love how you were going off about how I'm your weakness.
Luo Mei- You are. I can't help it. You always have even if I didn't know what it meant.
Lu Yue- I know. Growing up you were always there to protect me.
Luo Mei- You love my protection.
Lu Yue- Yes, I do.
Luo Mei- Ughhhhhhh.
Lu Yue- Baby, what's wrong?
Luo Mei- Ughhh, all this talk is making me want to hold you. I want to hold handsome!
Lu Yue- (he let's go of her) Then, hold me. I love it when you do.
   She goes to hold him. Then the door opens and someone walks in. Luo Mei let's go of Lu Yue and goes to try and hide behind him.
Lu Yue- Baby, it's just God Ming.
Luo Mei- But you said and I agreed with you.
Lu Yue- It's okay. It's just God Ming.
God Ming- What are you two talking about?
Lu Yue- She's wearing my shirt and she doesn't want anyone to get the wrong idea.
God Ming- Oh.
   While they were talking, Luo Mei tried to hold Lu Yue the way she wants but her leg was keeping her from that so she gets fustrated and just falls on the bed. This gets Lu Yue's attention and he goes to her when she sits up. He puts his arm over her.
Lu Yue- Baby, what's wrong?
Luo Mei- I hate having a broken leg.
Lu Yue- I know. Why did you get fustrated?
Luo Mei- Because... My leg was preventing me to hold you how I wanted.
Lu Yue- I'm right here. You can hold me now.
   She goes to wrap her arms around him and holds him. He holds her back.
God Ming- Why is she wanting to hold you so much?
Lu Yue- (he looks at God Ming) Because we were talking about that I'm her weakness and her protecting me.
God Ming- I remember. She protected you when your brother looked like he was going to hit you.
Luo Mei- No one hurts my Yue Yue. (she holds him tight) God Ming, when you go with Lu Yue to confront the person that caused my accident, you need to make sure he's safe.
God Ming- I will. Don't worry about it.
Luo Mei- Good.
   She looks back at Lu Yue still holding onto him. He puts his forehead to hers.
Lu Yue- When you talk like this it's so cute.
Luo Mei- (she smiles) Handsome thinks I'm adorable.
   He goes straight to kiss her. She kisses him back and then he bites her. She kisses him more when he does that and then pulls away.
Luo Mei- (she touches her lips) What is with you? I do love it but you don't have to do all the time.
Lu Yue- (he goes in her face) Who says I'm doing it all the time?
Luo Mei- You are. That's six times now.
Lu Yue- Are you keeping track?
Luo Mei- Yes. I told you to do it four times. Are you disobeying me?
Lu Yue- No, ma'am.
Luo Mei- Then, what is this? Not that I don't love.
Lu Yue- You're mine, right? And besides, didn't you say you wanted me to go for what I want when it comes you, despite the fact I let you take the lead? That's what I'm doing.
Luo Mei- (she doesn't care that God Ming is there & just says it out loud) Ahhhh, just bite me.
Lu Yue- (he goes to whisper in her ear) Okay. Where?
Luo Mei- (she pushes him & says low) Ugh. Bad boy. You may be worse then I am.
God Ming- You both act such like children.
Lu Yue- (he goes in her face) Where do you want me to?
Luo Mei- Ugh, not right now. Be a good boy.
Lu Yue- Yes, ma'am.
God Ming- Luo Mei, what was it you did to get Lu Yue's attention? I see that it must of worked.
Luo Mei- (she let's go of Lu Yue & turns to look at God Ming) Oh. You really want to know?
God Ming- I don't mind.
Lu Yue- (he goes closer to her so he can look in her eyes) It was the most adorable thing ever.
Luo Mei- (she looks at him & touches his cheek) I would gladly do it again.
Lu Yue- I'm counting on that.
Luo Mei- (looks back at God Ming) Oh, right. I went into his room to steal one of his shirts to wear, went downstairs to make him loose control, and kept insist on thinking he wanted me to take it off.
God Ming- Okay. Maybe I didn't really want to know.
Luo Mei- Sorry. That might of been too much information.
Lu Yue- You're being confident. (he says with heart eyes)
God Ming- It's okay. (he glances at Lu Yue) You really know how to make Lu Yue very lovestruck.
Luo Mei- (she looks at Lu Yue) Oh, yeah. I know. I do.
God Ming- I think we may of lost him.
Luo Mei- (she's looking Lu Yue) He's lost in me. Lu Yue? Ahhh, he's being so cute. (she giggles)
Lu Yue- (he goes in her face & she holds his) You're being cuter.
Luo Mei- My baby... boy.
Lu Yue- 什么? (What? <chinese translation to english)
God Ming- Well, I only really wanted to check on you both. Oh, and Luo Mei, watch how you say things.
Luo Mei- (she pulls Lu Yue away) WHAT.
God Ming- You were a bit loud again. I don't know if I was the only that heard because I was on my way upstairs to come check on you both.
Luo Mei- Sorry.
God Ming- No. It's okay. You two seem really happy to get away with being alone without anyone knowing. Well, expect me because I know you both. I know you two are just telling them a story.
Luo Mei- Yeah. (she starts to laugh) It's quite funny, really. But they'll be so stocked when they soon know. We act different from Lu SiCheng and Tong Yao.
God Ming- That's not bad. You and Lu Yue just have a different kind of relationship than they do. You're relationship was built off of a friendship. They didn't like each other too much at first. So, it would make sense that you're relationship is different from theirs.
Luo Mei- I love how Lu Yue and I's relationship is. (Lu Yue goes in her face again) Lu Yue, is there something you want?
Lu Yue- You know what I would say if I wanted something.
Luo Mei- Please, want something. I miss so much when you call me that.
Lu Yue- Hold on. (he turns to look at God Ming) Oh, yeah. God Ming, do you mind?
God Ming- Right. I'm leaving. You two be adorable alone. There's nothing I can do to stop you.
They say at the same time.
Luo Mei- We will.
Lu Yue- We will.
   In that moment God Ming walks out and let's them be alone.

𝐈 𝐍𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫 𝐒𝐭𝐨𝐩𝐩𝐞𝐝 𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐘𝐨𝐮 ♡Where stories live. Discover now