chapter ten ♡

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It's been a few days now. Lu Yue is all better. He's not sick anymore. Luo Mei's in her room right now. She's starting to get cramps and runs to the bathroom. Her phone starts to ring when she's in there.
    It rings again when she comes out. She picks up her phone and sees that the caller ID says "Yang Lian". She answers it and sits down on her bed.
Yang Lian- Luo Mei, what is wrong with you? Why didn't you tell me you're back?
Luo Mei- I'm sorry.
Yang Lian- You're back together with Lu Yue, that's why?
Luo Mei- Yes. You saw all the pictures on social media?
Yang Lian- Yes. You don't think I could tell by the pictures? It's so obvious to me. I remember when you were so in love with him.
Luo Mei- I still am. You should know that. Who was the one who always persuade me to follow my heart?
Yang Lian- Me.
Luo Mei- You also persuade me to come back.
Yang Lian- Not that it wasn't annoying but you would call non-stop and complain about how much you miss Lu Yue. What was I supposed to do?
Luo Mei- Sorry.
Yang Lian- You told him all the reasons you went to France, right?
Luo Mei- No.
Yang Lian- Luo Mei, why not?! You need to tell him. Doesn't it hurt keeping it from him?
Luo Mei- Yes, but I can't.
Yang Lian- Why can't you?
Luo Mei- I'll lose him. I can't lose him. Not again.
Yang Lian- Luo Mei, you won't lose him.
Luo Mei- He knows I'm keeping something from him because he can sense it's bothering me but he thinks I'm not ready to tell him.
Yang Lian- Is that true? You're not ready to tell him?
Luo Mei- Actually, it's more I'm afraid but I didn't correct him.
Yang Lian- You have to tell him or else you really will lose him.
Luo Mei- Yang Lian, I can't. Don't you understand?
Yang Lian- Fine. Don't tell him. But you can't keep it from him forever.
Luo Mei- Can you drop it?
Yang Lian- Well, since you're back. How about we make plans tomorrow with the girls. We can all meet up somewhere.
Luo Mei- Okay. That sounds good.
Yang Lian- Then it's settled. I'll contact the girls to inform them.
Luo Mei- Okay.
Yang Lian- I'll text you again about it tomorrow.
Luo Mei- Okay.
Luo Mei hangs up after that. She gets up and slips in her pink slippers. She walks downstairs. She sees everyone sitting at the computers. They're doing a practice round for their match that's coming up.
Luo Mei goes to sit in the living area. She texts Lu Yue to see if he answers.
Luo Mei- Baby boy.
Lu Yue- Don't tease me with that.
Luo Mei- You love it when I tease you. Are you busy?
Lu Yue- Yes.
Luo Mei- That's okay. I just want to watch you.
After she sends that, she goes over to sit in the chair next to Lu Yue. She moves it up close to him.
Luo Mei- Hello handsome.
She holds her head down on the table and watches him play. She's trying to hold back that she's having cramps and it's hurting.
After a while of watching him she can't hold it in anymore. She makes a noise in pain and holds her stomach where she's having cramps. It makes Lu Yue stop what he's doing and turns to look at Luo Mei.
Lu Yue- Baby, what's wrong? (he leans into her ear) You're having cramps?
Luo Mei- Yes. You know what happened.
Lu Yue- You really think I wouldn't?
Luo Mei- No. Are you done with your game?
Lu Yue- Yes. I just finished. (he pulls his chair out) Come with me? (he stands up)
Luo Mei- Okay.
They walk to the living area. He has them sit down. He starts to unbutton her skirt. She sees what he's doing.
Luo Mei- Lu Yue, what are you doing?!
Lu Yue- I'm going to use my hand has a heat pad. What do you think I was doing?
Luo Mei- (she kind of says low but he can hear her) Being a pervert.
He gets up to get a blanket and sits back close next to her. He puts the blanket over them.
Lu Yue- Here is this better? (he puts his hand underneath her clothes & on her stomach where she's having cramps)
Luo Mei- I... Lu Yue. (she looks up in his eyes)
Lu Yue- How is that?
Luo Mei- Don't look away from my eyes.
Lu Yue- Baby, if I were to be a pervert. I wouldn't do it out here. We're too exposed.
Luo Mei- (she starts to think about what Yang Lian said to her & says in her head: "I can't lose him." then says out loud) I can't lose you.
Lu Yue- (he moves his hand around a little) Oh, baby I'm not going anywhere. I'm here.
God Ming looks over at them. He sees that Luo Mei is stroking Lu Yue's cheek. He basically glanced over to see if they're okay. He smiles at them and looks back at everyone gaming.
Luo Mei- Yang Lian called.
Lu Yue- She did?
Luo Mei- Mhmm. She wants her and I to get together with the girls.
Lu Yue- When?
Luo Mei- (she puts her other hand on his hand, that's under her clothes) Tomorrow.
Lu Yue- Okay. Do you want me to move my hand?
Luo Mei- No. Baby boy's making my cramps go away. Thank you, handsome.
Lu Yue- It's my job, isn't it?
Luo Mei- (she thinks about what Yang Lian said to her again) I really can't lose you.
Lu Yue- Something's bothering you, isn't it? Did Yang Lian say something to you?
Luo Mei- Yes. But... Lu Yue, I'm sorry.
Lu Yue- Baby, don't say that. It's okay. I've waited for things before. It doesn't hurt to wait a little longer.
Luo Mei- I shouldn't have to make you wait.
Lu Yue- I'm okay with it. Don't worry about it.
Luo Mei- (she grabs onto his shirt & pulls him on down on her, his head sits on her shoulder) You're too good to me. I don't deserve it.
Their hands move and he ends up falling on her.
Lu Yue- You do deserve it.
Luo Mei- Lu Yue, you fell on me.
Lu Yue- I know.
Luo Mei- We'll be exposed. As much as I love this. I'm not ready for them to know. Lu Yue, get off.
She pretends she's mad at him and slips out from underneath him and walks off. Yu Ming is now standing there.
God Ming- What happened?
Lu Yue- (turns to look at God Ming) I don't know. I think she got mad at me.
Luo Mei- (she comes back) Now I'm mad at you.
He walks in front of her. He knows her skirt is still unbuttoned a little.
Luo Mei- Lu Yue?!
Lu Yue- (he turns around & whispers to her) Your skirt is still... Who knows what God Ming thought we were doing.
Luo Mei- Oh, no. I forgot. (she buttons her skirt back up & fixes it)
this is Luo Mei's outfit:

𝐈 𝐍𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫 𝐒𝐭𝐨𝐩𝐩𝐞𝐝 𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐘𝐨𝐮 ♡Where stories live. Discover now