chapter twentyone ♡

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They've head back. They walk in and they see everyone is gone. Luo Mei sits down and puts her leg up on the coffee table. Lu Yue knees down at the chair; Luo Mei is sitting in, and looks up at her with heart eyes. She looks at him.
Luo Mei- Cutie.
Lu Yue- There's something you should know.
Luo Mei- And what's that, handsome?
Lu Yue- Ahh, I so have missed that. Right. Um... I asked my brother if he can investigate who caused your accident, and he is. He thinks this should be my responsibility because your my girl but since he's the captain and your part of the team he said he'll do it.
Luo Mei- Has he found anything?
Lu Yue- Not yet. He said he'll let me know.
Luo Mei- Did he say I'm your girl or is that you talking?
Lu Yue- He did, actually. He would say you were my girl even when we were broken up. He even says I behave when you're around.
Luo Mei- (she lightly laughs) Was my Yue Yue a bad boy while I was away?
Lu Yue- Maybe. He'd throw things at me.
Luo Mei- Aww. Did he scold you too? (she can't hide her laugh)
Lu Yue- Yes. Hey, are you laughing at me?
Luo Mei- I can't help it. You were a bad boy.
Lu Yue- You're making fun of me.
Luo Mei- No. It's cute. I would of kissed you for it.
Lu Yue- (he gets up & leans over her) Kiss me now?
She grabs onto his team jacket with both of her hands, pulls him to her, and kisses him on the lips. She pulls away from his lips still holding onto his team jacket.
Luo Mei- Wait.
Lu Yue- What's wrong?
Luo Mei- You're not going to go talk to the person when your brother finds something?
Lu Yue- Yes. My brother says I need to confront the person. You don't want me to?
She shakes her head no and slides her hand up his chest, up his neck to his cheek, and then in his hair.
Lu Yue- It's okay. I'll have God Ming come with.
Luo Mei- Okay. (she holds on tight to his team jacket)
Luo Mei- You drive me crazy.
Lu Yue- It's my cuteness. I know.
Luo Mei- (she giggles) Ahhhhh. That's mine.
He goes to kiss her on the lips.
God Ming- (he's at the door looking out for Brother Rui) YueMei, Brother Rui is walking down the hall. He'll be in soon. If you don't want to be exposed. Lu Yue go sit down.
Lu Yue- (pulls away from Luo Mei's lips) Okay, okay. (he moves her hand from his jacket & her other hand out of his hair) I'm not leaving. I just be going over there.
Luo Mei- Okay, baby boy.
Lu Yue- Hey.
She lifts herself up a little and goes to kiss him. He can't help but to kiss her back.
God Ming- Lu Yue?!
Lu Yue- (stops kissing Luo Mei) I'm going. (he goes to sit on the sofa) Don't scold me.
He sits on the sofa and puts his leg up. He sets his head on his knee and sees that Luo Mei looks upset.
Lu Yue- Mei Mei, what's wrong?
In that moment Xiao Rui walks in.
Luo Mei- I didn't want you to... (she stops because she sees Brother Rui)
Xiao Rui- Good. You guys are back. (he heard what Luo Mei said) Wait, what?
They say at the same time.
Luo Mei- What?
Lu Yue- What?
Xiao Rui- (looks to Luo Mei) You didn't want Lu Yue to do what?
Luo Mei- I don't know what you're talking about. I didn't say anything.
Lu Yue- (looks at Luo Mei & whispers) Bad girl.
Xiao Rui- (looks to Lu Yue) Lu Yue, did you say something?
Lu Yue- Huh? No. I didn't say anything.
Luo Mei- Ughhh. (she mouths it to Lu Yue) Bad boy.
Xiao Rui- (looks to Luo Mei) Luo Mei, are you okay?
Luo Mei- Yeah. Sorry.
Xiao Rui- It's okay.
He sits down, and God Ming comes to sit in between Xiao Rui and Lu Yue. The second round of the game match is about to start.
Luo Mei wants to risk sitting next to Lu Yue because she knows what she wants won't exposed them.
Luo Mei- Wait, Brother Rui?
Xiao Rui- (looks to her) What is it?
Luo Mei- (Lu Yue watches her while she says this) I want to... Can I... I want to... Ughh. Can I sit next to Lu Yue? My leg hurts sitting like this. It might be better for my leg if I elevate my leg on him.
Lu Yue- Mei Mei.
Xiao Rui- Luo Mei, you can. You don't need to ask me.
She tries to get up. It makes Lu Yue flitch. She tries to keep her balance to walk over to sit next to Lu Yue but she loses it when she gets to him. He instantly catches her. She has tears coming down her cheeks. Xiao Rui eyes go wide.
basically Xiao Rui's reaction:

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