Chapter 2

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Lily had left quickly afterwards, quietly shutting the door behind her so as not to alert anyone to her presence.

I had stayed awake most of the night, my mind completely frazzled after spending hours trying to figure out what Lily had meant.

I understood that she felt less than comfortable after seeing the way the scientists handled me, but she was a human, and humans hated werewolves. I couldn't help but not trust her, unsure of her true intentions.

Who could possibly be coming to end all of this? Was someone finally going to put me out of my misery and kill me?

I squinted as the lights flickered above me, signalling yet another day of tests had begun. Gazing over at the large metal door, my emotionless eyes followed Greg and Melissa as they entered the room, looking overly chipper.

"Breakfast," huffed Greg as he pulled my chamber door open, quickly sliding my plate of food over to me before exiting in a hurry.

My stomach growled at the sight of the large plateful of food in front of me. I was usually only given lunch in the middle of the day to keep me weak, and my body was desperate for extra nutrients.

As I picked at the food in front of me slowly, not wanting to push my limit, Greg pulled out a couple of handcuffs from his pocket. It caused me to stop chewing immediately, my brown eyes going wide.

"Relax, they're only silver," he chuckled as a wave of nausea overcame me, causing me to nearly vomit up all of the food I had just ingested.

"Today we are going to test how your body reacts to constant contact with silver, and if the painful side effects eventually subside," announced Melissa, causing my eyes to water, knowing I was about to endure pure agony.

"You'll be chained up with these and we will check back on you every hour to see how you are holding up," spoke Greg as he made his way up the stairs, pulling the door open and stalking towards me.

"Please, don't!" I cried as he pulled me up off the floor, wrapping the silver handcuffs around my wrists and locking them. He dropped me back onto the ground, and I landed with a harsh thump.

I shook as I felt the silver slice open my skin, a searing pain spreading across my wrists as I winced in pain, clenching my teeth in an attempt to not scream.

"This is wrong!"

I snapped my head towards the sound of the voice to se a furious looking Lily glaring at Greg and Melissa, who simply rolled their eyes, ignoring her.

"You're torturing a young girl! Do you have no guilt?!" growled Lily, causing me to furrow my brows, cocking my head as I gazed at her. I was still unsure why she was trying to help me.

Melissa turned to Lily, her fists clenched and her face as red as a tomato. "We are doing our jobs here, if you don't like it, then leave! You are no help to us!"

"I hope he kills the both of you slowly and painfully," muttered Lily quietly- so quietly I barely even heard it. She swiftly walked out of the room, giving me one last pitiful look before slamming the door shut.

I gazed at the door, wondering why this new intern was so against my torture, and why she even got the job in the first place, knowing what it would endure.

"We will return in an hour," said Greg as both him and Melissa turned to walk out of the door, but they stopped in their tracks. They narrowed their eyes as a large bang echoed throughout the room, causing them both to gasp, the ground shaking.

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