Chapter 5

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"I've got a soccer game at school tonight. Will you both come?" I asked, gazing up at my parents pleadingly, furrowing my brows and chewing on my bottom lip in angst.

My mother laughed, shaking her head, tapping away on her laptop, pushing her glasses back up her nose. "Honey, you know we don't have time for things like that."

"Your mother is right, Mia," agreed my father, chuckling away. "Besides, what's the point in soccer? You're a werewolf. It's not like you're ever going to become a professional player. You know it would be too risky. It's pointless."

"It's not pointless to me," I mumbled, dropping my head. "Please. You could even just come for half of it. Everyone else's parents are coming to watch."

My mother rolled her eyes, slamming her laptop shut in annoyance, glaring at me with hard eyes. "Well maybe their parents are going because they are slackers who wouldn't dream of lifting a finger within the pack. We are busy people."


"We've said no, Mia!" growled my father, causing tears to well up in my eyes as I sighed, quickly turning away from them. I ran up the stairs, taking two at a time, jumping onto my bed face first, burying myself into the pillows.

After playing soccer for almost four years, my parents had never shown up to a game, continuously pushing me and my interests aside, focusing on other matters that they deemed 'worth their time'.

I often felt like they didn't even want me, and I was just a mistake. An accident. A problem they couldn't get rid of.

Why did everyone else get such great and supportive parents?

Parents that would drop anything for them, no matter what.

Parents that put their children first.

Parents that cared.


I woke up the next morning feeling groggy and dehydrated, my hair a mess and my eyes puffy, images of my parents filling my mind. Scenes of their clear disappointment in me had been playing over and over again in my sleep, just like most nights.

I had fallen asleep quickly after showering, wanting to escape the stress of everything just for a little bit. I had lost consciousness almost the second my head hit the velvety soft pillow, it being the comfiest thing I had ever slept on.

Slipping out of the bed, I padded over to the bathroom, splashing my face with cold water in an attempt to wake myself up, noticing how bloodshot my eyes were.

I gazed at myself in the grand looking mirror, taking in my baggy clothing that still smelt of him, sending a shiver down my back.

However, I couldn't feel anything but pathetic. I had just been rescued from near death, and the first thing I felt was a strange unexplained connection with someone I barely knew. I felt desperate.

Was I that attention deprived?

I was brought out of my daydream by someone clearing their throat behind me, causing me to whip around. I gasped to myself to see Lily standing in the bathroom doorway, a small smile plastered on her face.

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