Chapter 75

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The house was perfect. There were a few imperfections like a cracked wall, a broken bathroom lock and a chipped countertop, but those could be easily fixed. Children had lived in this house, and it would have been unrealistic to assume that it would have been in mint condition.

The living room was small, but quaint and snug, and I understood why the family wanted to move after expecting their fourth child. However, it was the perfect size for Lorenzo and I, especially if a couple of children were on the cards in the future.

The walls were painted a light cream colour, with beige ascents dotted around the house. The curtains were also a bright mustard yellow colour- an acquired taste, but I actually liked it.

It added character.

"We don't have to keep it the way it's decorated now if you don't want to," Lorenzo told me as I bent down to take a look at the large rug placed in the middle of the room. "We're just looking at the actual house, and then we can order whatever we want for it."

I gathered that the family would want to keep their furniture, although, I actually quite appreciated their interior design choices. I would need to ask them for some tips and ideas.

The kitchen was just as perfect, the room a lot bigger than the previous one. It was fitted with granite counters and a large baby blue fridge, it looking like the perfect place to try out some more of Caspian's recipes.

I cursed at myself mentally for the thought appearing, shaking my head and focusing on the task in hand. It wasn't the time.

"What do you think?" Lorenzo asked as he turned to me, raising his brows. I could tell that he was nervous about my reaction, and that made me laugh. He knew me so well, and it was funny to me that he was doubting himself.

"Lorenzo, I love it," I muttered, smiling. This place really looked like our forever home.

"Great," he said, taking a few steps forwards and wrapping his arms around me, pressing a kiss to the top of my head. "I'll arrange for their furniture to be collected and then we can start moving in."

Apprehension and excitement bubbled up inside of me, and I nodded eagerly. "I'll start looking for some furniture for the living room."

The subject of interior design sounded interesting, and I knew that it was something that I could get into easily. Ellie was pretty creative too though, and I would definitely be asking for her input. She would absolutely love a project like this.


Lorenzo pulled out his phone, staring at the screen, releasing a small sigh. I had caught him doing it a few times, and I knew it was because he was waiting for a call from Thomas regarding him finding the body of Ophelia. I was also worrisome, but I was trying to distract myself. Hence why I was thinking of helping Lily set up for the initiation test.

Placing my hand on Lorenzo's, I smiled sadly. "It'll be okay. They'll find the body soon enough, and then everything will go back to normal."

I wasn't so convinced by what I was saying, but I had to fake it for Lorenzo's sake. He needed to hear it.

He nodded, shoving his phone back into his pocket. "You're right. Heidi has got the money and she's made it clear that she also wants this to end. I'm sure Ophelia will be found soon."

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