Chapter 45

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A few days had passed, or, what I thought had been around a few days. There were no windows down in the cellar, and I had turned to counting, attempting to work out how long we had actually been trapped.

Lorenzo and I tried to keep ourselves busy by conversating, but both of us were far too exhausted to speak for longer than a few minutes, not wanting to fall asleep in case something bad happened to the other while we were under.

Ophelia hadn't returned since she had almost ripped my mark out, Greg having torn her away, pretending he urgently needed to speak with her, which I was taken aback by.

I was aware that Greg had said he was going to help us, but I wasn't expecting him to actually go against Ophelia to do so. It put him in a vulnerable position. It was risky.

She never returned to finish what she had started regarding my mark, and I imagined what Greg had said had immensely distracted her.

He had kept his distance too, although I had heard his voice above us a few times, indicating that he hadn't just packed up everything and left- something that had popped into my mind a few times, scaring me.

I could see how doubtful Lorenzo was with trusting Greg, but we really didn't have any other option. We would be fools to reject the help.

My mouth was extremely dry, and although Greg had snuck us down two bottles of water at some point, we had consumed them in a matter of seconds, our bodies craving more.

I cocked my head at the scientist as he crept down the steps, ensuring to close the door firmly shut after him, gulping as he made his way over to Lorenzo, who, for the most part, was looking a lot better.

He was no longer sweating profusely or looking pale and ghostly, colour returning to his usual olive toned skin, the excess silver having left his body.

However, he still couldn't shift, finding myself watching him intently as he tried to do so on multiple occasions. He would curse to himself each time, flopping his head back against the cold stone wall in failure.

"I need to check your wound," Greg said, and Lorenzo glared at him, grunting and eventually nodding, a small awkward smile making its way up onto Greg's face.

I could see by the look on Lorenzo's that he wanted to knee Greg in the groin and kick him to the ground, but we had agreed to work with him, and even though it was against our instinct, we needed to trust him.

"I think the antibiotics helped," Greg muttered to himself as he pulled up Lorenzo's shirt, humming as he inspected his wound which was practically completely scabbed over. It no longer secreted clear liquid. However, the swelling remained.

"Well it still hurts like a bitch, so don't touch it," Lorenzo snapped at him, and Greg pulled his shirt back down, taking a few quick steps back and clearing his throat awkwardly. His eyes glanced up the staircase briefly before paying his attention back to us.

"What's the plan?" My mate muttered, his eyes hard, and I could tell that he was growing impatient with Greg's lack of proactiveness. We were both waiting for him to do something and take initiative, Lorenzo and I not having a lot to work with down here.

"I've told Ophelia I need to collect the rest of my files from the cabin I had been staying in before we agreed to work together," Greg stated, his voice hushed. "She won't kill me if she thinks there's more information she could use. I've told her it's in a safe."

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