Chapter 11

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Natasha began to pace back and forth, chewing on her fingernails, her heightened anxiety causing my own to rise rapidly.

"I'm sorry," she muttered, a chuckle escaping her lips. "I always do this. I'm fine to begin with, but the longer they take, the more I start to worry."

Seeing the way Natasha reacted about the fact that her mate had gone to battle, confused me, making me feel almost guilty.

If Lorenzo was my mate, should I have been pacing around uncontrollably too, since he had also gone to fight off the rogues?

Did I not care about him the way Natasha cared about Lily?

Was I wrong about this?

I shook the thought out of my head, deciding not to invalidate my feelings just because somebody else responded differently to a situation.

I was worried about Lorenzo- there was no doubt, but a part of me knew he would return safely. He was powerful. Anyone would be scared of him.

Not only that, but after being confined to my small glass container for many years, I had learned to hide my fear and anxiety pretty well most of the time, knowing it would only egg the scientists on even more.

After a few more minutes of watching Natasha wear out the soles of her shoes, the door opened, and Lily walked in, beaming. Pride was evident on her face.

She smiled as Natasha who threw herself into her arms, embracing her tightly.

"Tasha, I'm fine. There's not a scratch on me," Lily laughed, looking over at me, glancing up and down a few times to check if I was okay.

Although Lily and Natasha's conjoined form blocked the doorway, I noticed a a tall stature of a man quickly pass behind them. It entered Lorenzo's room sneakily, causing me to scowl slightly, my brows furrowing.

"Are you both up for some food?" wondered Lily, clearly noticing my drifting gaze. She stepped into the room a little more, blocking my view of Lorenzo's door.

Natasha nodded eagerly, but I sighed as I heard Lorenzo's shower start to run, and my stomach dropped, feeling pained that he hadn't come to see me first.

"Is he...?" I asked, my voice trailing off as I frowned at Lily, who smiled at me in pity.

"He's fine, Mia. It was an easy fight."

I nodded in response, following Lily and Natasha as they led me out of the room, my eyes lingering on Lorenzo's door before turning the corner, making my way down the stairs.

"Who wants Chinese food?" suggested Natasha as she settled down onto the plush brown couch, raising her eyebrows at me, which made me exhale, shrugging.

"I mean, I can't remember what it tastes like, but sure."

Lily laughed at my comment, noticing the casual tone I held, signalling to her that I was comfortable talking about it.

"Okay, great, Chinese food it is then," said Natasha, smiling.

Pushing my long blonde hair out of my face, I huffed, lying back on the couch, lolling my head back and pouting.

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