Chapter 34

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"Are you sure about this? We can turn back now if you've changed your mind," assured Lorenzo, gulping at me, causing me to sigh, shaking my head.

I wasn't sure about this frankly, but it needed to be done. I couldn't continue on with life wondering if the woman found in the cavern murdered was actually my mother or not. I needed to confirm it for myself for my own peace of mind.

I felt guilty about the past couple of days. I had spent the majority of my time in bed, surrounding myself with my own self pity, wallowing in it. However, I felt like I needed to.

It was my way of dealing with the situation and as much as I wanted to just pretend my mother hadn't been killed and that everything was normal, I couldn't.

She was my flesh and blood, and that meant something to me.

I needed to get in contact with Lily, Natasha, Caspian and Ellie to express how sorry I was for pushing them away, concerned that they now no longer liked me after my episode. I was regretful of how distant I had been with them.

They had made such effort to come and see me, and not being in the right state of mind, I couldn't begin to even think about socialising with them.

Flowers or a good homecooked meal would be a nice way to apologise.

Hopefully they wouldn't slam their doors in my face, although, I wouldn't blame them if they did.

Lorenzo and I had travelled to the boundary of the cavern, the location looking exactly the same as it did in my visions, maybe just a little less vivid.

He had continuously expressed how I was not to go over the boundary no matter what, his arm around me as we approached, clearly anxious I was going to disobey him.

However, I had heard about what had happened to the people who did cross the boundary, and I did not want to end up like them.

"I need to do this," I whispered to myself, but just loud enough that Lorenzo could hear, signalling to him that I didn't want to turn back, and was ready.

I knew it would be extremely hard to see the woman who had birthed me laying lifeless on the floor, but I needed the confirmation. We hadn't always got on, but she was all I had ever known.

"Martina!" Lorenzo yelled, scanning the forest, grabbing my hand and giving it a gentle squeeze, pulling me impossibly closer to him.

"I'm here," said Martina as she stepped out from the darkness of the trees. Despite it being daylight, the tight-knit shrubbery secluded us, blocking the majority of the sunlight from reaching the muddy and uneven ground.

"Can you bring Mia's mother out so she can see her?"

Martina raised a brow at me, looking between my mate and I, folding her arms over her chest. "I mean, yes, but are you sure about that? It's not a pretty sight."

I gulped, nodding once at Martina, noticing how tired and gloomy she looked. Her once tanned skin was now ghostly and lucent, her hazel eyes dry and deadened. She looked defeated.

Giving her brother one last look, Martina made her way through the trees, pushing past the shrubs and entering the boundary of the cavern, my gaze drifting over to the small lake.

The crystal clear water looked warm and inviting, the grass, although some dead, was mostly a pretty colour of emerald, a thin layer of dew covering each strand.

However, I knew the appealing and attractive looking environment was just a trick. The witches wanted people to be fooled into thinking there was no danger here, and then, their curse would strike.

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