Chapter 33

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It had been four days, and Mia still hadn't left her bed. She had fallen into a depressive episode and I was worried sick.

I had tried to get her to eat, but she had only managed to get a few spoonfuls of mushroom soup past her lips, and as much as I wanted to beg her to consume the rest, her teary eyes caused me to clamp my lips shut.

Since finding out about her mother's death, I had noticed how distant Mia had been, only dragging herself out of our bed to go to the bathroom when she absolutely couldn't hold it anymore, her bladder probably screaming at her to release the fluid more often.

I was concerned she was going to give herself a kidney infection.

Lily, Caspian and Ellie had all popped in, bringing flowers and freshly baked goodies in an attempt to make Mia smile, but she only politely asked to be left alone, not in the mood to see anyone. I knew that they didn't take it personally though.

Mia was never one to act maliciously. She never wanted to cause someone else physical or mental pain and they all understood she was just struggling to come to terms with what had happened.

"She's in here," I muttered to the doctor as I pushed the door to my bedroom open, gazing at my mate sorrowfully as her drained eyes looked up at who had just entered, dropping her gaze just as quickly.

I wanted Doctor Mac to visit today, as I knew Mia had met him many times before and would probably feel more comfortable with him, but unfortunately he was out of town. I had to settle for somebody else, Mia's condition too serious in my eyes to wait.

"Alright, Mia, are you able to sit up for me please?"

Mia ignored the doctor, her glassy eyes seeming to look straight through him, his words falling upon deaf ears.

I sighed, making my way over to the edge of the bed, placing a soft hand on Mia's back. "Please sweetheart. We need to to get you up. We just want to help."

"Have you been eating and drinking?" asked the doctor, and Mia shook her head, her shaking arms forcing herself upwards on the bed until she was leaning back against the headboards. It was only now that I realised how dark the bags under her eyes were.

She looked as if she had been punched in the face.

The thought made me grimace.

"I can tell you're severely dehydrated," spoke the doctor, pulling out some equipment from his bag, Mia's form becoming standoffish as she recoiled into herself. She curled her arms around her knees as she brought them to her chest. "I'm going to give you a drip to be on for around ten minutes or so. Just to give you some fluid, but you also need to have something to eat. You're very weak."

Mia shook her head, and images of when I first found her filled my mind, thinking about how frightened she was of Doctor Mac and the needles he was prodding her with. It felt as if we were right back at square one. I didn't want to see her like that again. We had made such good progress.

"Mia, look at me," I spoke softly, cupping her cold cheeks, caressing them with my thumbs. "This is going to make you feel so much better. Prometto."

I squeezed her hand as the doctor took Mia's arm slowly, inserting the canula into her vein and hooking up the IV. Mia's eyes clamped shut as she almost crushed my hand in hers, holding her breath at the same time, and I was worried for a second that she was going to pass out.

"Here," said the doctor, pulling out a packaged bar from his pocket. "Eat this protein bar. It's high in calories and we don't want to upset your stomach by giving it too much to digest at once. I'll be back in ten minutes to take your canula out."

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