Chapter 30

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"Right, nobody set foot near the boundary, and I'm dead serious," I ordered, gazing at my men, nodding deep into the forest. "It won't end well."

I had taken it upon myself to go and check out the cavern for any suspicious activity, however, I knew that nobody could enter the premises, or they would be cursed.

Caspian nodded eagerly, clapping his hands together, clearing his throat before hollering out towards the group. "If you see anything suspicious, let one of us know, but just like Alpha Lorenzo said, do not go over the boundary we have set."

My men nodded, their heads bobbing up and down in wolf forms, howling in excitement. They hadn't had any tasks in a while, and I could tell that they were all up for it, looking forward to putting their skills to the test.

I was concerned though, worried that the most naïve of my men would attempt to cross the boundary to prove themselves, hoping to impress me and become some sort of martyr.

They were all aware of what happened to wolves that ventured too close to the cavern though, understanding the risks they were taking.

To say I was frightened by Mia's visions was an understatement, the fact that she had never visited it worrying me even more.

How could the witches delve into her mind and force her to see things when she had never even been there? How had they managed to toy with her in such a way?

It went against all of the information that we believed.

I was half expecting not to find anything here, but I couldn't just sit back and wonder. I had to at least try.

I stayed in my human form along with Caspian, following the men as they trampled the soil and crunchy leaves, their paws hitting the ground harshly as they darted around the trees. They were clearly still not tired despite the long run, surging on pure adrenaline.

"I hope we find something," I muttered to my third in command, sighing, noticing how Caspian frowned, placing his hand on my shoulder.

"Don't worry, we'll fix it. These witches have been messing with us for too long now," he growled, shaking his head, his fists clenched.

I could tell how much Mia's visions affected him, and I was more than grateful for a third in command like Caspian, knowing I could trust him with anything and he would always want to help.

Him and my mate got on well, and it made me happy to see him smile again. He looked at Mia as a little sister, having someone to care about again after the death of his mate.

Watching my fighters disperse, all of them heading off into different directions around the premises of the cavern, my heart began to race, the thought of anyone becoming cursed because of me running through my head.

I ensured to order them yet again to not get too close though, even if they did see something.

A part of me suspected that the witches had returned to the cavern after being pushed out by us, and I wouldn't stand for it. I didn't want them or their dark magic anywhere near my pack, especially when Mia was involved.

Caspian and I circled the cavern, peering through the trees, gazing through the shrubbery and foliage, moving slowly, ensuring we didn't miss anything.

The cavern looked exactly the same as when we had last seen it- the rushing waterfall pouring down into a deep lake, the crispy tufty grass long and patchy around it and the cave to the left looking eerie and ghostly.

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