Chapter 72

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The mood around had been dire since the burning of Caspian's photographs. Lorenzo had already begun converting his room into a spare office with the help of Lily, Natasha and Ellie. His belongings were either given away to pack members who needed them, or just tossed, but there was nothing remaining that would have given away his identity just in case.

I had just finished a short shift at the school, if you could call it a shift. I mostly just sat with the kids and helped them with their spelling. Louis had really missed me, and as soon as I saw his cheeky little face, I relaxed. I wasn't worried about them asking me any questions regarding my capture. They were respectful and welcoming, and really helped to take my mind off things.

The sun was shining today, putting me in a much better mood than I had been the past couple of days. It had been constantly raining, bringing everyone down. The ground was still squelchy as I stepped and I knew that my shoes were definitely going to be soggy by the time I reached the house.

I made my way back home, noticing Ellie just leaving, her face covered in sweat.

"You look like you're having fun," I laughed, pulling my bag that was falling back up onto my shoulder.

She attempted to catch her breath, shaking her head and resting her hands on her knees. "Lorenzo hasn't given us a break and my arms are killing. I'm not fit enough for this."

"Well I hope he's at least paying you well," I said, raising my brows.

Ellie nodded, chuckling. Lorenzo wouldn't make her or Natasha do any labour work without paying them, but I did wonder how much he had offered them.

I entered the house, hearing clattering coming from upstairs. Dropping my bag down by the couch, I ascended the stairs, turning right into Caspian's room. I hadn't seen it yet, but it looked completely different. It was bare, and pretty much all of the furniture was gone besides a few shelves, but it appeared that they were going to be kept. They would be useful.

Lorenzo was knelt down in the corner sawing at some wood, his upper half bare and his muscles flexing as he worked. I instantly licked my lips, taking in how good he looked. I gathered that he caught my scent, as he suddenly looked up with wide eyes, offering me a genuine smile.

"Sorry, my love," he breathed, getting up and moving towards me, planting a kiss to the top of my head. "I didn't hear you come in. I was too in the moment."

I wasn't aware that Lorenzo enjoyed carpentry and renovating, but he looked to be in his element. Although it was being done for a depressing reason, it seemed he was making the best of it. Plus, he looked great doing it. He had a thin layer of sweat coating his body, his tousled hair pushed back away from his forehead. All I wanted to do was run my hand through it

Lorenzo cleared his throat, and I snapped out of my daze, shaking my head.

"What's with you and staring?" he teased, wrapping his arms around my waist and tilting my chin up using his finger, kissing me softly.

"I can't help it when you look like that," I chuckled, taking a quick step back all of a sudden. "Stop, you're getting me all dirty."

I heard Lily and Natasha laugh from behind me, and I spun around to see them carrying planks of wood that looked like they needed sawing and sanding. I gathered that was Lorenzo's job today.

"How's the house search going, Mia?" Natasha asked me as I stood aside, allowing them past. The wood looked heavy, although the weight of it didn't seem to effect them.

I shrugged, looking over at Lorenzo. With everything going on, we really hadn't had time to have a look. There were a few spare houses around the pack, but we hadn't gone to view them. I knew that Lorenzo would have one made for us if I wasn't sure about any of them though, something I felt was a little unnecessary.

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