Chapter 18

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I sighed to myself as I ran my hands through my sopping wet hair in irritation, quickly shutting Lily's laptop shut after sending the last of my emails. I tilted my head back against the living room couch, allowing my heavy eyelids to fall shut.

"Are you done?" a voice came from beside me, causing me to jolt. My eyes snapped open to reveal Lily standing above me, her brow raised and hand on her hip.

"Oh, yeah, thanks," I replied, rubbing at my eyes before passing her the laptop, noticing how she cocked her head at me, a question lingering at her lips. However, I shook my head at her, sending the message that I wasn't in the mood to talk about my thoughts and feelings.

"You disappeared into the woods alone and then spent almost an hour in the shower. Something is on your mind, Lorenzo."

I placed my palms on the rough leather of the couch, pushing myself up to a standing position, gulping as I looked at my Beta, her face masked with concern.

"I'd rather not talk about it," I said huskily, squeezing past her, ascending the stairs, making my way towards my room. But, I stopped, leaning against the cream coloured walls of the hallway, my fists tense.

I could hear Mia shuffling around in her room, and guilt overcame me as I remembered her face when I had stormed out of my office earlier.

Hearing about what the scientists had done to her sent my wolf into overdrive, and I was surprised that I hadn't shifted. Leaving the room was the best thing to do.

I knew that if I couldn't control myself, it was best not to be around my mate, especially since she wasn't one hundred percent trusting of me yet.

I made a mental note to myself to speak with Margot, wanting to hear if there was anything that I needed to know about Mia that I didn't already.

Gazing at my mate's door, I sighed, knocking on it gently, half expecting her to ignore me or direct me away. However, the harsh creaking sound of the door opening caused my eyes to widen slightly, and I watched Mia poke her head out, her eyes looking surprised.

"Can I come in?" I questioned, offering her a smile as she opened the door wider, allowing me to enter. My heavy footsteps caused the floorboards to groan underneath my weight, and I scanned the room, noticing how neat and tidy Mia had kept it. There wasn't a hair out of place.

"Margot was looking for you before she left," spoke Mia, fiddling with her fingers nervously, tucking her blonde hair behind her ear.

I nodded, my tongue clicking as I thought. "That's fine. I'll give her a call to rearrange your next session with her. I mean, if that's what you would like?"

I watched as my mate dropped eye contact, her brown eyes fixated on the grey rug splayed out in the middle of the room. She looked indecisive, and I slowly made my way towards her, taking her small hands in my own. "Mia, if talking about it is too much for you-"

"I don't think it's me that it's too much for," she responded quickly, which caused me to mentally recoil, surprised at her comment. Guilt wracked through my body, ashamed of my reaction in the office.

Mia's eyes held just a glint of humour, and I huffed in laughter, shaking my head.

"I'm sorry for my reaction," I said, watching as my mate nodded once, gulping, "I thought I was ready to hear what they did to you, but I don't think I was."

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