Chapter 4

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Lorenzo gazed at me sadly as he led me out of the hospital, his hand placed on the small of my back as we walked. His eyes watched me intently as I swayed a few times, almost losing my balance.

"I'll take you home and we can get a room set up for you?" suggested Lorenzo, raising his thick eyebrows at me, waiting for a response. However, I didn't give him one. I was unsure as to why he wanted me to stay with him.

My parents had never been the affectionate type, and although they were not cruel or unkind, they struggled with expressing their emotions. They had never explained things to me about our kind like I had seen other parents do with their children.

I knew the basics about werewolves, but I was mostly left to discover everything on my own, learning as I went.

I was aware about the topic of wolves finding their soulmates, but details were never given. I often merely thought the concept of them was just a made up fairytale to keep people holding on to some form of hope that they would one day meet someone they were destined to be with for the rest of their lives.

I didn't know how it felt to have a mate, and what the correct protocol to follow was when you did meet, but I couldn't help but wish that someone had explained it to me, even if it was just a big old lie.

For a few moments, it scared me that whenever I looked at Alpha Lorenzo, tingles erupted throughout my body, creating a riot, but I had been isolated for five years- away from my own kind.

I was sure it was just my body's reaction to being in the presence of an Alpha after being alone for so many years. His power radiated off of him, and my wolf was intimidated.

As we approached a large brick house, I smiled to myself slightly, enjoying the view of the rows of daises dotted outside the large red front door. A comforting feeling flew throughout my veins, the house looking homely and inviting.

"I've made sure nobody is home," spoke Lorenzo as we stepped into the house, the smell of musk and sandalwood wafting over me, and I realised that the front room smelt just like him. "I'll show you to your room."

Lorenzo allowed me to mount the stairs first, hovering behind me just in case I fell, my legs quivering underneath me. Eventually, I reached the top, my heart beating ferociously and my breathing rate increased, which caused Lorenzo to growl lowly to himself, clearly frustrated.

"This one is yours," he said, pointing to a cream coloured door. "And this one is mine."

I followed his gaze, my brown eyes landing on a dark wooden door, right opposite mine.

"Oh, thank you," I said nervously, pushing my door open and sighing heavily as I stepped in, becoming overwhelmed with how luxurious and clean the room before me was.

The walls were painted a light grey colour, and the furniture was a simple shade of beige, orange features dotted around the room, creating an autumnal feel.

The floor was covered with a large fluffy rug, which looked comfy enough to sleep on. However, I couldn't ignore the huge king sized bed placed in the middle of the room, inviting me in with its layers of fuzzy throws and plump pillows.

"Your bathroom is in there," said Lorenzo, gesturing to a door on the other side of the room, right next to the large tall bed.

I nodded, perching myself on the edge of it, pulling my oversized T-shirt back up onto my shoulder, not liking the fact that my protruding collarbone had been on show.

"Do you have anyone you need to contact, Mia?" asked Lorenzo, causing me to shrug.

"Um, I used to live down on the coast near Veline Quarry. On one of the ranches."

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