Chapter 74

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I strolled through the pack, having spent half the day at the school again. It was tiring, but I was enjoying it, the children really distracting me from the impending doom I was feeling. I couldn't help but allow my pessimistic thoughts get the best of me sometimes.

The glass was often half empty.

I was working on it though.

Lorenzo had returned from seeing Daniel yesterday in a chipper mood, which confused me, but I gathered that the fact that Heidi was willing to strike a deal with us had sunk in. All we had to do was pay for Thalia's funeral, which Lorenzo had no problem with. He had more than enough money to deal with that.

I had to be wary though. I didn't fully trust her intentions. There was a chance that she was lying and we were just getting played, and I wasn't sure if I had the mental capability to deal with that. We had already been through so much. I just wanted it to be over.

Out of the corner of my eye, I noticed Martina making her way past me, and I offered her a smile, coming to a stop. She looked to be preoccupied with something on her phone, and I guessed that Adam was still giving her trouble. He wanted her back, but it sounded as if the cheating was never going to stop. She deserved better than that.

"Hi," I said as I walked up to her, and she nodded at me, looking fed up. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah," she sighed, running her hand through her dark thick hair, putting on a fake smile.

"Are you sure? You look stressed," I stated, frowning.

"Who isn't stressed these days?" Martina chuckled, shoving her phone into her back pocket. "Are you coming to the initiation test today?"

I scrunched up my face, feeling confused. "What do you mean?"

Rolling her eyes, Martina took a hold of my bicep, leading me towards the direction of Lorenzo's house. "He really doesn't tell you anything, does he?"

"He's been a little busy," I muttered as I trudged through the grass, clutching at my bag as I allowed Martina to practically drag me home.

I remembered how I had learned about the initiation tests the pack held when I first arrived, and Lorenzo and I had bickered about me doing it. He claimed I didn't have to, and that because I was his mate, there was no need, but I had wanted to earn my place here like everyone else.

"How come we're having one?" I questioned, the house coming into view. "Are there new pack members?"

It seemed strange that we would accept new members into the pack with what was going on. Letting people in was a risk, and I didn't believe Lorenzo would support that.

"The last one was postponed due to what was going on, but Lily has given the go-ahead for this one. Lorenzo's allowing her to run it," Martina explained, helping it make a lot more sense to me.

"Well I'll definitely come and watch," I stated, nodding my head enthusiastically. "I think as Luna it's appropriate for me to do so anyway."

I couldn't help but feel guilty, knowing that there was a chance that not all of the wolves would pass the test. If I hadn't have been mated to Lorenzo, I definitely wouldn't have passed it and I was just lucky that the Moon Goddess had decided to pair me with somebody from the pack. Things could have been so different if I hadn't been.

I pushed open the door to the house, walking in and dropping my bag by the door, Lily coming into view, her forehead sweaty. She was coated in paint and dust, and I raised my eyebrows at her as she shook her head at me, telling me silently not to say anything.

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