Chapter 50

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I narrowed my eyes at Caspian, taking a few steps forwards to take a look, the bald man's head making me cringe.

I had killed enough people, but seeing the aftermath always creeped me out. Killing was only something I did as a last resort. Sometimes, there was no choice and I had to protect my people.

"I found him trying to make a break for it," Caspian told me, holding the head up once again, allowing the sun to gleam down it. Dried crimson liquid had trickled down the neck, staining the skin.

I averted my eyes, gesturing for the guards to take Caspian and put him in a holding cell for now, having no interest in the head he was clutching.

I knew exactly who it belonged to.


Nothing could act as a peace offering in my opinion, and although I was grateful that Greg was now dead and could no longer hurt another wolf, I wasn't going to allow Caspian to know that.

I swallowed, ordering a guard to dispose of the body part, taking one last look at it and making my way back towards the hospital, Martina following closely behind me.

I was slightly frustrated. I wanted to be the one to kill Greg, but he had been smart, not returning with my pack to the warehouse like I had told him to. He must have assumed that I wouldn't have kept him alive after what he had done to Mia.

He was correct.

"Why did you come out here?" I asked my sister, arching my brow at her as she struggled to keep up with me in her heeled boots, cursing to herself as she stepped into a small puddle of muddy water.

"In case you needed me," she responded, and I rolled my eyes, deciding to keep my mouth shut.

I couldn't be bothered to argue with Martina today, my mind distracted with much more important things that I had to deal with.

My sister being annoying was the least of my worries.

I understood that she was angry at Caspian, and her reaction was justified, but, it wasn't as if she hadn't been a risk to Mia once herself, so her hypocritical way of thinking pissed me off.

"When I tell you to do something, just do it please," I ordered as we entered the hospital, quickly making my way down the hall and into Mia's room, sighing with relief when she was in the exact same position she was when I left.

Martina huffed, crossing her arms over her chest as she studied me.

"That's how it works around here, and if you can't adhere to it, then you can find another pack to go to."

I stood aside, allowing the doctor who had been monitoring Mia to exit the room, before slamming the door in Martina's face, pulling the blind across the small block window so she couldn't see in.

I listened intently, ensuring she had left, enjoying the sound of her heels clacking against the tiled flooring as she walked away, and I settled myself back down next to my mate.

Taking her hand in mine, I looked over her, her pale skin looking ghostly and dull, and I missed her usual flushed bright complexion. I wanted to see that again.

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