Chapter 48

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"What the fuck happened to her?" asked Lorenzo, his voice animalistic, his Italian accent strong and icy.

"We don't know," Martina admitted, and Lily dropped her head in shame, biting on her lip.

"I left her for just a minute, Lorenzo," Lily spoke quietly, her voice wavering at the end. "I can't apologise enough."

"She's bleeding out," Lorenzo said, pressing his hand to my wound, causing me to whine, attempting to squirm away from his hold. It was incredibly painful to the touch. "Hold still, baby."

"She ripped my mark out," I spluttered, a sob wracking my body, and Lorenzo gulped, pulling me to his chest and embracing me, tracing soothing circles along my back for a few seconds.

I couldn't tell if the bond was still there on his end, but my longing for Lorenzo was definitely present. I wanted him and was overcome with emotion from getting to touch him after so long. My love for him overwhelmed me, making me cry harder into him.

What if he no longer loved me like I loved him?

I couldn't function without him.

I needed him.

"Are all the witches dead?" asked Lorenzo, taking a quick look around, and Martina nodded, gulping.

"Yes, except-"

"I know, Martina," Lorenzo snapped, and his sister clamped her mouth shut, averting her gaze.

"Doctor Mac should be on his way," Lily said, and I could tell that she was nervous to speak out of turn, worried that Lorenzo would berate her for what had happened. "He remained close by while we ambushed, but away from danger."

Lorenzo grumbled to himself as he yanked off his T-shirt, finding it difficult since he also still had the chains connected to his wrists, and it took him a couple of tries before he managed to peel the fabric off of himself completely.

It was blood and dirt stained, but, he bunched it up and pressed it to my neck, causing me to hiss in pain, attempting to pull away out of instinct.

"Stay," Lorenzo ordered huskily, his tone making my body go limp, sagging into him, more tears dribbling down my cheeks. However, I managed to hide them as they blended in with the droplets of rain landing on me simultaneously.

"We've got people tracking her as we speak," Martina mumbled quietly into Lorenzo's ear, the words sounding jumbled to me, confusion taking over. I was becoming dizzy, and nothing was making much sense, my body shaking even worse than before.

I could tell I was reacting poorly to being so dehydrated, hungry and having my mark ripped away. If I survived, I was going to be left with a hefty scar. Not just physically, but mentally.

"Mia, look at me," Lorenzo spoke, hooking his finger under my chin and gazing into my hazy eyes, furrowing his brows. "Can you hear me? Nod if you can still hear me, okay?"

His words sounded like gibberish, and I scowled at him, swallowing, unsure of how to reply.

How could I respond when his words were making absolutely no sense to me?

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