Chapter 29

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"You look beautiful. Stop fussing," spoke Lily, forcing my hands down, grabbing a pin and clipping the rest of my hair back away from my face. The soft curls were different than what I was used to, making me feel like a completely new person.

She had also dusted my face lightly with makeup and given me a flowy blue dress to wear, the outfit casual but formal enough to stand in front of the entire pack in.

I was nervous, to say the least, but Lorenzo and I had finally decided it was the right time to announce me as his mate. Practically everyone already knew anyway, the news spreading like wildfire.

I didn't want everyone to think of me as a coward. I needed to accept my role as Luna, and even if I struggled, I knew that Lorenzo would be there to help me every step of the way. I wouldn't do this alone.

"Lorenzo should be waiting for you downstairs," Lily spoke, standing back from me and looking me up and down excitedly, chuffed with her creation.

"I'm nervous," I muttered, gulping as Lily escorted me down the steps, clearly wanting to see Lorenzo's reaction when he caught sight of me.

My mate turned when he heard our footsteps, his brows raising once he took in my done-up form, a smile making its way onto his lips, leaving me breathless.

"Sei bellissima," he spoke, taking a step forwards, his eyes turning dark for a split second before he composed himself. He wrapped his arms around my waist, planting a kiss onto the top of my head.

"Ah, don't mess up the hair!" complained Lily, grabbing my hand and pulling me away from him slightly, laughing.

"Are you guys ready?" questioned Caspian, opening the front door for us, offering us a smile. He was clearly excited.

We made our way through the village, not a wolf to be seen, making me anxious. Everyone had been informed of the announcement that Lorenzo planned to make, and had gathered in the village hall in anticipation.

I had never been there before, but from the outside, it didn't look big enough for everyone to accumulate in, and I was right.

As we turned the corner, I saw wolves practically spilling out from the building, all eager to push past others to get a better view of the stage. Their chattering sounded like a low humming, as if a bees nest was nearby.

"Let's go around the back," suggested Caspian as he caught sight of everyone, leading us down a tiny dirt path through the trees, stopping as he reached red double doors, turning to Lorenzo and I. "How do you want to do this? Do you need me to go up on stage and stall them? Or are you ready now?"

Lorenzo looked at me and raised a brow, making me gulp. However, I nodded, knowing that the sooner I got it over with, the better. I didn't want be hiding away forever.

"Let's go," said Lorenzo, grabbing my hand and giving it a good squeeze for reassurance as Caspian pushed the double doors open, gesturing for us to clamber up the steps onto the stage.

Lorenzo went first, and I followed after him, his hand at my waist the entire time, Lily and Caspian right behind us.

The crowd went silent as we stepped out, all of their eyes wide and eager as they looked me over, smiles creeping up onto their faces.

"Good evening everyone," boomed Lorenzo, the need for a microphone inessential as his voice bounced off the walls, echoing throughout the entire hall. "Thank you for all coming. I have some exciting news to share with you."

Lorenzo grabbed my hand again, pulling me closer to him, and I forced a smile despite how nerve racking the entire situation was. "As many of you are aware, Mia is my mate and will be taking her rightful position as Luna of the pack. I hope that those of you who haven't had the pleasure of meeting her yet treat her with respect and dignity just as everyone else does."

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