Chapter 9

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Lily had taken my hand, quickly pulling me out of the house before Lorenzo could get any more frustrated. My sweaty palm slid against hers, causing me to become self conscious before I subtly released her.

I gazed back at the house as Lily led me across the pack grounds, pointing out where everything was. However, I knew there was no point in being shown, since they didn't plan on keeping me around for much longer.

Noticing my quiet demeanour and somber expression, Lily sighed, shaking her head. "You'll have to excuse Martina's behaviour. She can be brash sometimes, but she's somewhat fine once you get to know her."

I nodded, swallowing as I averted my eyes from Lily, feeling uncomfortable with the subject. It was pretty clear that Lorenzo's sister saw me as feeble, but could I really disagree with her? I was far from a bodybuilder.

"She's just bitter that Lorenzo's Alpha and she's not," chuckled Lily. "Sometimes I think she's honestly just waiting for Lorenzo to die so that she can take over."

I winced at the comment, furrowing my brows at Lily, my ears not enjoying hearing the words 'Lorenzo' and 'die' in the same sentence. "Do they not get on very well?"

Lily shrugged, pushing her dark hair out of her face as the wind whisked it around her, creating a shadowy cloak over her eyes. "No, they do. They used to bicker quite a lot, but they don't see each other often to be honest. Martina's mate is from a different pack and she splits her time between both locations. This pack still means a lot to her though, but I hate how she inserts herself into everyone's business."

I nodded in understanding, ignoring the use of the word 'mate'. The term was something my parents didn't really use back in my old pack, and I wanted to ask Lily more about it. I stopped myself though, frightened to pry.

I rolled my shoulder awkwardly, the crack of my bones grinding against one another filling the awkward silence.

I sunk my teeth into my bottom lip, debating with myself whether or not to bring up the subject that had been eating away at me for the entirety of the walk, the question almost itching to get out.

"Could you please tell me what this test is?" I asked quietly, unsure whether Lily was going to become increasingly agitated by my constant questioning and inability to let the subject drop.

"I mean, I could tell you what it is, but don't worry about it too much, Mia," spoke Lily, sighing heavily. "It's just a test we make newbies go through in order to join the pack. It involves cardio and strength tests and some combat against one of our existing pack members. If we think they're good enough, they will be invited to join the pack, but if not, then they won't be accepted."

I widened my eyes at the boldness her tone held, attempting to picture myself completing one of the many tasks the test would entail, the thought causing me to gulp.

"It might seem harsh, but it's a way of ensuring our pack is strong."

Strong. The word didn't resonate with me.

"But it doesn't matter, because like Lorenzo and I said earlier, you'll never have to do it," announced Lily, offering me a grin.

Was this their way of trying to tell me they were going to ask me to leave soon? I didn't understand why they hadn't just got on with it.

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