Chapter 71

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It had been a few days since Lorenzo had got his chains off, and I had been taking advantage of his freedom, happily able to touch him wherever I liked without the fear of getting burned. We hadn't left the territory, apart from Lorenzo who had been going on multiple runs a day in wolf form.

I didn't blame him though. His wolf had been cooped up for so long. They deserved some time together.

I was currently standing in front of my parents' grave. I had brought them flowers, hoping that they appreciated the gift. With Lorenzo gone, out dealing with Thomas a lot of the time, I had a lot of free time to wallow in my own thoughts. Lily was busy too, helping out to make the tracking of Ophelia look as believable as possible to Thomas and the other witches.

Natasha and Ellie had been keeping me company, but they had their own lives to live and I couldn't expect them to be with me constantly. I also needed my own time to breathe.

I yelped as I felt fingers graze my waist, and I spun around frantically with wide eyes, noticing my mate standing before me in nothing but a pair of shorts. He had just returned from his run, sweat dripping from his forehead, landing at our feet. I was partially jealous that I couldn't join him, but running with wolves in human form was dangerous. I could easily get trampled.

Not to mention I would become horrendously out of breath in approximately thirty seconds.

"Are you okay gorgeous?" Lorenzo asked as he pulled me to his chest. I nodded into it, tucking my hair behind my ear, pulling away so I wasn't so smushed. I no longer cried when it came to my parents. I had seen their corpses, yes, but it was as if my brain had blocked the images from my mind in order to protect itself. It didn't want me suffering. I appreciated it.

"I've just been waiting for you to get back," I told him, giving the grave one last look before taking Lorenzo's hand, pulling him towards the house. I had been thinking about what I was going to do with rest of my life today, and I had decided I wanted more of an input into the pack.

I didn't want to just be on Lorenzo's arm- I actually wanted to help and spend my days doing things for the people of the pack.

"Woah, where are we going?" chuckled Lorenzo as he allowed me to pull him, his feet dragging across the floor. I could tell he was tired. He had been out for hours.

"Home," I responded, gazing up at the sun that was beginning to set. "I want you to help me plan my day tomorrow. I'm thinking about going back into the school. I really enjoyed it there."

Lorenzo beamed, nodding enthusiastically. "Of course, I'm sure the kids would absolutely love to have you back."

I grinned at him, swallowing. Although I was nervous to see the children again, I knew that they would be excited to see me. They seemed to really enjoy when Lily and I would go and visit.

"How's is going with Thomas?" I questioned as we padded through the grass, causing Lorenzo to roll his eyes, shaking his head.

"He's upping the ante now. He's got almost fifty witches scouring the forest for Ophelia. He's got her all over television and posters too."

I scowled, sighing. "They're going to find her eventually, surely? The lake isn't that far from the hall."

Lorenzo nodded, looking a little tense. "I know. I'm just hoping that they don't suspect anything. I doubt they'll sweep it under the rug. They'll want to find out who killed her."

"I'm sure they'll suspect Caspian," I told him. "And if they catch him he'll be put on trial for murder. He could be sentenced to death."

The thought scared me. I didn't know how long Thomas would keep the search up, but the obvious suspect in all of this was Caspian. They would believe that Ophelia refused to do the spell to bring his mate back after he saved her, resulting in Caspian murdering Ophelia and dumping her body in the lake.

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