Chapter 10

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I quickly turned away from Lily, gulping down my saliva anxiously. Gazing off into the distance, my brown eyes remained focused on the path leading towards the house.

"Did you want to go back?" wondered Lily, causing me to nod, a sigh escaping from her mouth.

"Mia," she spoke calmly as we strolled through the grass, the slightly overgrown tufts grazing against my legs, aggravating me. "Can we just forget about what I just said? I don't want Lorenzo getting mad at me."

I furrowed my brows, nodding after a few seconds of awkward silence.

I was utterly confused, and slightly frustrated that nobody seemed to be being straight up with me, talking to me as if I was a fragile piece of china that could shatter at any given moment.

"Did you want to order pizza when we get back?"

I shrugged at Lily's question, the mood to conversate  quickly disappearing into thin air.

Noticing my dismay, she walked silently beside me, allowing me to pout to myself without any interruption.

I felt guilty that I was being blunt with her, and frightened that she would tell Lorenzo about my bratty behaviour, resulting in me facing some sort of punishment.

However, Lorenzo had shown no sign of aggression towards me so far, and a part of me felt like he would let my actions slide.


Once the large brick house came into view, my heart rate quickened, the sweet smell of amber and sandalwood wafting up my nostrils.

Lily watched me, smiling to herself slightly as she noticed my body stiffen, my pace unconsciously quickening as I made my way to the door. Forcing myself to abruptly stop, I allowed Lily to open the door.

Noticing Lorenzo leaning against the kitchen counter, still shirtless, Lily excused herself, offering me a quick smile before making her way up the stairs. It left me standing alone and vulnerable in front of her Alpha, and I swallowed as I gazed at him through my thick lashes.

"How was your walk?" He asked, slowly making his way around the kitchen island, standing in front of me, his large frame towering over my small and perplexed one.

"Um, it was good," I spoke softly, clearing my throat awkwardly. "We visited the school."

"Oh really?" questioned Lorenzo, raising an eyebrow. "You like kids?"

"I don't have much experience with them," I replied, laughing slightly, attempting to fill the silence, but finding myself getting lost in Lorenzo's glowing hazel eyes.

He swallowed as he looked down at me, his jaw clenched, looking tense. "What were they learning about?"

"They were being taught about the beginning of the werewolf species and, um," I trailed off, dragging my bottom lip into my mouth, biting down on it anxiously.

"And what?" pressed Lorenzo, taking a step closer to me, his eyes fixated on my own. His Adam's apple bobbed up and down slightly as he gulped, causing a strange tingling feeling to bubble up in my stomach.

Lorenzo was too attractive for his own good, and I wondered if every female here was as intrigued as I was.

"They were learning about mates," I spoke, my voice having turned into a whisper by the end of the sentence after noticing how Lorenzo's pupils started to dilate.

"Mates? Really?"

I nodded, taking in a deep breath as Lorenzo took another step closer to me, and although fear was coursing through veins, my feet were glued to the ground. I couldn't find it within myself to attempt to unstick them.

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