Chapter 3

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Although my body felt at ease in Lorenzo's arms, I was still on edge. I didn't know this man and I had no idea where he was taking me.

He secured his large muscly arms around me, causing my heart to skip a beat, and I tried my best to keep my head down despite the fact that I could feel my pulse in my throat.

Lorenzo seemed to notice this, and a small smile tugged at the corner of his lips before it quickly disappeared, his eyes focusing back on my wrists. He muttered to himself angrily in Italian as he carried me towards a sleek dark grey car, and I frowned as I gazed at it.

Opening the passenger side door, he gently placed me inside, swiftly closing it behind me and getting in on the driver's side, starting the car up. As he backed up and revved the engine, pulling onto the road, he watched me twiddle with my thumbs in my lap, unsure of what to say or do.

"What's your name?" asked Lorenzo, pulling me out of my daydream.

"Mia," I replied quietly, watching him shift in his seat after hearing me speak, causing me to furrow my brows in confusion.

"Your age?"

"Um, twenty, I think," I spoke, trying my best to focus on the conversation rather than the burning sensation that was spreading down my arms, the silver making me feel drowsy.

Lorenzo nodded to himself, and I found myself wanting to ask him the same question, but I couldn't find the courage to allow the words to leave my mouth. I didn't know if he wanted me to talk.

"I'm twenty four," he slightly chuckled, obviously noticing me struggling, his brows furrowing once again as he looked me up and down. "We've had that human laboratory on our radar for a while now, but we didn't know what we were up against and how much they knew about our kind. We needed to make sure we could get everyone in and out alive."

I gazed at Lorenzo, his harsh features becoming more prominent as he tensed, taking a deep breath. "How long were you there for?"

"Um, about five years," I mumbled, noticing Lorenzo's hands turn white as he clutched onto the steering wheel so tightly that it groaned underneath him. It caused me to panic, worried that he would lose control of the car and we would crash.

"We're going to get you looked at as soon as we get home, va bene?"

I furrowed my brows at the word 'home'. My mind wandering to the whereabouts of my family, and what they were currently doing. After multiple years at the lab, I had blocked out the memories of them, realising that holding onto them was causing more pain than being alone.

However, I couldn't help but wonder if they had moved on and if they were happy without me.

Suddenly, the car pulled to a stop, and I hadn't realised that I had been daydreaming the majority of the car journey. Looking through the car windscreen, I noticed a gated area, with high fencing around it, guards standing at the entrance.

Lorenzo nodded at them, and they bowed their heads, opening up the gate, allowing us to drive straight through. As we turned the corner, a large white building came into view, with rows and rows of windows, multiple wolves being wheeled in on gurneys.

"We're here. Let's get you taken care of," soothed Lorenzo, stepping out of the car and opening my door for me, helping me out. His hand hovered around the small of my back in case I needed support, and I found myself breathing heavier than necessary feeling his skin against my own.

He murmured something to one of the guards at the door, who nodded and urgently made his way into the hospital, taking quick long strides as he walked.

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