Chapter 15

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With my chest heaving, I glared at my half sister, her dismayed facial expression only angering me more. It caused my wolf to growl lowly, and I could tell that my eyes were a deep pitch black.

"Lorenzo, you need to calm down. Frederick wasn't trying to hurt her," mumbled Martina, shaking her head, gazing down at a bleeding Frederick, her nose scrunched up in displeasure.

Snapping at her, I turned towards my mate, whose eyes were portraying terror, her hands shaking by her side as she scrambled to her feet. She attempted to dust off the dirt and dead grass from her clothing, but failed.

"Mia, look at me, amore mio," I ordered, hooking my finger under her chin and turning it side to side, examining her face quickly. I hissed to myself once I saw a small scratch on her jawline, the red skin slightly raised.

Despite the fact that I was filled to the brim with rage, and it was boiling over rapidly, I didn't succumb to it, knowing that my mate needed me right now.

I had to keep a level head for her.

"Frederick and Martina," I said loudly, which caused Mia to jump slightly. "Go and wait outside my office."

I watched as Frederick peeled himself up off the ground, wiping at his nose, the blood still trickling out of both nostrils, tainting the grass beneath him.

His hunched figure quickly disappeared around the corner, and I turned to Martina, raising an eyebrow at her expectedly, surprised that her feet weren't following Frederick's.

"What did I just say Martina?" I spoke lowly, my voice husky as I made my way towards her, nostrils flared and eyes still as dark as the pits of hell.

"Lorenzo, as my brother you should at least-"

Martina's sentence was cut short by my growl, and I glared down at her with a tense jaw, attempting to control myself in front of Mia. I knew that when I was alone with them, I would be able to explode without being worried about frightening my mate, but now wasn't the time.

"My office. Now."

At my words, Martina sighed in defeat, her lip trembling slightly as she turned her back on me. Her hair almost flicked me in the face as she walked away towards the house, her arms crossed tightly against her chest.

"I'm sorry," spoke a quiet voice from behind me, causing me to whirl around, my feet crunching against the dead winter grass until I was stood in front of Mia. I crouched down slightly so I was face to face with her, sighing heavily.

"Don't apologise, my love," I soothed, pushing the stray hairs tickling her face behind her ears, taking a gentle hold of the side of her neck, gazing down at her with softer eyes. "They will be punished."

"Please don't hurt them though," spoke my mate, causing me to chuckle, raising an eyebrow.

"Mia, they hurt you. They will be punished. I'm sorry you had to see me like that though. I assure you I only did what was necessary to protect you."

"You shouldn't need to protect me," she whispered, dropping her gaze, attempting to take a step away from me, and I could tell that she was unsettled after seeing what I had done to Frederick.

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