Chapter 6

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I made my way back into the kitchen, Lily perched on a barstool, her eyebrows raised at me questionably.

"Don't," I growled, dragging my hand down my face, shaking my head.

"I didn't say anything," Lily spoke, holding her hands up defensively, a smirk playing at her lips.

"You didn't have to."

"Oh come on, am I not allowed to tease you about the way you look at her? What are Betas for?" she laughed, causing me to chuckle, leaning my head against the wall, groaning.

Mia was so small and fragile, and I was terrified that I was going to break her- physically and mentally.

However, she was already the death of me. This innocent girl had come into my life, and suddenly, was now the only thing keeping me grounded on this Earth.

"Is she asleep?" mumbled Lily, attempting to listen in on Mia's breathing from upstairs. My body relaxed as her breaths slowed, indicating she was falling asleep, getting some rest she so desperately needed.

"Yeah. I'm not surprised she's exhausted after all the screaming and crying last night."

Lily nodded in agreement, her eyes looking pitiful. "It was pretty bad."

Shaking my head, I scratched at my stubble. "I'm not sure if she remembers it though."

"She doesn't," spoke Lily, causing me to cock my head, raising a brow. "I asked her how she slept and she said 'fine', and was acting a little confused when I double checked. I didn't want you to bring it up in case it embarrassed her, but I don't think she actually woke up properly during the attack."

"That wouldn't surprise me," I said, nodding. "She wasn't responding to me when I went in and checked on her."

My heart had practically shattered from within me last night when I awoke to my mate screaming loudly. I was terrified that she was injured, or somehow, someone had got through the pack defence and come to take her away from me.

Even now, I shook at the thought.

I was afraid to touch her too much in case she freaked out, so I lay down next to her and stroked her back, ushering soothing words, not wanting to push her boundaries. After a couple of minutes, she seemed to relax under my touch, quieting down again.

I had been more than tempted to stay with her all night, but I knew that I would be pushing my luck, so once I was sure that she was in a deep sleep and was completely calm again, I left reluctantly.

I wasn't able to sleep for the remainder of the night though, wanting to be aware just in case Mia were to suffer from another night terror.

"Does she know about what you two are? I'm guessing she hasn't said anything?" asked my Beta, bringing me out of my flashback of last night, which I was more than thankful for.

"I don't know if she knows or even feels anything. I don't want to drop it on her. She's too unstable right now. I don't know how she would react."

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