Chapter 62

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The door to the van was opened for me, and I took a deep breath as I stared into Ophelia's dull and tired looking eyes. Her limbs were still bound, and her skin was a ghostish white, her usual bright auburn hair now looking flat and dry.

I wondered what the prisons were like. Judging by the way that Ophelia looked, it didn't appear as if they were nice. However, I knew that witches were professional, and would want everyone to believe that despite the fact that Ophelia was a criminal, she was being treated fairly and humanely.

"Well, would you look who it is?" chuckled Ophelia, tutting. "Come to brag to me about how my plan failed?" Her voice was gravelly and husky, and she sounded as if she was in great need of some water.

"No, actually," I told her, keeping my tone sharp. I wanted to do nothing more than reach into the van and strangle the woman in front of me, but, I knew that I couldn't. The witches needed to deal with this their way, and the chances of Ophelia being sentenced to death for her crimes were high. Killing her would only cause more animosity between the witches and the wolves.

"How's Mia? Has she fallen out of love with you yet?" Ophelia's not so subtle dig at the fact that she had almost destroyed our bond pissed me off, but I kept my mouth shut. I wasn't about to reveal to her how we had managed to match our marks back up. I would save that for the testimony.

I shrugged, a small smile lingering on my face, and Ophelia studied me, looking cautious.

"I've come to try and figure out if this is all just part of your elaborate plot to harm us," I told her, and Martina huffed from behind me, gaining the attention of Ophelia who sarcastically smiled at her, scrunching up her nose.

Ophelia released a throaty laugh, tilting her head back to stare at the ceiling of the van, looking bored with our conversation. "Do you really think I planned all of this? Don't you think if I had, I would have at least ensured I was being brought food and water? I'm wasting away here."

I tilted my head to the side, staring at her, crossing my arms across my chest. "Do you know anyone who goes by the name Paula Bates?"

Ophelia looked at me blankly, furrowing her brows slightly. "No?"

"Why did that sound like a question?" I pressed, and she shrugged, her face turning into a frown.

"Because I don't know anyone called Paula."

I nodded, clicking my tongue. It didn't appear that Ophelia was lying, but, it was hard to tell. There was still a chance this was some plot of hers but I understood that there were far too many things that could go wrong. The plan wouldn't be full proof.

The board members were checking out too. I had seen photos of Heidi online, and the hall was the same one from the web.

"Are you even supposed to be talking to me?" Ophelia warned, chuckling, and I shot her a glance, exhaling loudly. "You won't win this case. You don't have enough evidence, and when I get out of this van, I'm going to rip Mia away from you."

I growled, feeling my wolf begin to surface, and I nodded for the guy from the van to shut the doors. I wasn't going to entertain Ophelia. She wanted a reaction, and I wasn't going to play her pathetic game. She wouldn't touch my mate.

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