Chapter 25

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My hands shook as I blinked multiple times, attempting to un-blur my vision, my eyes finally settling on a frantic looking Lorenzo, his hands cupping my cheeks.

"I-I saw her," I whispered, pulling away from my mate, standing up from the bed, backing myself into the corner of the room, my chest heaving.

"Mia, what do you mean you saw her?" Lorenzo asked, taking a few tentative steps towards me, holding his hands up defensively so as not to frighten me.

"In my head," I replied, gulping, confusion overwhelming me.

I must have sounded crazy, but I saw her. The images of her sobbing form filled my mind as she attempted to pull herself free from a large wooden stake her hands were bound to, her efforts futile.

Blood was smeared across the side of her face, dribbling down her neck and collecting in a small puddle beneath her, the crimson liquid glistening in the crisp winter sun.

It was her I had heard. She was the voice asking me to help.

Although her words were hard to make out and muffled, I quickly connected the dots, but I didn't understand why I was seeing visions of my own Mother being what seemed like tortured.

Was I that broken? Was I going insane? Had the alcohol caused some permanent damage to my brain?

It all seemed far too real to be my imagination, knowing even on my best day I was definitely not that creative.

"Mia, tell me what you saw," spoke Lorenzo, his voice quiet and slow, calming me, my heart rate soon returning to a somewhat normal pace.

"She was hurt and tied up near a cave," I mumbled, remembering how the ominous looking cavern next to her cast a dark shadow down the side of her body, appearing as if it would suck her in, eventually covering her head to toe in darkness.

"Okay," soothed my mate, grabbing my hands and tilting my chin up, offering me a comforting smile. "And what about the voices? Do you think they were her?"

I nodded, swallowing harshly, sighing as Lorenzo wrapped his arms underneath me, cupping my butt. He carried me over to the bed, placing me on the side where there was no food spillage.

"Do you want me to get Doctor Mac?" worried Lorenzo as he scooped my ruined breakfast back onto its plate, placing it on the bedside table.

I shook my head, taking in a deep inhale. I knew there was nothing Doctor Mac could do, and I put the situation down to stress and the ridiculous amount of alcohol I had consumed last night. My body wasn't used to it and I had pushed it way too far.

"Are you angry?" I peered through my lashes, watching as Lorenzo's eyes softened slightly, before he cleared his throat, his gaze settling on the wall behind my head.

"About last night? No," he replied, not giving me anytime to actually respond to his question, knowing what I meant. "I'm just worried."

I noticed how Lorenzo often slipped into his thick Italian accent when he was stressed or concerned, my attraction to him surging even more when he did so, causing me to blush.

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