Chapter 22

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I gazed up into Lorenzo's dark eyes, cringing at the amount of gawking ones that were subtly on us, refusing to look away.

"Mia?" questioned my mate again, cocking his head, now looking concerned as he took in my wobbly stature. My weight shifted from foot to foot, causing me to sway slightly.

"Oh, leave the poor girl alone, Lorenzo," came a voice from behind us, just audible over the booming music playing.

I turned, just able to make out a form of a tall brunette strutting towards us, her long legs hidden in a pair of wet-look black jeans. They were tucked into high chunky boots, the heels clacking against the floorboards.

"What the hell are you doing here, Martina?" growled Lorenzo, his fists balling up by his side. He grabbed his sister by the arm and pulled her through the door leading towards the library, nodding for me to follow.

Shutting the door behind us, Lorenzo turned to face Martina, a small smirk playing at the corner of her lips, only angering him more.

"We don't need a scene tonight. It's Natasha's birthday party," he said, shaking his head, pushing me behind him protectively, which caused Martina to roll her eyes, chuckling.

"I'm aware, brother," she said, pulling out a piece of paper from her pocket, passing it over. "I was invited. See?"

Lorenzo scanned over the hand written note, the paper decorated with multiple incredibly realistic drawings of roses and tulips, before grunting to himself, handing it back to his sister.

I was unaware Natasha was so artistic and it made me slightly jealous that I was yet to discover a unique talent of my own.

"Look, I'm not going to hurt her," grumbled Martina, gesturing towards me, which caused Lorenzo to scoff.

"You already did," he clapped back, clearly extremely bitter. "How did you even get past the guards?"

"I have my ways," she said, shrugging, a smile creeping up onto her face, making me feel even more anxious about having her around.

It wasn't a secret that Martina didn't like me very much, and seeing her again after what had happened with Frederick was nerve-racking. It left me on edge, wondering where the next attack was going to come from, whether it be verbal or physical.

Martina pinched the bridge of her nose, shaking her head. "Lorenzo, you know me. I'm impulsive and stupid and reckless, okay? I'm sorry."

I raised a brow at Martina's apology, them being the words I least expected, taking Lorenzo and I both off guard.

"At least you would know that if you answered my calls," she mumbled, leaning back against one of the dusty bookcases. The wood towered above her, looking like it was going to topple over any second, showering her in classic literature.

Maybe there was a book on manners in there.

I laughed at my own thought, causing Lorenzo and Martina to both turn to me, leaving me wide eyed and self conscious, ready for Martina's outburst.

"I know," she said calmly. "I sound like a broken record, but Mia, I am actually sorry. I was jealous, I mean, I still am, but you get the idea."

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