Chapter 14

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"Dammit," I cursed to myself, setting my office phone down, the plastic hitting the mahogany with a cloud clank.

I had spent the past two hours phoning up as many Alpha's as I could think of, questioning them on their knowledge of a couple named Michael and Francesca Miller, but after every call, I came up short.

Nobody had any information on them.

I ran my hand down my face in annoyance, groaning as a loud knock came from the other side of my large oak door.

"Come in," I mumbled lowly, knowing that the person on the other side would be able to hear me clearly, and I nodded at my third in command as he strolled in, his mouth set in a firm line.

"Alpha, your sister is adamant about speaking to you. She states it's urgent and cannot wait a second longer."

I pulled my glasses off my nose, throwing them onto the desk, growling. "Please let her know she chose a very busy day of mine to show up unannounced. I will speak with her when I can, thank you Caspian."

"Of course. Any luck?" he asked, nodding towards the phone that was placed my large desk.

I shook my head, sighing. "Nobody recognises Mia or her parents' names. Have you found anything?"

Caspian shook his head, which caused my disappointment to boil over, feeling like a failure for not locating the whereabouts of my mates' family. She deserved to see them again, and I was going to ensure she did, no matter how long it took me to find them.

"I've been scouring the web, but there's nothing yet."

"Please keep trying," I said, folding my arms across my chest and tilting my head back, fatigue overwhelming me.

"I will do," Caspian replied before exiting, quietly closing the heavy door behind him, sending my large office into deafening silence. My impulsive thoughts were left the only commotion present, the soft whispers almost taunting me.

To say I was stressed was an understatement. Mia's appointment with Doctor Mac had gone well, and he had informed us that she was on the right track, and was slowly gaining her strength back.

However, he had pulled me aside, wanting to speak to me about how Mia was doing mentally, and asked if therapy was necessary.

I wanted my mate to be the one to make the decision, but I knew that she wasn't overly keen on talking about her past experiences. Instead, she was bottling it all up, suffering in silence, which would only end badly, so I had suggested just having a couple of sessions to Mia, which she reluctantly agreed to.

Doctor Mac had prescribed her some strong sleeping pills, which brought me great anxiety at first, my wolf panicking that she would somehow overdose. I wasn't sure if her small body was able to handle the strength of the drugs.

However, I was reassured by Doctor Mac that the pills were going to be a great help for Mia, and she would only suffer with very mild side effects for the first week or so, until her body adjusted to them.

She was fine taking them, her lack of sleep affecting her in multiple different ways, the dark purple bags underneath her eyes giving it away, showing me how sleep deprived she really was.

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