Chapter 24

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"We are sorry, Lorenzo," sighed Lily, tapping her fingers anxiously against my office desk, an apprehensive Caspian sitting by her side.

"We knew you were on your way, so I guess we just let our guard down, but there's no excuse," added Caspian, straightening his back. "We apologise."

I pinched the bridge of my nose, shaking my head. After I had left Mia in bed last night, I had made my way downstairs, but found Lily and Caspian both far too incoherent to speak to, so decided to wait to speak to them until they were both sober.

By the time I had made my way back upstairs, Mia was already sound asleep and snoring away.

However, it was extremely hard to stay mad at my Beta and third in command. They were always so trustworthy and put the pack before anything else, but despite that, they were reckless last night, putting Mia in danger, which disappointed me immensely.

"Are we able to apologise to Mia?" asked Lily, biting down on her bottom lip.

"She's still asleep right now. I suspect she'll have the hangover from hell though, much like you two, so she needs as much of it as she can get," I replied, standing up from my desk chair and nodding towards the door, signalling that the meeting was over.

Watching Lily nod, pushing her chair out and make her way over to the door, I cleared my throat, causing her to turn to me, an eyebrow raised.

"I want to apologise for the way I spoke to you last night, Lily. I lost my temper with you, and it's not something I'm proud of." I gulped, an apology feeling strange coming from my lips, my often bitter and usual hostile self not accustomed to it.

Lily nodded once at me, offering me a small smile before exiting the room, Caspian closely behind her, his face looking solemn.

"Casp," I spoke quickly before he could escape, watching as his hungover stricken body faced me. I took a note of how dead he looked from the outside, his eyes holding little to no emotion.

"How are you doing, man? I've never seen you as drunk as you were last night. You've been drinking pretty heavily know?"

Caspian clicked his tongue as I trailed off, running his hands down his face, groaning. "Honestly, I feel like death. Feeling hungover and focusing on how unwell I feel is better than focusing on how I feel without her."

I nodded in understanding, feeling guilty for bringing it up, knowing that my third in command had not been the same person since his mate had passed.

Seeing him struggle everyday hurt me, especially since I knew there wasn't much I could do to make it better. He was always going to need her and I was unsure myself how he continued on without her.

It made me more than terrified to lose Mia, just the mere thought of it enough to cause chills to wrack my body, as if the possibility was lingering above my head constantly, following me wherever I went.

"How's the therapy going?" I questioned, cocking my head to the side.

"I haven't been in a few weeks. I've been busy training the guards," he admitted, causing me to sigh.

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