39 | Glued back together

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James TW - Please Keep Loving Me:
'So please keep loving me because our hearts speak fluently. Wherever I go, whatever I do, the map on my heart leads to you. So baby, please keep loving me, loving me, loving me, yeah'

"I love you, have a nice day". George said before he let go of her body. "You too, dream of me when you take a nap!"

But George wasn't taking a nap. As soon as Fiona pulled the door closed behind her, he ran upstairs to take a shower. There was a lot to take care of before they would head to Monaco. After washing his hair and body, George brushed his teeth and walked over to his closet, pulling out a white t-shirt and some dark-washed jeans. He had been making a list of everything he needed to do when she was in the shower this morning and the first thing he wanted to arrange, was something for after the weekend was over. He pulled out his phone and went straight to his contacts, clicking on the number he had called quite a bit lately.

"Good morning, it's George. There's something I wanted to ask if that's okay with you?" It was amazing how close he had become to the person on the other side of the line and he sighed before he explained his idea to them. There was no hesitation, they were definitely willing to help and offered to take over that part so he wouldn't have to worry about it. George asked them a few more questions, just wanting to know some more before they ended their conversation with some general catch-up chat and even though they had spoken earlier in the week, there were still some major life updates to be discussed.

He sighed when he hung up fifteen minutes later, that was a huge part of his list sorted. Next, he needed to get to the shops. Although Fiona had said that she didn't want a gift, he was definitely getting her something. He couldn't turn up on her birthday without anything. His phone rang a few seconds after he had driven off and he quickly connected it to the Bluetooth sound system in his car. "Hello?" He answered, not knowing who was calling him as he was not able to check the caller-ID right now. "Hey George, it's Madeleine. So, uhm, I just found out that Fiona's birthday is this weekend. Did you know that?" George chuckled at the panic he heard in her voice.

"She only told me last night, I had no clue! I'm headed to the shops to get her a present right now". He said while he drove to the flurry of shops closest to his house. "Do you know what she might like?" He asked her best friend while it seemed she was a little distracted on the other side of the line. "Yeah, I just asked her right now and first off, she said a puppy Maltese as a joke but then she just said we could maybe go shopping sometime or do like a spa day together.." George's let his head fall down. "So that's not really anything I can use as well". He laughed and he heard Maddie chuckle on the other side.

He told her about the plan to take her out for dinner and invited Madeleine and Toby to join them on Saturday night. Maddie was really excited and told him they would love to come. He also told her about the call he had earlier this morning, which made the girl even more excited. "That's such a good idea. She'll love it!" George said goodbye to her when Madeleine said she needed to get back to work and parked his car in an underground garage. He sighed for a while thinking about the conversation he just had on the phone. There was no new information for him to go off of, not really anything he could do something about now anyway, so he just hopped out of the car on his way to the first store.

After walking around for what felt like hours, George had ticked off a few more things from his list. He had bought a nice outfit for their dinner on Saturday, called the restaurant to make a reservation and the most important part, he had finally decided on a gift. George was eternally grateful to the lady in the shop that helped him pick out the best pieces and with the bags in his hands, he headed back over to his car. There was one big thing that still needed to be done, but that was going to have to wait until after the weekend. With a content feeling, George drove back to his house.

Little One ∞ George RussellWhere stories live. Discover now