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A/N~ Nothing special really here this is some fluff, anyways I hope you like it. I didn't really but yknow!

821 words

Light's POV

I was searching for Riyuzaki. I didn't know where he was, and I just wanted to talk to him. It was pouring down outside, thunder booming and lightning crackling. I swear if he's outside, he always does weird things.

I opened the door leading to the top roof, and sure enough he's there. His head facing the sky, eyes closed, he was just standing there hand in his pockets. He was sure to get a cold standing out here. I took off my jacket and held it above my head as I ran towards the crazy man.

"Riyuzaki, what in the world are you doing?" I called out to him. His eyes slowly opened, turning his head to face me and a small smile formed, while his eyes told a different story. "What are you doing?"I asked him again. "I-I don't know" he mumbled. I put over his shoulders and guided him towards the door.

"Don't you know you can get sick doing that" I scolded. "Sorry" he murmured. I sighed and continued to guide him into our empty room. He left my side and sat down on a chair in the corner of the room, sitting the same way he always does. I turned on the lamp since it was dark outside.

"Seriously Riyuzaki, do you not care for your own well-being?" I ask him angrily not really expecting an answer. I get us both towels and grab our spare clothes from the dresser. "Here" I handed him his towel and sat his clothes on the top of the dresser. I sit down on the floor my back pressed up against the wall beside him.

I look over and he is staring at me. "What is it?" I asked him. "Come over here, and lay on your stomach"he answers. "What why?",I questioned again, "You fetched me from being outside, so let me give you a massage" he told me. "Riyuzaki, you're fine," I told him.

"It's the only thing I know how to do well besides my job, so let me" he pleaded. I sighed and scooted and laid on the ground. He got up and fetched on of the many pillows and put it under my head. I crossed my hands under my hand as he put his knees on either side of my body.

His hands were warmer than I thought they'd be as he started rubbing my shoulders making his way down my back. Wow, he is really good at this. I was tired, working on this case and rainy weather always makes me tired, just wanting to cuddle up and be warm on days like this. I feel myself sink into his massage, eyes closing and groan being released as he kept rubbing into a certain spot.

His body was warm to me although his body was wet. I opened my eyes again to stop myself from falling asleep. The room dimly lit by the single lamp gave way to a gentle mood. He stopped rubbing my back and started to dry my hair off with the towel. "We should really change out of these clothes" I mumble not even realizing I was practically drooling.

He stands up. "Yeah, we should". I rolled over to get up and grab my clothes staying in the room while he went to the bathroom to change. I had grey sweatpants and a plain white t-shirt and just some blue boxers. Wow his massaging skills were really good, I twist to see if I can pop my back.

He walks out of the bathroom and I realize his hips didn't fit the sweatpants I gave him. His hair was also wet. "Come here Riyuzaki" I called him over to the bed. I sat down with a towel in my head and my legs spread, so he could sit there. He did as I asked. I keep forgetting we are similar in height, so I made him slide down, his head resting on my chest and my back resting against the headboard.

I start dry his hair, rubbing it with the towel. His body is almost limp as he lays there. One arm draped over his stomach, another at his side, legs splayed out. His hair is almost dry and I put the towel around my neck and run my fingers through his hair. To be completely honest it was almost soothing doing this.

This not really intimate action was something that'd be in the past after I finish. I start to drift off, my hand resting on his head.

And end~

A/N~Hope this is up to someone's standards xD. Have a good day or night, get some water and eat some food. I love you.

821 words

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