After Practice🏐🚬

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Takeda's POV

I leaned against the wall watching Ukai play with the boys in a game of volleyball. He must've been burning up since he had his jacket on while playing with them, but he was still gracefully playing nonetheless.

Watching him in action was something none of us really got to witness. He was normally the one in charge with strategies and such, but seeing him playing really shows how much of an astonishing volleyball player he really is.

Looking down at my watch, I see it was time to start picking up and heading out. "Hey boys time to clean up" I yell out to make sure they heard me, and sure enough poor Hinata stopped and got pummeled by the ball.

"Dumbass Hinata, we're in a game don't get distracted" Kageyama yelled at the boy across the court. Of course Kageyama's yelling scared Hinata up.

"Alright lovebirds break it up" I couldn't help but giggle at the name Ukai had given the pair. Kageyama blushed furiously, but went back to his glaring self as Hinata spoke up, "yeah don't be so mean to me Kageyama" the Kageyama was in a condescending tone.

"Alright practice over pick up and head out" he huffed walking over to me grabbing his water bottle from the floor. I watched as he zipped his jacket off and threw it on the ground. His white undershirt was very sweaty.

As everyone began to pick up and stuff everything away for the day me and Ukai were still set up against the wall. I honestly couldn't keep my eyes from his torso. Since it was wet and white it was see-through.

"Hey earth to Takeda-senpai?" He snapped his fingers in front of me. "U-uhh, what?".
"You're kinda zoning out there" he bent down face to face with me.

"Oh sorry, been a long day" I tell him as casually as I can, but my face is burning up. His hand raises to my forehead. "You're burning up, ya not sick are you?" I shake my head and pull his hand off my face, embarrassment running through me. Oh my god.

"You sure? You just seem out of it." I nod again and turn my attention to the boys leaving.

Byes was all that was said before they left, shutting the door behind them. I close my eyes and sigh softly. Suddenly a new source of heat was against me. My eyes shoot open to see what was in front of me. Ukai.

His arms were on either side of my face, it looked just like something out of a romance novel. "What's up, and ya ain't leaving till you tell me. We can't have our advisor sick" I turned my head away from his gaze, how could I look at him in his eyes after looking at him in such a way.

"Oh come on". I could tell he was getting annoyed and quickly. "Sorry, but I really can't tell you" I mumbled and he sighed. "Fine, is it something you can show me?" That..wasn't a bad idea, but how would he react?

"I-I mean technically, but it's a little..weird" I couldn't go through with it even if I wanted to. To want to kiss and be with Ukai is totally out of place. "But, I'll be fine you can just let it go".

"Well you already said it can be shown, so do it" his hands are removed and he takes a step back. His shirt is still sticking to him. "Are you positive?" I asked him, in my head I already knew what I had wanted to do if he said yes. "Go ahead".

I gingerly turned him around and pushed him against the wall. I look up and he has an.. intrigued look on his face. Pushing my body closer to his. My lips began touching all over his neck, making marks.

"Haa" he breathed out in my ear. Bringing my arm to the bottom of his shirt and slipping in, I rubbed up and down his torso . My hand slowly trailing down to his..lower parts pushing down against him.

A groan was released from him, and I continued to do the motion and biting down and licking his neck. I could feel his hand grasp onto my jacket.

"Wait" he breathlessly mumbled and I immediately stopped and backed away. Oh my god why'd I do that. HOW could I do that. I will never be able to look at him the same way if he thinks I'm disgusting.

My body is pushed up against that wall again. Almost immediately we shared a kiss. His knee rubbed against my lower half, and I moaned into his mouth. His tongue rubbed along mine.

Both his hands above my head, I grabbed onto the back of his shirt. Rubbing the fabric between my fingers. Each sigh I let out was engulfed by him.

Tingling and hot, my lungs burned as I was quickly losing breath from the slow kiss. I pulled away taking in air. I can fill the heavy rise of his chest as his body was pushed against me.

"So", he breathed in," you were horny" he laughed. Ugh I brought my hands to my face, hiding from his stare. Well, that went better than I had thought. One of his hands moved down to my lower back.

Dipping his head again, he pecked my nose. Oh my goodness, maybe this went way better than I'd thought.

And end~

A/N~ This one sucks, I know. I didn't like it, but it's in my drafts now and gots to go out in the world. I hope you find some kind of spicy ness from it and this could honestly have a smutty two part 😏. ANYWAYS, enough rambling. I love you and you make me so proud, also drink some water and eat something! Plus do you guys think I should start making a fun fact at the end?

1012 words

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