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"Hey uhm...can I come in?" Kirishima mumbled his voice just barely above a whisper, each word cracking as he spoke. Bakugou stared dumbfounded at him, it was around 2 in the morning and Kirishima was at his door crying?

"Uh yeah" Bakugou moved out of the way and Kirishima slid into his room. Bakugou flipped on a light and pulled out his desk chair and let Kirishima sit on his bed.

They sat in rather awkward silence for a few moments before Bakugou begrudgingly tried to speak, "are you okay?".

Kirishima didn't expect the question, an abundance of jumbled words fell out of his mouth as he fumbled to find the right ones to explain himself. "It's fine you don't gotta tell me" Bakugou interrupted his stuttered words.

"Ah- thank you" Kirishima relaxed, still nervousness racked his body as he thought about what Bakugou would think about him after this sudden visit.

"I'm sorry I know this isn't very manly of me" Kirishima chuckled wiping his tears with his palm, his lip quivering as he spoke.

"I-I know none of my other friends would...uhm...judge me for crying, but it felt easier coming to you...sorry" Kirishima's eyes flickered upwards as he fought not to let his tears drip down his cheek.

Kirishima felt a little unsettled with Bakugou's silence and with his gazing, but then again it didn't feel as though he was judging him or anything, just hearing Kirishima and he liked that.

A few moments passed and Bakugou reached into his bag grabbing out homework. Kirishima sat back against his wall and watched him as he began scribbling away.

"I had a dream about some stuff from when I was a kid..." Kirishima began to tiredly explain why he came to Bakugou's room in tears.

Bakugou listened in silence, the only sound was the scribbles of his pencils and a slight "mhm" when asked a question.

Kirishima began slumping over more and more as he continued to vent to the boy. His words slurred as he fought to stay awake to watch Bakugou's rather calm movements.

Eventually, he slid down and his head hit Bakugou's pillows. His eyes fluttered completely shut and his last few thoughts as he breathed in deeply were that Bakugou's pillows smelled awfully sweet.

Bakugou finished the last of his work, rather unlike what Kirishima thought was homework it was random doodles of Kirishima and little words of affection beside each one of them.

Bakugou crumbled the paper and threw it in his trash before standing up and stepping over to his bed where Kirishima was sleeping. He carefully laid a cover over him before laying at the end of the bed.

'He trusted me more than the others hah! But...what kinda shit did he go through as a kid?' Bakugou pondered as his eyes began to droop.


Kirishima watched Bakugou worriedly. Kirishima woke up late to class because Bakugou didn't wake him up. Kirishima would be forever grateful to him, but on the other hand, Bakugou looked tired.

Kirishima kept catching sly glances at him, almost every time he did he was yawning. Kirishima felt bad for keeping him up last night, he'd have to get him something for it later.

As class ended and the students rushed into the hall, Kirishima rushed to Bakugou who was yet again yawning. As Bakugou acknowledged him, he motioned him to lean down.

"Are you feeling better?" Kirishima felt his stomach flip and his heart flutter. 'What was that?' Kirishima thought as he nodded, but continued walking beside him trying to come up with conversation.

As Kirishima's arm slipped around his shoulder, he could feel his face flush and he was conscious of every movement even though he did this every day.

'What is going on with me?' Kirishima took a deep breath grabbing at his chest, shaking his head lightly.

His grin felt uncontrollable as they stepped down the hall. "I'll buy you lunch for last night" Kirishima flushed with embarrassment as his voice cracked. Bakugou stared at him confused, but shrugged it off, "alright".

And end~

A/N~ Sorry since it's the end of school I have so many finals and stuff to finish, all of these are prewritten! Anyways I was listening to Rises the moon and fun fact I don't like Romeo and Juliet. I don't know something about it seems off to me I watched the play and read it but it just doesn't intrigue me. Anyways enough blabbering I love you and stay healthy.

766 words

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