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Oh, I'll have a drink. Maybe another. Maybe one more. This mindset was dangerous, especially for those who don't drink often. Those who can't handle alcohol, that can't handle their emotions, that can't tell each other how they really feel.

Kageyama left sincere kisses down Hinata's exposed body, leaving the boy squirming. The kisses going back up his torso felt rougher and sloppy as they left trails of saliva behind.

Longing stares, disconnected sighs, and nervous heartbeats, we're shared between them. What were these two newly graduated boys doing?

Kageyama interlocked one of his hands with Hinata's whether it was to reassure Hinata or himself was unclear.

Hinata didn't have time to think because a breath later and Kageyama was inside of him. They exhaled in tandem.

Kageyama buried his head in the crook of his neck as he gave Hinata time to adjust. This had all been brought up after multiple drinks, and really the same excuse "I'm drunk". Maybe they were scared to admit what was really possessing them?

Just as Hinata let out a relaxed sigh, Kageyama started moving his hips back and forth. Hinata's free hand clawed at his back while his other squeezed Kageyama's as both pain and pleasure washed over his body.

Hinata felt so so so good, while Kageyama felt like this was a fever dream he'd never want to wake up from. As Kageyama adjusted his angle and picked up the pace, sending pleasure rising in waves that he couldn't hold back.

"Don't stop" Hinata demanded his eyes clenched shut. "I couldn't even if I wanted to" Kageyama rasped. Words slipped from Hinata's lips, forming into the man atop him name, calling out over and over, and over again.

Kageyama pulls away from his neck, claiming Hinata's lips as he comes. His strokes become rougher, less even, and then he follows Hinata over the edge.

Hinata's bones turned to liquid even as he fought to not break the kiss. It's gone from something fierce to something gentle and tender, almost loving. As if Kageyama's trying to tell him how pleased he is with him.

It's not something that either thought they needed, but it settles a jagged piece in their hearts. Kageyama disconnected their lips with a timid serene softness.

Hinata's eyes fluttered open. It was astonishing to him how much he didn't look human, more though like an incubus that came to him to fill his darkest desires, but would be gone with the morning light.

He was snapped out of his daze as Kageyama chuckled. "Don't move" Kageyama stood up and began heading to Hinata's bathroom. Hinata watched as he stalked off, deep red dusting his face as he saw the red stripes painting his backside.

A moment later and he was back laying next to Hinata. "Be with me" something akin to panic flutters in Hinata's chest and up to his throat as he spoke that statement.

"Okay" Kageyama pulled him into his arms and pulled the cover over the two, and although it took a little maneuvering he never stopped touching Hinata. "What?" Hinata questioned as he was spooned, slight confusion clouding his mind. Was it really that easy?

"I want to be with you" Kageyama shifted closing his eyes, his arm tightly wrapped around Hinata's waist. "I-I...okay" Hinata shrugged a wide smile glossing over his lips.

Not another word was spoken until the two woke up that morning.

And end~

A/N~ Oh my god this was....idek! You may notice that some of my writing is good while others are bleh. This is because I feel really inspired with some of them while others not so much. Anyways not much from me here, I was listening to As the world caves in and fun fact, I just got a ferret!!!! His name is Mac and he's a cutie... Anyways I love you and stay healthy.

Vote plssss

660 words

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