What's wrong?🍊🥛

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682 words

A/N~ sorry this was just a little thing I'm writing that I just jumped in headfirst. Sorry if it's bad just in the mood for some angst 😈

"P-please come over" Hinta croaked over the phone. Kageyama's groggy mind almost immediately cleared as he heard the orange-haired boy's cracking voice. "What's wrong?" he asked now sitting up, throwing his legs over the side of his bed.

"Please just come over" he begged and Kageyama didn't question anymore. "Alright, I'll be over in a few, bye". "Thank you" and with that, they hung up.

Kageyama was confused but slid on some shoes and started to run over to Hinata's home. It was maybe 2 in the morning and freezing cold, yet he still came to Hinata's call.

A few minutes pass and he's finally made it to the smaller boys' house. He knocks but doesn't get an answer, so he just walks in. Normally he would be a little irritated by him not answering the door, but something seemed off by his voice on the phone.

"Hinata?" he whispered out into the dark of the home. He stepped upstairs to the boy's room and to his surprise when he opened the door he was met with sniffles and hiccups.

"Hinata?" he questioned and a dark lump on the floor shuffled slightly.

He walked over to said lump and kneeled down. "What's wrong?" Hinata lifted his head from his knees and gazed at Kageyama with tears streaming down his face. He honestly didn't know what was wrong, he just knew he was upset.

As Kageyama didn't receive an answer he just sighed and sat down beside the crying boy, wrapping an arm around him. Hinata appreciated he didn't ask anything else and just allowed him to sob in silence next to him.

Kageyama gently rubbed up and down Hinata's arm in a soothing manner, listening to the soft cries emitted from the small boy.

He wasn't the best at comforting people, he really didn't know if he was helping him at all so all he could do was offer what he had.

After a few minutes or hours, Kageyama didn't really know, the weepings were soon replaced by hushed breathing.

Hinata slumped onto Kageyama's shoulder worn out from his late-night outburst. Kageyama let out a breath he hadn't known he was holding as he realized the boy had fallen asleep.

Waiting for a few moments before moving, he eventually slipped Hinata's head off his shoulder. Propping his head up against his arm and his legs against the other, he as carefully as possible picked him up.

Laying him down, he laid down next to him already tired from being woken up in the middle of the night.

He turned his head to look at him. Why did he call him? Why was he crying? He had so many questions yet no answers, but that was fine.

It had felt nice that Hinata had called him when he was vulnerable. He wasn't used to solacing people, but he must've done a good job for him to have calmed down.

He grinned at himself before reaching to Hinata's head, rubbing his hair. He yanked it back as the boy rolled over.

"Thank you Kags" he spoak coarsely, his throat tender from his previous crying. Kageyama hummed in response a little embarrassed by his actions.

As the two sat in silence for multiple seconds, they both started to drift off. The sounds of each other slowed breathing an almost lullaby.

And end~

A/N~ I'm sorry this is so bad 😭, but I really wanted to do some comforting angst shit. Anyways I wasn't listening to anything while writing this, but here's a fun fact about me. I have no fucking clue what a waffle house is. I've never been to one, I've only heard about them. I know they are like a big part of I think west, but other than I know of only like memes about them. Yep now I really want to go to one.

682 words

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