Cold Fingers⭕️💵

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1392 words

3rd POV

Leorio and Kurapika had gone out to buy some Christmas cookies, the final touch to their Christmas dinner the day after. Yet, the freezing temperatures on the way back from the store was close to excruciating, despite the multiple layers.

Both of them had frost pink noses, and splotchy red faces, and even colder ears. Leorio had noticed Kurapika rubbing his hands together multiple times, he had chosen to wear gloves but the small blonde insisted it wasn't necessary. Now even though Leorio had warned him, he was paying a small price.

Although Leorio was right, he felt bad for him. He knew all to well the pain that came with the cold, so innocently he tried to give him a helping hand. "Pika, give me your hand" Leorio extended a hand out to his side. "What why?" Kurapika was cold and growing irritable from the gnawing numbness at his digits.

"Just give me your hand, you're freezing right?" Leorio rolled his eyes at the little stubbornness. Gingerly, Kurapika placed his hand onto Leorio's much larger. With that, Leorio intertwined their fingers and shoved their hands into his coat pocket. The action pulled them closer together, their sides rubbing against each other.

Kurapika appreciated the new warmth, even if it was only a single hand, he still liked the feeling. Leorio did feel embarrassed at what he just did, but also was quite happy that Kurapika hadn't pulled away or made any comments. Even though they were just friends, he's heart began to rush.

Unbeknownst to him, Kurapika's heart was pounding. He felt it could bust through his rib cage any second now and land on the freezing cold ground. He snuck a glance up to the tall man beside him. He really couldn't see much, but from what the street light provided, he was grinning widely. A big toothy grin.

The sight warmed Kurapika's heart, Leorio normally wore a fake smile. As much as he smiled and grinned around others, and as much as he talked, he wasn't one to open up really. He hid his emotions quite well, he never thought nothing of it, never thought about it until he couldn't handle it anymore.

Leorio had knocked on Kurapika's door once late into the night, he knew the blonde probably wasn't up, but he just couldn't bear the loneliness he felt. After bottling up his emotions and storing them deep down, his facade cracked little by little, till finally he gave into those feelings and broke down.

Just as he was about to turn away, Kurapika had opened up the door drowsily from just being woken up. As soon as Leorio saw him, the tears started flooding down his cheeks. He couldn't handle it anymore, Kurapika brought him into his room and just embraced him.

Not a word was spoken between the two, but Kurapika telling him it was okay and to let it all out. Soon the only thing filling the room was Leorio's soft sniffles. Kurapika's heart ached for Leorio. Hearing him weep, feeling him heavily breathe in and out as he fought for control of himself, the entire experience was somewhat haunting for him, yet he didn't know why Leorio came to him of all people.

The question remained unanswered when Leorio cried himself to exhaustion. He fell asleep in Kurapika's room, but somehow it wasn't awkward. When Leorio got up the next morning he had hugged Kurapika and thanked him, before leaving to go to work. It was almost surreal to Kurapika.

Kurapika opened the door to their shared home. The smells from all the other food that was already prepared washed over them. "Let's warm up in a second, let me put these down" Kurapika nodded as they untangled their fingers. As soon as Leorio began to walk off, he had found himself missing the warmth of the much larger hand.

Leorio jogged back into the living room and guided Kurapika to the couch, both of them sitting down. Kurapika put his full trust in Leorio when it came to more medical stuff around the house, if Kurapika got a cut or burned or anything. He always had Leorio to care for him. So even now when it was just to warm up, he knew Leorio would do it very well.

Leorio flipped on the lamp beside them, since it was quite dark, and got to work. Even the simplest things he would love to do for Kurapika, even if it's just to remind him to wear chapstick around this time of year, or wear gloves, he always got as excited as a child on Christmas Day.

As Kurapika laid his palms down onto Leorio's, he could feel just how cold they really were, he was shivering and almost icy to the touch. He glanced up to Kurapika and his lips were almost bluish, he hadn't even noticed his teeth shattering. Without asking, Leorio brought Kurapika's hands up to his face gently blowing. A tingle shot up Kurapikas back as he did so.

Leorio began to rub his hands on his, trying his best to warm him up. "That should do the trick!" Leorio exclaimed after many moments of warming up his hands, but even though they were already toasty, they continued to stay put in that position. With Kurapika's hands dangerously close to Leorio's lips, their hands entangled together.

It was quite the scene. The two polar opposites holding each other's hands, the dimly lit room, the growing tension following as they continued. It looks like a scene out of a romance movie.

Kurapika couldn't stay like that any longer, the gaze he received from Leorio in those few brief moments pushed him to do something with this moment. One of Kurapika's hands slid out of the grip of Leorio's, eventually resting on his cheek. No words were spoken as they inched closer and closer to each other.

Leorio swore Kurapika could hear his heartbeat. His heart was thumping so fast, it felt like an adrenaline rush, yet he also wanted to be cautious? Kurapika was in an almost state of panic, yet on the outside he was as calm and collected. It was quite the phenomenon, but despite that they drew nearer to each other.

Kurapika's hand slid down his face and onto his shoulder as he went onto his knees, crawling into his lap. Leorio's stomach fluttered as both of Kurapika's hands rested on the sides of his neck. The still coldness of his fingers leaves a jittery feeling in his gut.

Both of their eyes calmly shut as they finally kissed. It was hesitant and almost reserved, but as they relaxed after the first few moments, they melted against each other. Caution still eminent, yet it was tender and sweet. Nothing else could have mattered, but the two of them and their effortlessly gentle kiss.

As the two grew deeper into the kiss, the passion sparked and the timidness faded. Leorio's hands rested on Kurapika's thighs, rubbing up and down, gently squeezing at times. Kurapika liked this new feeling, a bubbly almost ecstatic feeling surged through him. He felt like squirming, almost like he couldn't contain himself to be seated in one spot.

On the other hand, Leorio wanted to stay like this forever. He couldn't think of a time he felt more elated. More genuine than this simple yet endearing kiss. Yet all good things must come to an end. Kurapika pulled away taking in a shallow breath and rested his head on his, letting their breaths mingle together. Leorio was shaking and still trying to steady himself.

Neither of them thought that their rocky meeting would end them here. But where now?

And end~

A/N~ Okay I like this one, I've had this idea for a long time about someone warming up their lovers hands. Idk why I thought this was so cute, but to me it was. This was written before Christmas, just so I could have something to update when I got back. Anyways go check out my new DNF story- The knight and prince on Kindagae202. By the way I love you and stay healthy. I was listening to Choice by Jack stauber! Here's another fact about me, I'm 5'7 ~^~ ik im not that tall. Anyways bye bye~

1393 words

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