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A/N~ This is a consensual action. Don't worry!!

1487 words

Yamaguchi's POV

I flicked on my TV and grabbed a whole bunch of covers and blankets from my closet as I waited for Tsukishima to come over for our tiny Halloween thing.

He invited himself over saying he'd bring food and beer so we could watch some scary movies for tonight. It was getting late around 10 when he had texted me he was almost here. Now a knock was heard at my door.

Throwing all the collected bedding, I opened the door. The freezing breeze hit me in the face. My body shivered and he walked in nodding and slipping his shoes off.

"Hey I brought some takeout and of course the beer. I also bought some candy since it is Halloween I guess" he mumbled sitting the stuff on my bedside table. "Thanks you can pick the movie" I offered and he nodded flopping on my bed with a 'oomfp'.

"Okay" I hopped on the bed beside him, picking up my remote and trying to get comfortable underneath the pile of covers and pillows.

The sizzling sound of a beer can cracking open brought my attention to Tsukishima. "Drinking already?" I giggled as he sipped on the foul tasting beverage. I couldn't stand the taste of beer, but the feeling I received from it made it worth it.

I always felt calmer and more open with people when I drank. A pleasurable feeling indeed. I chose a random movie with a high rating grabbing the bag with our food from his lap.

Twisting it open I grabbed my LED remote and switched the lights to red. I carefully picked up the noodle container and the chopsticks, opening the top and digging into the sweet smelling food.

"Thanks again for suggesting this, I love this place's food!" I thank him swallowing the food in my mouth. "Mhm" he hummed as he sat down a empty beer from the 12 pack and grabbed another one.

"Hand me one" I requested and he did so, his eyes not glancing away from the movie. Cracking it open, flinching at the sound I took a sip. I knew my limit with alcohol, I could maybe handle 3 beers before getting drunk. 4 to 5 depending on the brand.

I also knew Tsukishima's by now and his tolerance was close to mine as we don't usually drink. Seeing him now his face was already red.

"You should calm down on the beer Tsuki" I warned him. "Don't worry I can handle more than this" he reassured and I only sighed my gaze returning towards the movie, continuing to eat my food and taking sips of my drink.

The movie was scarier than I thought as it continued. No talking was shared between us as the movie had caught us up in the line of the story.

It was an old video type of movie. The main character trudges through a winter storm in the middle of an old trail he used to take to go to and from school. Black figures popping into frame every so often as he gets lost in the dark woods. He came across a huge dark brown tree. The branches barren, he found a satanic marking on it, and now is running from thundering footsteps behind him.

I flinched again as he opened his fourth beer. We had already eaten our food, digging through candies every so often. I had drank 3 beers and was feeling tipsy. My body felt slow and easy.

"Tsuki you're staying the night right?" I asked him, turning my head towards him. He giggled and looked at me. We didn't speak, just continued to stare at each other.

"A-are you going home?" my words had become more slurred as the alcohol began to set in. I began to giggle. I didn't know why I was giggling.

"Are you okay?" I questioned bringing my hand up to poke him in the arm. My face was burning up as the alcohol took effect of my body.

Suddenly he grabbed my hand, "What?", he brought my hand to his face rubbing into it. "You're cold, stay like this for a second" he mumbled, closing his eyes as my hand laid on his face lightly.

With my thumb I rubbed it back and forth, cupping his face with the one hand staring at him intently. He hummed a little tune as I did so. A scream on the TV brought me out of my little trance. I flashed my eyes to the sound, and he was on the ground looking up to a deer looking being.

My hand remained where it was as I watched the movie. Scared of what was going to happen next. He began to sit up and move around. My hand fell off his face as I continued to watch the movie not knowing what he was doing.

I had been in a sitting position this whole time, I was almost laying down but my upper body was still up pretty well. Pillows and covers surrounded my body and I felt pretty comfortable.

His body flopped on top of me. His head on my stomach and his arms splayed out around me, his legs earning the end of my bed. "What are you doing?" I asked him, my body not reacting in any sort of way, besides feeling hot.

"I don't know" his mumbles barely heard. My hand went to his head gently rubbing my fingers through his short blonde hair. He hummed and I continued feeling drowsy.

Soon stopping the motion, he looked up from his spot and huffed. Sitting up again I watched as he pulled the covers down and moved his body into them going back to his previous position. I giggled at his actions.

I'd never seen him acting like this before. My attention was all on him and not the credits to the seemingly short movie. I cupped his face with both hands and rubbed my thumb on his cheeks. I took his glasses off and set them on the bedside table.

My stomach skin was exposed to him from his constant moving around. My body felt even more heated and sensitive as his hands rubbed the sides of my stomach. I let out a large exhale as he moved up and up.

It's not that I didn't want him to touch me. Really I did, but my body was to honest and I knew I couldn't stop certain sounds from coming out. But I couldn't say no. My body and mind couldn't bring myself to say no. I really wanted what he could offer. I can become intoxicated just from Tsukishima's touch.

I let him continue, his body moving over me. Face to face. He made me all hot and bothered. One of his hands was brought to my cheek. His other on his elbow holding himself up.

He leaned in closer and closer, until our lips connected. Moving in a sloppy sync, a messy kiss was shared. Why were we kissing? We are supposed to be best friends, but it felt amazing.

His tongue grazing over mine sending shivers up my spine despite my body being hot. Every motion is absorbed. The slight rub of his thumb as his hand interlocked with mine. The weight of his body on mine, feeling almost like a weighted blanket. A comfortable present.

He pulled away from the wet kiss. His face is a bright shade of red, emitting heat. He doesn't get enough credit for his looks. He is one of the most attractive people I've seen.

I gasped as his lips connected to my neck. His hot saliva made the experience much more electric. I closed my eyes and let the pleasure engulf me. Every noise is 10x louder than normal. Every touch made me tingle.

Little moans left my lips as he left his work on my neck. Sighs and mumbles filling the air. What a little movie night on Halloween had turned into with a little bit of alcohol. Such a dangerous weapon, yet so sickeningly sweet. An addictive substance.

He pulled off the little love bite taking in a breath. "I won't go any further. We are definitely both drunk, I'm sorry" he whispered, hugging me tightly. I nodded and rubbed his back.

I could never have this much confidence normally. I'll have to try my best to remember this moment.

And end~

A/N~ I thought this idea would be fun! So I wrote it and liked the thought of Tsuki stopping it because they both drunk boys. I can do one with them drunk fucking, but again with drunk sex it can go both ways. Anyways have a wonderful day or night. Drink some water and eat some food! I love you and I'm proud.

1487 words

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