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A/N~ sorry this took so long, haven't had the motivation!! But I finished it and not really satisfied with the end, who knows maybe a part 2 can come of this!!

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3rd POV

Hinata and Kageyama had a plan for Halloween, after Hinata's constant begging and whining, Kageyama gave in to Hinata's..charm.

They were now heading to a haunted abandoned house, as Hinata called it, "The most haunted house in Japan". But what they were not expecting at this haunted house was it to be completely empty.

"See I told you so, nobody comes here because it's haunted!" Hinata exclaimed, bouncing up and down a flash light waving around in his hand.

"Cut it out stupid, it says online that it's guarded." Kageyama always ruined the fun for Hinata, but this time he got even more excited. "Great, now we have to be stealthy. We're like ninjas or something!" Kageyama only rolled his eyes in a playful manner.

"Whatever, but you better be quiet or else" Hinata eyes widened, he was a little afraid of Kageyama but that didn't stop him from being his best friend. "Yeah yeah cmon, there's supposed to be a shorter part up here" he told the taller male, as they continued to walk along a path around the tall fencing.

"Ooh here!" the orange haired boy whispered to the other. "Okay, but you still seem a little too short for that" Kageyama snickered at the view in front of him. The short boy being at least 3 feet shorter than the top of the stone fence.

Kageyama could easily reach the top of it with his hands. All he had to do was jump. "Well then give me a boost" Hinata punched him in the shoulder and turned around facing the fence.

Kageyama picked Hinata up by the waist and hoisted him up onto the ledge. "Okay I'm fine now, '' Hinata whispered. Kageyama let go of him and watched the other sit down on the top, peering over the edge.

Jumping down, Hinata landed wrong. Pain surging through his ankle and up his leg, a whine like sound emitted through his lips.

"Hinata you good?" Kageyama called, pushing himself up and over the wall. "Y-yeah just landed wrong" he muttered stumbling as he stood up.

Suddenly a flash of light showed on the other side of a bush next to them. "Shit shit shit" Kageyama mumbled as he hurriedly picked up the hurt Hinata running in the opposite direction.

As Hinata was thrown over Kageyama's shoulder, Kageyama's hand was placed on his lower back. Hinata was panicking about his hand going any lower. 'Oh god oh god oh god. Why do I think like this?' The thought kept repeating until Kageyama opened a shed door and shoved both of them inside.

"What the hell was that?" Kageyama growled. Hinata was pushed up against one wall of the very very stuffed closet. "I think I sprained my ankle" Hinata huffed with one leg up lifted up.

"Yeah I figured that much. We need to leave before we get caught, I have some wrap in my backpack, so when we get out of here you can use that for your ankle" Kageyama whispered.

It went silent. Kageyama took in the position they were in now. His arm resting against the wall behind Hinata. He glanced down and made eye contact with the smaller boy.

Feeling nervous he looked away quickly. A few moments pass and Kageyama starts smelling something really sweet. His gaze went back to Hinata who had a flustered expression on his face. The scent grew, Kageyama's mind started to go hazy.

A low groanish growl escaped from his throat. Hinata glanced up and Kageyama's eyes were locked with his. An eminent blush scattered on his face. 'What's wrong with him?' Hinata thought just before he was pulled in by his shirt, released a second after.

"What are you doing Kageyama?" Hinata questioned, but didn't receive a answer as Kageyama slid his backpack off and turned his attention back to him. Pulling him in again, Kageyama breathed in the delicious scent coming from the smaller boy.

"W-what is it? Do I smell or something?" Hinata questions, being turned on by his manners. 'What are you thinking stupid?' Hinata shook his head to rid the thoughts, but they became intrusive.

"Why do you smell really good?" Kageyama spoke in an almost rhetorical way. Hinata had no time to react before he was being turned around, his hands pushed against the wall. "Kags?''was what he made out before Kageyama brought his lips to Hinata's neck.

Licking a certain spot on the nape of his neck, Kageyama started leaving a purple mark in the place. The air in the cramped shed became tense and heated.

Hinata let out soft exhales and gasp as he continued to leave a mark. 'W-what is he doing? Is he possessed or something? Well it does feel..kinda good.' Hinata thought.

Kageyama pulled away, saliva left on Hinata's neck. Looking at the spot, he thought he was crazy for doing this. His body couldn't stop itself as his head bent down again biting now.

A moan was released from Hinata as he did so. Bent over the smaller boy he disconnected his lips from his neck and turned Hinata's neck to face him. Bringing him in a lustful kiss.

Hinata completely forgot about his sprained ankle and where he was as the kiss deepened, Hinata's body turned towards Kageyama, both chest pressed up together. Kageyama's hand resting on one of his hips, the other pressed up against the wall behind them, his body pressed into Hinatas'.

Hinata's hands found their way to Kageyama's neck, wrapping around and pulling him closer. Hinata sighed softly as he was losing air.

Pulling away he took in a shaky breath. His eyes still closed he felt kisses being peppered all over his face. He smiled at the taller boy's action. 'That's so sweet' he felt his heart melt.

Opening his eyes his gaze was met with Kageyamas. A silence was shared. "Why did you do that?" Hinata gained the confidence to ask.

"I don't know. I guess I started smelling something and then..I don't know" the answer was vague, but it did sum up what happened. " I think we need to go home and try again tomorrow, since my ankle is messed up" Hinata threw him a smile as he stumbled to open the door.

Kageyama just groaned letting him lean on him as the made their way to the gate again, this time finding another exit.

And end~

A/N~ So ya here it is Kageyama x Hinata. I had the idea of Kageyama being possessed by a werewolf spirit thing, so I think I'll make a part 2 of this as well xD. I don't know who I'm doing next so a surprise! Anyways I love you and make sure to stay healthy. Drink some water and eat some food <33 love you

1185 words

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