My DNF story

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Hello my geeks and peeps!! I've been trying to write multiple chapters on a daily and have a new schedule for both my story's instead of random updates!! Here's the layout...

Write Assassination Sundays
Write AnimeOneshots Mondays
Update Assassination Tuesdays
Update AnimeOneshots Wednesdays
Write Assassination Thursdays
Write AnimeOneshots Fridays
Update Assassination Saturdays
Update AnimeOneshots Sundays

Assassination is the name of my DNF story( shameless plug).. anyways, yes so you'll have a story out tomorrow as I've been writing and writing since my last update T~T.. please vote...!

This is also a vent chapter!!

Here's how my life is currently going feel free to share thoughts of your own in the comments and in my dm, I don't mind if you wanna be friends or just vent buddies..TW's maybe

So I have a lot of animals,, like a lot. People always criticize my want for more pets and what not, but they really do keep me going, and it's not like I abuse them I don't I do all my research and don't listen to big chain companies *cough cough petsmart and Petco. I have many reptiles and other such as amphibians and fuzzy little animals as well.

Having something to care for makes me feel wanted, as nobody talks to me unless I say something having them to depend on me to love and cherish them is my way of living. I need to be here for them, I can't give up and get into depressed moods( I did a lot before my animals) and sleep all day long.

I have to get up for my diurnal snakes and amphibians and my nocturnal and so on so forth. I have a reason to get up and start my day. I truly do cherish and care for them each, and have the money to take them to the vet at just a scratch in case.

But today was a good day and so was yesterday!! I got a new pet (I won't say what in case one of my friends read this :D) they are lovely and eat everything and everything. I've been writing and drawing and in a good mood overall jamming out of music in my room with all of said pets!

ANYWAYS, enough about me how about you all!! I know not many of you are here yet but for the other depressed mentally ill kids.. how are you truly? How has life been treating you and do you want to get anything off your chest and mind?

Believe me when I say I love you and I'm soooooo proud of you, just for getting up. Go take a shower when you can, drink some water pleaseeee, and eat something.. nothing comes from not eat and drink trust me it sucks bad. Brush your teeth (in case you haven't) be good to yourself. You're worth more than you can imagine. Do what you want and live. I know it sounds cheesy, but do it live a little break the rules skip school whatever that makes you feel nice draw or spray paint!

Eat or something or even just relax. Have a nice relaxing bath or jam out to music in your room. Clean up. Well that's my motivational statement out of the way..I love you be good to yourself.

-Cain <3

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