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A/N~ This is a mix of a song and also a thing I saw on TikTok I'm sorry it might be bad T~T

825 words

"Kenma?" Hinata spoke into the darkness, the illuminance from Kenma's gaming system not giving him enough info to decide whether he was up or not.

"Yeah?" Kenma spoke his voice groggy. Wiping his eyes he rolled over to look at Hinata from the edge of the bed. "Do...do you like Kuroo? Sorry if that was invasive, but he seems to like you and from my experience from Kage-" Kenma interrupted his word vomit, "..yes I do".

A silence flew between the two for a moment before Hinata's next question popped up. "Well, why don't you ask him out?" Kenma froze for a split second. "Do you really wanna know?" Hinata shook his head forgetting it was dark, but Kenma could hear the shuffling of his head against the pillow.

"Well..." he started flopping back against his bed thinking. "I don't think I ever will, because Kuroo is straight well I think he is anyways. And I don't think I'm mentally stable enough to be in a relationship" Hinata listened thoughtfully.

"Wanna talk about it" Kenma breathed in deciding if he should since this would be a good chance to get some things off his chest. But what if Hinata freaks out and worries about him? No Hinata would be worried, but understand! He decided he could talk about some things he'd been dealing with.

"I kinda do actually... I'm well I've been thinking about my weight recently and sometimes I look at myself and..." Kenma could already feel tears swelling up in his eyes, but pushed on nonetheless.

"Well I only see fat. Not that having fat is a bad thing, but on me, I-I don't know. I've stopped eating and would only take in water for days to try and lose weight, but I come back to the mirror and it's still the same. I feel like I don't fit in my body. And not to mention I'm short" he groaned, his voice breaking every other word.

"Sometimes I look in the mirror and I'm too little, my ribs are showing and I don't even have the energy to play volleyball. I can't keep up with others either-even if I tried. How could Kuroo like that?" Kenma questioned out loud not really to Hinata.

"Kuroo likes girls and not to mention he doesn't even know I like men. Sometimes I wish I could be a girl, not because I feel out of place in my body or feel as though I should be been born a girl, but so he'd notice me. So is have a realistic chance, but that seems kinda selfish doesn't it..." Hinata listened with a sad heart, had his friend really been feeling this bad?

"I don't think anybody could love someone as fucked up as me" Kenma rarely cussed and the fact he did scared Hinata. "I think I- no I definitely love Kuroo. I love the way his smile lights up any room he walks in. How gentle his touch is. The way after a practice or game we spend the night with each other he'd give me a message and buy me snacks. How he can boost up the parts I see as flaws. Everything about him I adore" Kenma wiped the salty tears flooding from the corners of his eyes.

"But I'm not really pretty enough to love back. Not smart or tough enough. I can't even handle my eating habits without him. Pretty pathetic" Kenma tsked. Hinata stood up and sat on his bed a gentle smile drew across his face.

Kenma sat up and faltered into the warm embrace Hinata gave him. Hinata gently rubbed his back. "It's okay, you can talk to me if you ever need to" Hinata reassured him.

Kenma let sobs rack his body, letting himself succumb to the warmth Hinata gave him. Thoughts of Kuroo and his own issues flooded his mind repeating over and over again like a Carousel or broken record.

Had he really been thinking like that? He had brought up the times when he felt like absolute shit, but had he really thought that harshly? He was thankful he had Hinata to talk to.

After his fit he yawned and laid back letting a sodden Hinata return to his bed. "Same to you Hinata. If you ever need to talk I'm here" Hinata yawned and gave him his thanks and bid him goodnight.

And end~

A/N~ I have no clue what this is to be honest just got inspo and wanted to write it xD and ways off I was listening to the song I/Me/Myself and fun fact my favorite animals are goats! In love you and stay healthy!

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825 word

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