Happy birthday💵⭕️

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"Leorio what did you get Kurapika for his birthday?" Gon questioned jumping up and grabbing a horribly wrapped box from atop the cabinets.

"Birthday? What it's his birthday?!" Leorio jumped up from his spot on his couch his hands going to his head. How could he not remember his best friend's birthday?

Wait a minute...did Kurapika even tell him his birthday? Leorio ran to Gon grabbing his shoulders. "How did you know it was his birthday?" Gon smiled nervously at the demanding question.

"Killua asked him last year on his birthday" Leorio dropped the boy and bolted for the door his kind racing at the preparations he needed to make., but alas the small blonde was at the door his hand reaching out for the doorknob.

Leorio slammed the door on his face purely by accident, his back facing the door homing it shut scared of what might happen to him when he opened the door again.

"Gon keep him out of the house!" he mouthed and earned a nod in response along with two thumbs up. He slowly turned around and opened the door to see the small man with his arms crossed, foot tapping.

"Why did you do that Leorio?" he questioned but moved past him without waiting for an answer.

"Because Sunshine I got blinded from your uh beautiful face! Scared me for a minute" Leorio internally facepalmed at his words, but it was good enough for the time being.

Kurapika shook his head tired of the glory natured man, but a smile was dancing on his lips as he sat down groceries.

Gon was right at his side, already beginning his mission. "Hey, Kurapika wanna come with me to get Killua?" Gon pleaded with puppy dog eyes and with a sigh Kurapika agreed.

Leorio said his goodbye and bolted put the door, hopped in his car and was at the store. Walking down every aisle that had party things, he threw in streamers, party hats, paper plates and plastic cups.

He really got a whole party starter kit. As he was heading to the front of the store he got a blue and red cake and got the baker to write on it in gold, "happy birthday sunshine".

Grabbing chips, sodas, everything really for a table full of snacks, he began going to the checkout. Checking out he got a few birthday balloons and started calling a pizzeria, placing an order for 3 pizzas all of different toppings.

Heading home he texted Gon, telling him that all he needed to do was set up everything. He grabbed everything in his car and without leaving anything behind brought everything inside.

He shuffled through the bags and began setting everything up. Everything had a theme, consisting of blue, red, and gold. He smiled and hummed as he set things up, but as the pizza came and he sat up the boxes he realized a very important thing.

He forgot to get him a present. He fell on the couch with an angered huff. How could he forget the most important part? A sudden alert from his phone made him stand up.

The text read, "Were here". He widened his eyes and hurried to grab a party hat, and a party popper. As the three boys walked through the door he popped the popper and screamed happy birthday.

Kurapika gasped but the startling moment passed and a gentle grin found it's way across his lips. He looked around at the decorated house his hand going across his heart.

"Thank you Leorio, but you didn't have to do this" Kurapika sighed shaking his head. "This is nothing Pika, boys I also ordered pizza!" Gon and Killua fist-bumped behind Kurapika and rushed to the kitchen.

"Seriously thank you" Leorio smiled, but still felt bad about not getting him a present. "Well, I'm sorry I didn't get you a present. Also, I didn't even know it was your birthday" Leorio admitted.

"It's fine" Kurapika shrugged. Leorio guided him to the kitchen and they all sat down. Gon and Killua handed him their presents, Killua's of which was even worse than Gon's somehow.

Leorio put the candle on the cake and lit them up, along with turning the lights off. All began to sing in unison. "Happy birthday to you, Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday dear Kurapika, Happy birthday to you!" Gon did add a little cha cha cha at the end though.

Kurapika blew out the candles with his eyes closed for a split second. "What did you wish for?" Leorio questioned. "I tell you can you make it come true?" Kurapika chuckled.

Leorio gulped and hoped it wasn't expensive, but wanted to see if he could make up for the missing present. "Yes?" he nodded.

"I wished for many more birthdays like this" Kurapika mumbled suddenly feeling a little shy at the wish. "Of course, I can make that happen!" Leorio bent down and wrapped his arms around the man, followed by Killua and Gon.

"Open your presents!" Leorio chuckled flipping on the lights. Kurapika tore open the presents and Leorio watched in delight, the childlike wonder something to the remember.

Gon's present was homemade bracelets and Killua's was just a gift card and a birthday card that had old man written on it. When Kurapika opened it he could hear Killua giggling.

"Thank you guys" Kurapika smiled and sat his gifts down. "Cake anyone?" Leorio opened his arms with a large grin on his face. "Me!" they all cheered.

And end~

A/N~ Sorry this sucks I forgot about his birthday T_T. Anyways hope you liked it and I want listening to anything and fun fact, one of my fav movies is the princess bride! I love you and stay healthy.

969 words

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