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1436 words

Kageyama's POV

The power went out, the heat wasn't working, and it's the middle of the night and we're alone. What a great way to spend Christmas Eve.

"Kageyamaaa, it's cold" I was starting to get irritated at his complaining, but he was right it was freezing. Hell it was winter and snowing outside, so I understand where he's coming from.

"I know that dumbass,..how many covers and blankets do you have?" If we didn't have any heat we could just bundle up instead. "Oh Oh I have a lot, come with me to grab them!" I stood up off his bed and followed him to a closet in the hallway.

When he opened it a mountain of blankets and pillows flooded out of it. "I guess you weren't lying when you said you had a lot. Well we can just bundle underneath these I guess" I explain the plan in the dark and I can just barely see him nodding.

We started grabbing all the blankets and taking them back to his room. It was about 6 blankets and we had also taken 4 extra pillows just because. Throwing them on the bed, I could barely feel my nose.

Raising my hand to my ears as well, they were frosty as well. "Alright, bakayama since you're bigger than I am, you can throw the blankets out on me and get in after" he didn't even give me a chance to retort before jumping on his bed and pushing the blankets away.

"Why do you get to lay down while I do the work? I'm cold too!" I yell at him. He crawls over to me. "Hmmm, I don't think you're as cold as I am", he raised his hands up and cupped my face, "yup not as cold as I am, so get to it" he laughed before falling back.

"Why you.." I just sighed and gave up. He wasn't going to help no matter how much I yelled at him. I just threw the blankets up and laid them out as flat as I could. After my arms were exhausted, I felt rigid from the cold, but went over to the front of the bed and pulled back the heavy amount of blankets and laid down.

"Thanks bakayama" that little twerp. "Whatever dumbass" I growled. "It's still coldddddd" he exclaimed and again he was right, but he didn't need to be so annoying. "I'm right here, I can feel the same thing your feelings" I muttered. "Well, I'm going to look up how to get warmer" I could almost see him sticking his tongue out at me.

"Do whatever you want, don't bother me" I just wanted to sleep, hopefully the heat will come on during the night. "Oh look, sharing body heat!" He shows me his phone screen, the screen light blinding me. "What are you going on about?" I closed my eyes, I swear I'm about to hit him.

"Look if we stay close together we can warm up" he explained it to me, Its not that I didn't want to be any more closer to him than I was already, but wouldn't it be awkward for him. "No" I told him simply, but he persisted.

"Kageyama I wanna be warm, it's freezing here. Don't you wanna be warm?" It was a good argument, I was going to get hypothermia if I stayed like this any longer, but wouldn't it be weird after?

"Pleaseee, just until the power comes back on!" I groaned, but gave in. "Fine fine stop being an idiot. How do you expect to be closer than we already are? Hm?" I opened my eyes and stared at him, the only way I was able to see his face was from his phone brightness.

"Come closer to me, like hug me I guess?" Hug him? I didn't- well..okay fine I guess it wouldn't hurt to try. I scooted closer to him and his arms went around my torso, he was freezing cold so maybe he was colder than I was.

I hesitated before putting an arm over his waist, "Your warm Kags" was I? I sure didn't feel warm to me. He nestled close to me and I swear my heart skipped a beat. My face started to feel warmer as his grip around me tightened, my heart beat was sure to be loud enough for him to hear.

Nervous. I felt almost nervous, but in a good way? The pace of my beating heart felt like an adrenaline rush, my body temperature felt like it was rising. "Feeling any warmer" I feel him shift his head to look up at me. "Not quite" a hint of challenge rolling off his tongue as he spoke.

"Oh really?" I shift my hands up and pull his body even closer. "Now?" I question almost finding myself wanting his answer to be no. "Hm a little bit, but not as warm as I would want to be" I move my hands again, this time underneath his hoodie. He gasps as I do so, but I pay no attention to it as my hand crawls up his back rubbing up and down.

"Is my hand warm enough?" I dare him to say no. "Not really, I'm warming up a little though" I push this a little further by rolling on top of him, both my hands still in his hoodie now staying put at his hips.

My head in the crest of his neck I can't help but whisper, "Is this warm enough for you" I can feel a slight shudder underneath me, "not even close" he whispered back. I don't want to mess this up, but was it okay to..kiss him? I wanted to after getting this far, but would he be okay with it?

I'm yanked from my thoughts when a hand meets my face, "You're not going to keep your warmth to yourself are you?" I went ahead and threw out any resolve that I had and leaned in and kissed him.

I never thought I'd be kissing him, I never thought I'd feel this warm and bubbly inside when I did, I never thought I'd like it and want more.

His hand that was on my face slid down to my neck, pulling me closer. Our lips almost fought against each other for dominance, which Hinata soon dropped when my hands went lower. A moan was milked out of him as the kiss grew rougher.

I pulled away from his lips and rested my head against his forehead. I could feel his best heavily rising up and down from lack of oxygen, but I didn't give him much time to recover before moving my head down to his neck.

Moving my mouth around his neck, sucking, biting, licking. Just testing the waters and his reactions. He let out airy moans as I continued lower towards his collarbone. I didn't ignore the loud whiny moan when I nipped around the area.

"Huff..Tobio, mhm" I stopped when he moaned my name, it caught me by surprise, but I wanted to hear more. Holding his face with one hand, I brought him into a much aggressive kiss.

Biting down on his bottom lip he gasped and opened his mouth enough for me to slip in my tongue, our saliva mixing together. His hands tugged on my hair rough enough to earn a gasp from me.

I let my hands roam his body as the kiss deepened and I pulled breathless moans from him. I could get used to this feeling, being over him and dragging out moans from him. Knowing he got pleasure from this, it felt powerful. He made me feel this way.

I pulled away again, the heat of all the covers and our actions made me start sweating. "I think I'm starting to get warm" he giggled and I couldn't help but chuckle at him.

And end~

A/N~ And another chapter finished. I've had this idea in my idea notes for awhile now actually and not to satisfied with it but it'll do! I may go back and rewrite some of my chapters when I'm in a writing mood! Anyways I love you good morning or night, get something to drink and eat something. OH. Also I think I'm going to start adding the songs I listened to at the end of the chapters, I listened to My Axe by ICP tbh I love this band and was wanting to go to there concert but it sold out!

1437 words

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