Song Bird🏐🚬

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A/N~Vote??? Please...

810 words

Rustless, Takeda tossed and turned in his bed. His nightmare grew more and more terrible as he dreamt. Some dream about spiders and nasty ghouls and demons, while others dream about going to school naked or forgetting about an assignment, but Takeda was dreaming of losing his lover.

No matter how much Takeda tried, no matter how fast he ran or how loud he screamed out for him to turn around and explain why he was leaving...he never did. He never looked back and so Takeda was left with only his backside to look at.

Maybe this kind of nightmare formed from childhood, maybe attachment trauma or abandonment issues, really he couldn't remember the full dream by the time he was going to head the next day. Only the lingering exhaustion and dread followed him as he woke up.

Ukai had gotten used to these night terrors and learned Takeda was better off when he left it to resolve by itself instead of opening the wound for the next night by waking him up, but when Takeda woke up he was by his side cooeing him and reassuring him he was okay.

Normally a small talk about what the dream was about and more reassurance followed and that was that, but tonight seemed even more troubling than normal. Ukai rolled over to face the kicking and whining Takeda.

The distress on his face panged Ukai's heart with sadness. Knowing he can't help him crushed him, but he'd wait until Takeda would wake up to comfort him. Sure enough, he jolted up tears rolling down his face, sweat forming on his forehead.

"K-Keishin?" he looked around before grabbing ahold of the tired man. "Hey heyy it's alright" Ukai muttered softly. He could already feel the wetness on his shirt from the new tears. "S-sorry" Takeda's voice trembled and cracked from lack of usage.

"You're fine. It's fine" Ukai continued to soothe him, grabbing him by the waist to hoist him on top of him. Takeda's head rested on his bare chest while Ukai rubbed a comforting hand on his back, drawing big circles.

"Want to talk about it?" Ukai questioned temporarily pausing his rubbing. "Um yeah. Well, you were uh well I guess leaving me. No explanation, just walking away without talking or looking at me" Takeda explained heavily, big pauses between his words.

Ukai nodded sliding his hand up and down his back. "I'll never leave you, and if you ever need to be reassured of that just tell me" Ukai cupped his face. Takeda sniffled, a big grin playing at his lips as Ukai gently pressed his lips against his forehead. Littering them all over his face, pecking him with overly exaggerated pouted lips.

Takeda giggled but was interrupted with a big yawn. He rested his head back down and sat back in the comfort of his back being rubbed and the steady consistent heartbeat from Ukai. "I love you" he mumbled tiredly, but as his eyes grew heavy the rumble from Ukai's chest caused him to look up.

He listened intently at the soft and gentle hum that sounded from his throat. In a relaxing manner, it seemed as Ukai's eyes were closed and his hand stopped moving. "What are you humming to?" Takeda questioned and could feel Ukai flinched underneath him.

He chuckled embarrassedly a slight blush dusting his face. "Um I don't know I heard it on TikTok, but it's been in my head all day" he whispered. "Sing it?" Takeda closed his eyes already knowing the demand would be met with a satisfying answer.

Ukai coughed clearing his gruff throat. "I'm in love..." Takeda sighed with contentment, nuzzling his head into his chest and arms wrapped around him. "With someone..." he felt his eyelids grow heavy as he began to drift back into slumber.

"Who's in love with someone," Takeda thought this song was perfect for Ukai's voice. Deep and strong yet silky sweet, to the ear a sensation of honey dripping smoothly is the only way Takeda could describe his voice.

"And that someone is finally me" Ukai settled into their bed, pulling the covers over them loosely humming tiredly before sleep finally drew him in with warmth.

And end~

A/N~ I loved this song when I first heard it and still do. I've had this idea for well forever! I always sit down to write it, but get distracted or unmotivated or forget what song I was going to make him sing. Can you guess what I was listing to? xD and fun fact my favorite board game is..drum roll pleaseeee...dodododo...monopoly. Yup I win every time I don't even know how, so yup fav game. I love you and stay healthy!

810 words

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